the church

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
It won't take that long. I believe that THIS generation will see the sinking of the great Harlot (Revelation 18:21).

Check out the sign of the return of Christ and how we can tell we are at the end of this age:


God is not going to destroy His church, it never once entered His mind....YOU it is in YOUR evil heart.

JWs believe that the church is Babylon

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
born means to come out of
-you come out of your mother's body
-to be born again
-you must come out of your body
-that happens when you die

It is not US who is doing the born again it is the Holy Spirit, we are born again of the Holy that is not when we die that is here and now.


Why is it acceptable for Martin Luther to remove books from the Bible?
Might be false info he wanted that. I only read that once and never again anywhere else.
But remember protestant 66 books were removed from the 73 Catholic books and the 76 Orthodox. The extra books were not breathed or inspired by God. Removing books were guided by the holy spirit to complete the Protestants bible.


Why is it acceptable for Martin Luther to remove books from the Bible?

Luther didn't remove books from the Bible, he put the Apocrypha beside the original canon instead of within it. The KJV took over, but any old school, Lutheran based Bible will have the Apocrypha either in a middle or back section.

This was done to preserve the Inspired books from the rest.


Well-known member
Luther didn't remove books from the Bible, he put the Apocrypha beside the original canon instead of within it. The KJV took over, but any old school, Lutheran based Bible will have the Apocrypha either in a middle or back section.

This was done to preserve the Inspired books from the rest.

What gives Luther the authority to decide which books are inspired and which aren't?
Could he have mistaken? Or was he infallible?


What gives Luther the authority to decide which books are inspired and which aren't?
Could he have mistaken? Or was he infallible?

A pope cannot magically make something divinely inspired, even if he were infallible. It's not like you just put in or pull out the Spirit from the texts.

Luther kept the canon that was assuredly inspired, and left the Apocrypha as a sort of contrast and source of information.


Luther didn't remove books from the Bible, he put the Apocrypha beside the original canon instead of within it. The KJV took over, but any old school, Lutheran based Bible will have the Apocrypha either in a middle or back section.

This was done to preserve the Inspired books from the rest.
Apocrypha isn't breathed by God. Should be gone!