the church

God's Truth

New member
You incorrectly suggest people to use self powered free will to desire something spiritually. How free is the will? The fact is, free will is a myth & a human invention. Let's explain. Say I want to lose weight, but I also want a 20oz prime rib with a baked potato, lots of butter. I also want the cheese fries with the oh so important extra bacon. I want two contradictory things. Which one will my will choose?
My will will choose the one I desire the most. If my desire to lose weight exceeds my desire to eat fattening foods I will choose that. But if my desire for that prime rib exceeds my desire for losing weight I will choose the Prime rib. So in reality my will is in subjection to the thing I desire the most.

Okay now, you have proven our will can do the right thing. You have also now tapped in closer to God's Truth, for Jesus teaches us how to make our will, our hearts right, for salvation.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His words are Spirit and life.

We must do what he says. He teaches those who want to be saved how to be saved.


Okay now, you have proven our will can do the right thing. You have also now tapped in closer to God's Truth, for Jesus teaches us how to make our will, our hearts right, for salvation.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. His words are Spirit and life.

We must do what he says. He teaches those who want to be saved how to be saved.
Our wills always do the wrong thing.


Mary the New Shark that replaced Jaws.....the fake Catholic Mary, invented by the RCC..
Some have gone as far as to claim Mary is a type of the Ark of the Covenant. Jn.1:14 the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory. In the Greek the word dwelt is skeinoo from the Hebrew word shekinah which was the word for God residing in the tabernacle. Jesus clothed himself in human flesh Phil.2:5-8, the ark was His body it had carried the creator of the universe. It was not Mary who was the ark Jesus’ body was the tabernacle. Mary is not the fullness of Graces the scripture is clear on this particular matter...
The law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ and it does state of his fullness we have received grace by grace. (Titus 2:11) For the grace of God has appeared to all men. Through all of the letters we find Grace to you and peace from God our father and the lord Jesus Christ. There is no Mary involved in dispensing grace.


New member
the church survived
-the church survived constantinople
-the church survived luther
-the church survived henry
-the church survived islam
-the church survived homosexual priests
-the gates of hell will not prevail against it

The RCC was corrupt from the moment it started around 325 ad


New member
we are way ahead of who is in second place
-is there a second?
-you tell me

Folks who are born again brag on and lead folks to Jesus they do NOT give glory to their church ;however, they do give glory and the deserved credit to the one who provided them with salvation.

R.C's I have known have never understood what the church is ! The church are those in Christ Jesus.

The church is not a denomination nor a building.


New member
Folks who are born again brag on and lead folks to Jesus they do NOT give glory to their church ;however, they do give glory and the deserved credit to the one who provided them with salvation. R.C's I have known have never understood what the church is ! The church are those in Christ Jesus.
Already answered---and decisively corrected---in Post #3301 above. :yawn:


New member
The RCC was corrupt from the moment it started around 325 ad
More ignorance from dodge. Christ's one historic Church was already being commonly referred to as "the Catholic Church" by the end of the 1st century A.D.---some two centuries before Constantine! Try again.


New member
More ignorance from dodge. Christ's one historic Church was already being commonly referred to as "the Catholic Church" by the end of the 1st century A.D.---some two centuries before Constantine! Try again.

Purposely obtuse aren't you ! Universal as those in Christ Jesus NEVER intended or used for ROMAN CATHOLIC because the RCC did not exist then.


New member
More ignorance from dodge. Christ's one historic Church was already being commonly referred to as "the Catholic Church" by the end of the 1st century A.D.---some two centuries before Constantine! Try again.

Ignorance is bowing to idols made with human hands , which is idolatry, and or praying to Mary and dead folks ,which is idolatry.


New member
so why did He build it on a rock?

God did build His church on a rock, and it was not and is not Peter or the RCC.

1Co 10:4
And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

Mar 12:10
And have ye not read this scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: