the church


let's see, I have to accept
-what you say
-what the church says
I'm thinking
I'll go with the church
Long long pauses due to doubts. You have to accept what your denomination say. We'll accept what the inerrant 66 book bible say. Thats how God is running things.


who has the keys?
I do cause I'm faithful ! We have Jesus and you have popey.

This higher authority, of course, is Scripture. Peter is given the keys only after proclaiming that Jesus is the Messiah (vv. 13–20); he receives authority only insofar as he faithfully represents the Word of God. By extension, this applies to all church authority. When church leaders are faithful to Scripture, their decisions are certified by the Lord Himself, and they bear His authority. -sproul


Thus, when it comes to the authority and power of the keys of the kingdom, it is not something that rests in Peter as an individual or even in the church as an institution. That is because the final authority rests in the gospel itself. Galatians makes this point crystal clear. In*1:6–9*Paul stresses that if anyone—even he or an angel from heaven—preaches a gospel other than the one he preached, they are under God’s eternal curse. Later in the letter, Paul recounts a time where he publicly rebuked Peter because his “conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel” (Gal 2:14).

So, the keys of the kingdom are God’s gift to his people to state heaven’s verdict on who will and will not enter the kingdom based on their response to the gospel. As such, all who faithfully preach and teach the gospel are able to exercise them under the authority of Jesus Christ himself. -Dr. Matthew S. Harmon


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the church is man made
-the bible is man made
-all men are created equal
-not all men have the authority
-the keys
-the power to bind and loose
-Jesus used man to build His church
-the church gave us the bible
-the bible tells us about the church


New member
the church is man made
-the bible is man made
-all men are created equal
-not all men have the authority
-the keys
-the power to bind and loose
-Jesus used man to build His church
-the church gave us the bible
-the bible tells us about the church

Your a nice little Eichmann.


New member
Aldolf killed himself cause he lied too much

There was a tremendous amount of self deception going on in order for Hitler to do what he did... he learned a lot from how the RCC conducted itself throughout the centuries.. and how its congregations still conduct themselves today.

I consider the RCC to more of a threat to the US than Islam.. because they are united under one 'infallible' leader who has them convinced he has their souls in his hand and all it would take is for him to give the go ahead. Whereas, Islam has no central leader.

The world is very lucky over the last few centuries that most of the Popes have been pretty benign compared to the Popes of the past.


New member
only an idiot would think that

I gave my reasons and they are sound.

Given your blood thirsty history, I expected you to deny it and call me an idiot.

But the people here will consider the source and know who the real idiot is here.... You.

And considering you live in a world of self deception, we all know it to be true.