ECT The core of the argument between Christians and MAD.

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TOL Subscriber
i think we all know what Paul was before God Chose him for the dispensation.

Well, despite your earlier professions of ignorance, innocence, and neutrality . . by such language used above, you clearly reveal your true profession of being a Dispensationalist.

On to ya', then, so are you going to begin defending the radical MADists, now?

Was that your original intention, from your beginning of joining TOL?


I will be watching you . . .

patrick jane

"Paul's my gospel" is as grammatically incorrect as it gets.

not at all. i find it astonishing that this boils down to arguing particular "words" to determine entire translations and meanings/purposes. DISPENSATION is simply - conveying/distributing/delivering/communicating - (off the top of my head, no dictionary)

GOSPEL Is ANY GOOD NEWS Believed to be TRUTH. (my definition again) - maybe VOCABULARY is the Real issue. Hence, it IS Paul's Gospel, as it was GIVEN to him. the FIRST to receive this Gospel. actually a thesaurus may help some anti-Paul/anti-Christ proponents - :patrol:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"Paul's my Gospel" is grammatically incorrect.

No matter how hard you try to make the subject about me, the phrase "Paul's my gospel" is still grammatically incorrect.

Nope-the bible is correct, bible corrector-you are wrong. How long have you been in your bible correcting,Preterist cult, sweetie? Is that why you are unemployed, like Brian Williams? I see you also have a "man crush" on him.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"Paul's my Gospel" is grammatically incorrect.

No matter how hard you try to make the subject about me, the phrase "Paul's my gospel" is still grammatically incorrect.

“I find it funny how you dispies obsess with the spelling and grammer errors of people who don't agree with your dispensationalism.Whether it's the improper use of "who vs. whom", or a misspelled word, you guys somehow think that if you obsess with the error it means your opponent isn't as smart as you, and therefore you win the debate……I rarely correct or point out someone's grammer and/or spelling.”-stupid Tet.

Crying, lying, fat Craigie....One of the clowns of TOL.

Pay attention to your family, for a change, Craigie, instead of spending half your waking hours on TOL.

Am I clear? You need an authority figure in your miserable life, since the bible, by your own admission, is not your authority.

"with the spelling and grammer errors"-Craigie


"The Greek...modern versions..."-poser Craigie

The punk cannot even spell "simple" English, and he is going weigh in on "the Greek," or "proper grammar"/"grammatically incorrect?"

Flap them big clown shoes, Craigie the Clown...


Well-known member
Do you know Brother Nathaniel?


I do not know him...

He looks a little wild...


patrick jane

Well, despite your earlier professions of ignorance, innocence, and neutrality . . by such language used above, you clearly reveal your true profession of being a Dispensationalist.

On to ya', then, so are you going to begin defending the radical MADists, now?

Was that your original intention, from your beginning of joining TOL?


I will be watching you . . .

you look great tonight, here's lookin' at you. thanks for labeling me "radical" - my previous "ignorance" (your word) was tempered with baby talk from a tiny a band of deceivers. sorry it took a minute to see. i do other things in life. this is not a mission of mine, but if i can help bring clarity to feeble minds. your fatuity knows no bounds ? - :patrol:


TOL Subscriber
"Paul's my Gospel" is grammatically incorrect.

No matter how hard you try to make the subject about me, the phrase "Paul's my gospel" is still grammatically incorrect.

It is also terribly and theologically incorrect, for it is founded not only upon a violation of proper grammar, language and context thereof, denying logical and scriptural reason; but it is total denial of the historical Christian confession of faith adhered to by all the N.T. saints of the visible churches of God.

MADists have invented something new, that has never been held by any of the church fathers, the Christian churches, or any biblical believers since Christ proclaimed His Gospel of Grace.

Dispensationalism, and especially MAD Dispensationalism is a delusion sent by God, upon those who have have no love for the Truth.

II Thessalonians 2:9-12


TOL Subscriber
you look great tonight, here's lookin' at you. thanks for labeling me "radical" - my previous "ignorance" (your word) was tempered with baby talk from a tiny a band of deceivers. sorry it took a minute to see. i do other things in life. this is not a mission of mine, but if i can help bring clarity to feeble minds. your fatuity knows no bounds ? - :patrol:

You are a plant . . . a phony . . purposed to deceive, if you can.

But you will not succeed, with me watching you . . .



Well-known member
II Corinthians 11:13-15 speaks of false teachers and devilish prophets who remain enslaved to Satan. Paul was not speaking of Satan himself.

But the power of Satan to deceive to sons of God is presently bound by the preaching of the Gospel of Grace and Truth.

Satan cannot deceive regenerated Christians. His power over them is broken.

My Dear, I am unaware of any Spiritual height from which one cannot fall in this life... Scripture records that the holy ones themselves are but barely saved... And Paul himself writes that we must persevere all the way to the end of our lives in the Faith, and then we SHALL be saved... Patriarchs, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Readers, all manner of the Faithful in all walks have fallen in the history of this great Faith...

Satan is indeed bound in Christ, but we have freedom to sin and depart from that Grace, as Paul also records, and should we do so, we will be fit only for burning... We must resist sin unto blood, as Christ says, and this means to our last breath...



TOL Subscriber
My Dear, I am unaware of any Spiritual height from which one cannot fall in this life... Scripture records that the holy ones themselves are but barely saved... And Paul himself writes that we must persevere all the way to the end of our lives in the Faith, and then we SHALL be saved... Patriarchs, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Readers, all manner of the Faithful in all walks have fallen in the history of this great Faith...

Satan is indeed bound in Christ, but we have freedom to sin and depart from that Grace, as Paul also records, and should we do so, we will be fit only for burning... We must resist sin unto blood, as Christ says, and this means to our last breath...


You are wrong about losing God's grace, so you fail to find total rest in Jesus Christ . . . but I love you and pray for you, and will forever continue to remind you that such spiritual rest is assuredly provided for those who are led to learn to totally trust in Jesus' works, rather than their own.


Well-known member
That's your best shot, Christ rejecting, flip the bird at the LORD God Clavinist child of the devil? An emotional spam? Weighty.
Funny-a witchiepoo, Nag like you, referring to others as losers? We can tell when you are online, as the stench of your Calvinist sulfur permeates TOL.
No, you vile fraud, I explained the verse, straight from the book, and you, because your final authority is your "Deformed" Statement of Faith, and not the bible, you craftily dismiss it, and don't get it, per that 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV problem of yours, "elect to hell" drone. Your father the devil taught you that, you old lady loser.

So there.

And did your husband "Jimmie," teach you that "Johnny" phrase, old Naggie? Cute.....You must lead him by the "apron strings," eh you vile witchiepoo? Yes.....

Anything else, "PigPen" Naggie? That is your new name, as that is your act on TOL, as you litter every thread, with your satanic Calvinist "doctrine."

You are pretty brave when facing your keyboard, John...
A genuine bully no less...
But your juvenile blusterings will not help you...

You have yet to establish ANY doctrine of Paul that contradicts ANY doctrine of Peter...

Until you do so, you are shooting blanks in your darkness...

And you CAN'T do so, CAN YOU???

All you can do is get REALLY REALLY MAD???

And this, mind you, when Paul your God actually TELLS YOU to SET ASIDE ALL ANGER...

You DO remember the passage, yes?

You forgot the one about blessing those who revile you, didn't you?

Are you gonna pull a Kerry and tell us all about how you served bravely under fire in Vietnam too?

You are a piece of work, you snarly little bitey Thaaang...

I hope you wiped up after yourself following your little explurgence of hatefulness you vomited forth above...



patrick jane

You are a plant . . . a phony . . purposed to deceive, if you can.

But you will not succeed, with me watching you . . .


that is a compliment, thank you. paranoia can be very distracting. i can give my cell phone #, or skype name. i am an individual with nothing to hide. ask me anything.

since i have no objective, i'm guaranteed to succeed. failure is not an option (possibility). i respond to recent posts almost exclusively, you can anlyze that however you choose. focus nang, you are "projecting" personal fears outwards = phony/deceit I Pray Silently For All Of Us

patrick jane

You are pretty brave when facing your keyboard, John...
A genuine bully no less...
But your juvenile blusterings will not help you...

You have yet to establish ANY doctrine of Paul that contradicts ANY doctrine of Peter...

Until you do so, you are shooting blanks in your darkness...

And you CAN'T do so, CAN YOU???

All you can do is get REALLY REALLY MAD???

And this, mind you, when Paul your God actually TELLS YOU to SET ASIDE ALL ANGER...

You DO remember the passage, yes?

You forgot the one about blessing those who revile you, didn't you?

Are you gonna pull a Kerry and tell us all about how you served bravely under fire in Vietnam too?

You are a piece of work, you snarly little bitey Thaaang...

I hope you wiped up after yourself following your little explurgence of hatefulness you vomited forth above...



You have yet to establish ANY doctrine of Paul that contradicts ANY doctrine of Peter...
The Bible Does


You are pretty brave when facing your keyboard, John...
A genuine bully no less...
But your juvenile blusterings will not help you...

You have yet to establish ANY doctrine of Paul that contradicts ANY doctrine of Peter...

Until you do so, you are shooting blanks in your darkness...

And you CAN'T do so, CAN YOU???

All you can do is get REALLY REALLY MAD???

And this, mind you, when Paul your God actually TELLS YOU to SET ASIDE ALL ANGER...

You DO remember the passage, yes?

You forgot the one about blessing those who revile you, didn't you?

Are you gonna pull a Kerry and tell us all about how you served bravely under fire in Vietnam too?

You are a piece of work, you snarly little bitey Thaaang...

I hope you wiped up after yourself following your little explurgence of hatefulness you vomited forth above...



Don't let little Johnny (Brian Williams) W get to you.

Johnny's Exhibit A for what happens to a MADist after years of trying to defend the false teachings of MAD.


Well-known member
You are wrong about losing God's grace, so you fail to find total rest in Jesus Christ . . . but I love you and pray for you, and will forever continue to remind you that such spiritual rest is assuredly provided for those who are led to learn to totally trust in Jesus' works, rather than their own.

I live there, Nang... And I know that I can walk away and forsake all... God is no respecter of persons... He is the Lover of mankind... I have simply seen too many fall...
And I am ever aware of my weaknesses...

"For I KNOW mine iniqities...
And my sin is ever before me..."
Ps 50/51

I love you too, and I love our snotty-snout little child here, John as well...

Thank you for your kindness... We do go back a ways...



TOL Subscriber
that is a compliment, thank you. paranoia can be very distracting. i can give my cell phone #, or skype name. i am an individual with nothing to hide. ask me anything.

since i have no objective, i'm guaranteed to succeed. failure is not an option (possibility). i respond to recent posts almost exclusively, you can anlyze that however you choose. focus nang, you are "projecting" personal fears outwards = phony/deceit I Pray Silently For All Of Us


I am elderly in years; long time saved; plus I have been hanging out at TOL for a long time . . so I have seen a lot and heard it all.

You are a plant of some kind. Time will tell which kind and from whom you issue forth.

patrick jane


I am elderly in years; long time saved; plus I have been hanging out at TOL for a long time . . so I have seen a lot and heard it all.

You are a plant of some kind. Time will tell which kind and from whom you issue forth.

thank you for you jaded elderly assessment. time has already told, in your case. if this is what you have been doing for "years", God help you. YOU ARE FIRMLY PLANTED and ISSUING FORTH. you have judged me and my motive, and in print no less. proclaiming my position and agenda while entrenched in yours. then you end with TIME. yes, time has a way of speaking, as do You - :patrol:


Well-known member
Don't let little Johnny (Brian Williams) W get to you.

Johnny's Exhibit A for what happens to a MADist after years of trying to defend the false teachings of MAD.

So the little deceiver has a NAME that is NOT what he POSTS under?

So it is Big Brave Brian the KeyBoard Bully???

You comment is kind of a Gollum indictment of him...

You get to a certain level of DEFORMITY...

And getting out of it is nigh unto not possible...

Potty-Mouth Brian Williams...

It does have a certain ring to it...

He does act like a narcisistically spoiled 13 year old...

I pray he is young...


patrick jane

So the little deceiver has a NAME that is NOT what he POSTS under?

So it is Big Brave Brian the KeyBoard Bully???

You comment is kind of a Gollum indictment of him...

You get to a certain level of DEFORMITY...

And getting out of it is nigh unto not possible...

Potty-Mouth Brian Williams...

It does have a certain ring to it...

He does act like a narcisistically spoiled 13 year old...

I pray he is young...


lol. i thought of using my own name here, but. stalkers and hateful angry folks abound. 48 Hours, Dateline, Identity theft etc. not using a real name means nothing here. i think most folks behave in response to the level of maturity the other is capable of - btw brian williams is a nbc news anchor - :patrol:


Well-known member
I do not see any denials of scripture in LA's statement.

But there is a long list of MADists denying scripture just this day:

STP believes he is sinless because he rose with Christ in Christ's bodily resurrection.

STP denies there is any Kingdom of God existent on this earth.

Heir denies that Christ reigns as King over His kingdom at this present time.

Heir denies that Satan's power was destroyed by Christ on the cross.

John W denies that Isaiah 53 taught anything about Messiah's death being sacrificial.

GM denies there is anything more to the Gospel message than I Corinthians :1-4.

But, I am sure you see nothing wrong with any of these errors, and you surely would not threaten your friends with hellfire, would you, if they be wrong?

This is the worst case of collective brainwashing I have ever witnessed, and I spent years in a Dispensational church which I considered then to be Hyper, but they knew their bibles a whole lot better than any of you MADs do.

They never denied Jesus sacrificially bore the sins of His people; they never denied His heavenly authority and Kingdom rule as King, they never denied grace was taught in the O.T.; they never taught a dualistic and equal power between God and Satan; they never denied they were sinners.

MAD has gone radical, and will continually find they must tweak scripture, just to keep from drowning in their own muck.

Just yesterday they denied the blood of the atonement of Christ on His cross; saying the Incarnation and Second Coming (visitations) are both "atonements."

On and on it goes . . from bad to worse . . . headed for self-destruction.

All due to terrible, illogical, unbiblical, poor and pitiful, self-serving and invented theological garbage . . .


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