Never underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things upmandates have curbed almost everything except wuflu cases .
We are currently working on a construction project for a pharmaceutical company tied to the Phizer company in Sanford in the same business park where Pfizer is also operating a major manufacturing Inc partnered with a Chinese Communist Party payment platform which has been used to implement “vaccine passports” in China since the outbreak of COVID-19. The company said it was “proud to stand with China leaders.”
And it only took him a year, and over 400,000 deaths to get around to case you thought this might be ending soon
Biden signs $137 million deal with German pharmaceutical company for COVID test strip factory that will take THREE YEARS to build and will start producing 83.3 million tests a month in late 2024 at the earliest
Biden's $137M deal for COVID test factory will be done in THREE YEARS
'Construction is expected to begin the second half of 2022,' a MilliporeSigma spokesperson told 'We estimate that the facility will be capable... in the latter part of 2024.'
record time