the church


New member
Situation: NORMAL

If you wanted to please God you would study scripture, obey God, and leave the RCC.

I noticed that you nor any other Roman catholic will use scripture to support your beliefs, and when they do scripture is yanked out of context to try to prove their false beliefs. Yes, you will use C.A. so do any Roman Catholics actually know what THEY believe , or is it all what you are told to believe ?


New member
so why did Jesus change simon's name to peter which means rock?

So you believe Jesus changed or turned His redeeming power over to Peter ?

Peter was NO more or less than any of the Apostle.
Couldn't help but notice YOU ignored the scriptures I posted that PROVE Jesus is the rock.

1Co 10:4
And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

Mar 12:10
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner:

Can YOU find any place in scripture where Peter ever corrected another Apostle ? Hint it never happened.


Paul corrected Peter:

Gal 2:14
But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?


New member
-the redeeming was all over
-I don't understand this question
-we are not communicating

We are not communicating because you are being obtuse !

Jesus was and is the only savior. Peter like ALL the Apostles pointed folks to Jesus NEVER to themselves unless of course they said to imitate them as they imitated Christ. The RCC has made Mary , Peter, and their pope their god's.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We are not communicating because you are being obtuse !

no one has been redeemed by the church or the pope
-your question shows that you do not understand that Jesus redeemed us
-it is a done deal long before the church started


New member
no one has been redeemed by the church or the pope
-your question shows that you do not understand that Jesus redeemed us
-it is a done deal long before the church started

I have personally had Roman Catholics say to me you must submit to the pope, pray to Mary , and and be in the RCC to be saved. So you believe they were wrong correct ?

I know who redeemed me it was Jesus , and it was not Mary, Peter , or submitting to any pope.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have personally had Roman Catholics say to me you must submit to the pope, pray to Mary , and and be in the RCC to be saved. So you believe they were wrong correct ?

I know who redeemed me it was Jesus , and it was not Mary, Peter , or submitting to any pope.

what is the difference between redeemed and saved?


New member
what is the difference between redeemed and saved?

Go back re-read my previous posts pick any question I asked answer that question then ask me a question that is how it works.

I will help you out here is a question you did not answer.

so do any Roman Catholics actually know what THEY believe , or is it all what you are told to believe ?


New member
what does this mean?

pick any question I asked answer that question then ask me a question that is how it works.

I will help you out here is a question you did not answer.

so do any Roman Catholics actually know what THEY believe , or is it all what you are told to believe ?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
pick any question I asked answer that question then ask me a question that is how it works.

I will help you out here is a question you did not answer.

so do any Roman Catholics actually know what THEY believe , or is it all what you are told to believe ?
I know what I believe
-many here have already noted that I don't agree with some of what the church teaches


New member
I know what I believe
-many here have already noted that I don't agree with some of what the church teaches

Fair enough not that you have said what you believe. Yes, if you are redeemed you are saved.

So do you believe you must submit to a pope to be a christian ?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Fair enough not that you have said what you believe. Yes, if you are redeemed you are saved.

So do you believe you must submit to a pope to be a christian ?

everyone has been redeemed by Jesus
-no one is saved until they die
-I am a christian because I believe Jesus redeemed us all and it has nothing to do with the pope


New member
everyone has been redeemed by Jesus
-no one is saved until they die
-I am a christian because I believe Jesus redeemed us all and it has nothing to do with the pope

If everyone was redeemed everyone would be on their way to heaven, which is NOT true. The redeemed are those that have humbled themselves before God, admitted they are sinners, and rely on what God has provided through and in Christ Jesus.

You may not know it but you just said the Apostle John is a liar:

1Jo 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Notice the word have NOT hope. The RCC got it wrong AGAIN.


New member
Jesus did something so we might be saved
-what do you call that?

Really ? You have no clue do you.

Jesus was crucified as in the sinless dying to pay for the sins of the sinner that turns to God and does as I posted earlier.

The redeemed are those that have humbled themselves before God, admitted they are sinners, and rely on what God has provided through and in Christ Jesus.

Do you believe the Apostle got it wrong or that he lied ?

1Jo 5:13
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Notice the word have NOT hope. The RCC got it wrong AGAIN.