the church


New member
I give the state religion invented by the Roman Empire 3-4 more generations until its demise.

It won't take that long. I believe that THIS generation will see the sinking of the great Harlot (Revelation 18:21).

Check out the sign of the return of Christ and how we can tell we are at the end of this age---Link removed
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New member
that is not true
-are you just repeating what they told you?

A generation ago the RCC took that position, of telling their parishioners to let the priest do the Bible reading. My Catholic father-in-law told me this. He said they were told that they couldn't understand it and the priest will tell them what it says. Ha ha.


born means to come out of
-you come out of your mother's body
-to be born again
-you must come out of your body
-that happens when you die
The regenerated egg comes first. If there is true regeneration then these elements of the --fruit of the Spirit-- will be more and more evident in that person’s life. But by contrast, those who are unbelievers, including those who are pretending to be believers but are not, will clearly lack of these character traits in their lives. Jesus told his disciples:

Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.*You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? So, every sound tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. A sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits. (Matt. 7:15–20)
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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Say, didn't eating fish on Friday go out with Saint Christopher? Suddenly it wasn't a sin anymore to eat meat on Friday, and....poor Christopher was demoted. I wonder what the explanation was for that.

Not sure why they would forbid to eat meat anyway, it's a doctrine of devils, per Paul. :chew:


New member
Won't both people claim, and believe themselves, to be right?

Does anyone have the authority to say who's right?

Only Jesus. And who is really following him? Who refuses to kill their enemy (Jesus said to love them)? Who teaches about his Kingdom as a real government (Matthew 24:14; Isaiah 9:6,7; Daniel 2:44)? Who doesn't get involved in politics, just like Jesus said he was no part of the world?

Rationalize all you want. If a religion goes against just those three things, they are not under Jesus' guidance. Look elsewhere for Jesus.


A generation ago the RCC took that position, of telling their parishioners to let the priest do the Bible reading. My Catholic father-in-law told me this. He said they were told that they couldn't understand it and the priest will tell them what it says. Ha ha.
The Waldensians got a Bible but couldn't read it. They got a Jewish priest to interpret for them. Then they worshipped on Saturday (sabbatarians, SDA) claiming all Sunday worshippers have the mark, sign, of Satan on thier foreheads.
The RCC denomination found the Bible and got a thier own private Pope to interpret the Bible for them. Then they claimed all protestants are outsiders (outside thier personal denomination sect) meaning they will all go to hell and burn like fried chicken forever.

You'll need sola scriptura with your own bible read by yourself.

Discover the truth on your own with the holy spirit

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Only Jesus. And who is really following him? Who refuses to kill their enemy (Jesus said to love them)? Who teaches about his Kingdom as a real government (Matthew 24:14; Isaiah 9:6,7; Daniel 2:44)? Who doesn't get involved in politics, just like Jesus said he was no part of the world?

Rationalize all you want. If a religion goes against just those three things, they are not under Jesus' guidance. Look elsewhere for Jesus.

Your JW Cult is not under Jesus guidance.