ECT The Cross Has Made You Flawless


Well-known member
re Abraham. As in all cases, faith is only as good as the object it is placed in. He saw Christ's day and rejoiced.

re Gal 2:20. That 'pistis' was the work of Christ. Sometimes 'pistis' means reliability, accomplishment, dependability and in this Gal 2:20 case it is Christ's possessively. It's the perfect spot to place it, because Paul needed to get their minds off of circ vs uncirc. No better way to do it than to say it is the accomplishment of Christ that we base ourselves upon. That cures sectarian strife just like that. And Paul does "live" because of that. He dies trying to please either the circs or the uncircs as such.


Well-known member
Faith is not a "work" that we take credit for. Faith is often miserable. "I believe; help me in my unbelief." Instead, the "work of God is to believe on Him whom He sent." Jn 7.

We are saved by works. Not ours, but Christs.


Well-known member
All that from you which only points up your lack of ability to explain it.

I leave you with your ineptitude.

It's right from BAG, the standard lexicon of most NT Greek students for the past generation. 'pistis' is sometimes a quality of being loyal, consistent; to complete a complicated task. Paul was referring to Christ.


New member
So then, by what testimony to persuade men to Christ should the Christian use if not the life of Christ within him? And if he does not pursue God to know Him then is it not by his own flesh he makes the effort, if he even makes it all?

It's The Holy Spirit that converts not you or I. As for our testimony read#12 .

patrick jane

in God's Eyes we are perfect, flawless, sinless. because of Christ Jesus the Son Of God who died on the Cross for all sin. God will not be in the presence of evil. that's all the earth. Jesus Christ is our mediator and will judge us all according to God's Will. Father Son Holy Ghost - Amen


Well-known member
The second one matters, not to God because of the imputed righteousness of Christ but because of our Christian testimony before man. As Paul says, we are living epistles known and read of all men. You could say that some will never read the gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. The only gospel they will ever read is the gospel according to you!

Pete 👤

Of course, but one of the important demonstrations of a Christian's life is not perfection but rather that there is forgiveness and that there is a solution to the debt of sin. A christian therefore has a 'lightness of being.' His yoke is easy and his burden is light. He treats others the same way, too. Not like the unforgiving manager of Mt 18.


New member
Of course, but one of the important demonstrations of a Christian's life is not perfection but rather that there is forgiveness and that there is a solution to the debt of sin. A christian therefore has a 'lightness of being.' His yoke is easy and his burden is light. He treats others the same way, too. Not like the unforgiving manager of Mt 18.

Ok. I think I said the same thing though. 😉

Cross Reference

New member
in God's Eyes we are perfect, flawless, sinless. because of Christ Jesus the Son Of God who died on the Cross for all sin. God will not be in the presence of evil. that's all the earth. Jesus Christ is our mediator and will judge us all according to God's Will. Father Son Holy Ghost - Amen

So then, if we are to be judged, please explain how it is you see us a flawless? What was it Jesus actually did if we are still to be judged?

What did He do while on earth that explains that it was for us to emulate and that if we allow ourselves to profit from it, in judgment we will be found blameless?


Well-known member
Even those to whom the book of Hebrews was addressed were also flawless:

"By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all...For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified" (Heb.10,14).​

These members of the Body of Christ as well all the other members have been "perfected forever" by the blood of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ.

If they are indeed perfected forever why are they chastised by painful discipline to bring every, EVERY, legitimate son to righteousness by that training ??? just 2 chapters later: Heb 12:5-12???

Something about the theology of "perfected forever" must be redefined to not contradict the theology of sanctification by suffering. If we have no need for that training it is useless suffering, that is gratuitous torture. We are not chastised for our righteous decisions are we? Therefore that every legitimate son of GOD is chastised must mean they all are making bad or sinful decisions and the chastisement is designed to make them choose to quit sinning and to always choose righteousness.


Well-known member
the Hebrews usage of "perfected" is in a Levitical sense; it means to be justified from one's sins. It does not mean perfect performance, which is plain from all the contexts of Hebrews.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
We are saved by works. Not ours, but Christs.

Of course. But that isn't what the Lord Jesus Christ said to Israel. He said the Pharisee sits in the seat of Moses, therefore do and observe what they say to do and observe. He said to enter into life, keep the commandments. His earth brother James said Abraham was justified by offering up his son Isaac. Do you disagree with them?


New member
Hall of Fame

Sing it from the rooftops!!!!!!!!!



Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
in God's Eyes we are perfect, flawless, sinless. because of Christ Jesus the Son Of God who died on the Cross for all sin. God will not be in the presence of evil. that's all the earth. Jesus Christ is our mediator and will judge us all according to God's Will. Father Son Holy Ghost - Amen

Well done. :up:


Well-known member
Of course. But that isn't what the Lord Jesus Christ said to Israel. He said the Pharisee sits in the seat of Moses, therefore do and observe what they say to do and observe. He said to enter into life, keep the commandments. His earth brother James said Abraham was justified by offering up his son Isaac. Do you disagree with them?

The purpose of our works is not to be justified but because we have been justified by Christ's and want to honor him.


Well-known member
Sinless in the sight of God but not flawless in the sight of man.

Ha, even Jesus wasn't flawless in the sight of man.

Luke 5:21 And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?​

patrick jane

So then, if we are to be judged, please explain how it is you see us a flawless? What was it Jesus actually did if we are still to be judged?

What did He do while on earth that explains that it was for us to emulate and that if we allow ourselves to profit from it, in judgment we will be found blameless?

i stressed a few words in your original post

A) it doesn't matter how I see anything it's God that sees us flawless because of Jesus Christ. you know this stuff, c'mon -

2) What did He DO ? wwwwhhhhhaaaaaaaatt -
and C) see 1) above


8 ball - ask me later -