well,I would not let it get under my skin,if I did/do it would only hinder the discussion(neither would be able to get their point across),so i try to avoid it.
The part I'm bringing up about Peter is that he (ALSO) was shown the same (in or around the same time). That is if we lay out a time line graph(or something) we should see it actually belongs in this thread,,,
Pontius palate served as perfect from ad26-36
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontius_Pilate .
Herod Agrippa died in ad44
Now so as we know from scripture Christ was crucified when/while Pontius Palate was Perfect,most agree on about ad33-34. and we know that Herod mentioned in (Acts 12;23) died in ad44.
So then from the crucifiction(end of the Gospels) and up to (Acts 1;6) where they ask Jesus "will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel" (notice they do not know). Then Jesus answers in Acts 1;7-8. So then Jesus was taken up(acts 1;9),,then they obeyed and tarried as he told them and the events of acts 2 took place(but in what year)?
So Peter said what he said in acts 2 and as time went on(we can follow Acts/2nd letter to Theophilus for this timeline) they preached and taught exactly what they were given up to chapters 9,10,11,and onward.
So if Peter states his own self "then I remembered"(Acts 11;16),and we see the example in scripture (Acts 10;10-17) of Peter "now while doubted in himself what this..." it is clear that from the cross(ad33-34) until the events of Acts chapter 10,11 "THERE IS ABOUT A TEN YEAR PERIOD OF TIME".
So if Peter did not yet fall into this trance(Acts 10;10) for "10 years after the cross" then,,,,,"THERE IS A 10 YEAR PERIOD BETWEEN THE CROSS/ACTS 2 AND WHAT THEY WERE SHOWN/TAUGHT IN ACTS 10"(in emphasis not shouting,lol).
Acts 2(shortly after)
events of Acts 10-11 around ad44
derth(drought) in the days of Claudius Caesar around the same ad44(Acts 11;27-30)
Then it is apparent that what was shown to Peter in about ad44(ten years after Acts 2) and what was shown to Saul/Paul was in or around ad44 and up until this time Peter,Paul ect. had not been shown this yet.
Now as we know Paul stated that he received this by Revelation(Galatians 1;12),,,but did Peter receive this from a man or was taught it or did he also receive it by Revelation(Acts 10;10-16)?