The "Church" at Acts 2 is NOT the Body of Christ


Tsk, tsk. Such hostility and you don't even know me. I don't live on this board so you must give me time to reply before attacking me and NEVER assume I don't have a reply because I never say ANYTHING I can't prove by the scriptures.

The first thing you need to consider is that we are told that EVERYTHING that happened to Israel was for OUR EXAMPLE. One is a macrocosm view, the other (us) is a microcosm view, ie. personal. So you tell me, when did HE get HIS land (earthen vessel/you) back, since the Head and the body are one, right? You're still clearly here in that "land" or you wouldn't be here arguing with me.

Now about your "land" that belongs to Him, because the whole earth belongs to Him, when did the enemies stop afflicting you? A better question might be, HAVE they stopped afflicting you, and if not, why not, since we were given authority over snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the devil, and nothing shall by any means hurt us? Could it be because you're not applying ALL the Word to your life and "land", given that life and death is in the tongue and the tongue speaks what it is the heart? Think on these things. Blessings...

Ok, now I see *where* you are in your walk. You cannot go any further until you see the Seed for who He is, and because you haven't seen HIM yet, neither have you seen the Father. It's ok, we've all been there. Just keep pressing in and ask Him to remove the scales from your eyes as He did Paul, and ask Him to teach you. Blessings...

So now you attempt to associate me with Islam? Your murders are beginning to show.
And I was not laughing but in fact held my tongue from openly judging you a blasphemer.
Have a nice thread . . . :)

I just figured it out... Calvinism and the Watch Tower are so busy "dividing" Him, they are blind to the UNITY of "The Testimony of Yeshua".

There is the Father
There is the Son
There is the Holy Spirit

How are They ONE? Deut. 6:4

What's so wrong with "I don't know"? Mystery of God? Imagine that.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
How are They ONE? Deut. 6:4

In order to understand the Trinity a person must first understand the concept of "composite unity." Here is an example of that unity:

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" (Gen.3:24).​

Just as a husband and a wife are "one flesh" so can the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit be "one God."

The following words in "bold" demonstrate the principle of "composite unity" within the Godhead:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them"

By the way, when are we going to have a Battle Royale on the question of if the Twelve are in or out of the Body of Christ?

Let's get it on!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by daqq
You only believe what little sweet portions of scripture you wish to believe while pushing the bitter herbs away from your place at the table of the Master.

By the way, in case you did not know, that was a reference to the Pesakh Seder from Exodus 12:8, (also, you shall leave nothing till your morning come), and Ezekiel 3:1-2, 3, 14, and Zechariah 5:1-4, and Revelation 10:9-10, and Replies #212 , #213, #227, #258, and #277. :)


New member
I just figured it out... Calvinism and the Watch Tower are so busy "dividing" Him, they are blind to the UNITY of "The Testimony of Yeshua".

There is the Father
There is the Son
There is the Holy Spirit

How are They ONE? Deut. 6:4

What's so wrong with "I don't know"? Mystery of God? Imagine that.

I don't worship Calvinism, and have nada to do with the Watchtower. I closed myself up with the Word for 2 years and asked Him to teach me, after I met Him. How about yourself? Blessings...


New member
By the way, in case you did not know, that was a reference to the Pesakh Seder from Exodus 12:8, (also, you shall leave nothing till your morning come), and Ezekiel 3:1-2, 3, 14, and Zechariah 5:1-4, and Revelation 10:9-10, and Replies #212 , #213, #227, #258, and #277. :)

I used to think it was denomination "devils" we were up against. Now I think it goes much deeper than that. About 1900 years of error compounded upon error, makes for a DEEP root. Blessings...


Well-known member
I used to think it was denomination "devils" we were up against. Now I think it goes much deeper than that. About 1900 years of error compounded upon error, makes for a DEEP root. Blessings...

Yes, deep, you may also have seen that one here now claims to be a "Jew", and yet, all those things you quoted from my post the same has already called "doctrines of demons" in his own thread, "Spiritual Israel not "Real Israel" is a doctrine of Demons!", where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion), as if this is supposed to be the greatest revelation of all time. They are utterly blind, so blind that they label the spiritual and supernal things of Elohim as "doctrines of demons" when even Paul himself teaches the same such things, even saying, "Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, even as you are to be unleavened. For Messiah our Passover has been sacrifice-offered: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth", (1Cor 5:6-8). Paul is clearly teaching supernal meanings in the above statement, "old leaven", (malice and wickedness), "unleavened bread", (sincerity and truth), and so on. So the poster who has openly labeled such teachings of Elohim as "doctrines of demons" both claims to be a Jew, and claims to be Edom, which is Esau. Which one is he truly in the kingdom of Elohim? He has shown which one by his own words; for he walks according to the belly of the flesh, seeing all things according to the eyes and mind of the natural man, like Esau, who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. Therefore the flesh profits him absolutely nothing, just as the Master says, and as Paul likewise says, "One is not Yhudi by that which is outwardly; neither is it true circumcision which is outward in the flesh: but one is Yhudi which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter; whose commendation is not of men, but of Elohim", (Romans 2:28-29). :)


New member
Yes, deep, you may also have seen that one here now claims to be a "Jew", and yet, all those things you quoted from my post the same has already called "doctrines of demons" in his own thread, "Spiritual Israel not "Real Israel" is a doctrine of Demons!", where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion), as if this is supposed to be the greatest revelation of all time. They are utterly blind, so blind that they label the spiritual and supernal things of Elohim as "doctrines of demons" when even Paul himself teaches the same such things, even saying, "Your glorying is not good. Know you not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, even as you are to be unleavened. For Messiah our Passover has been sacrifice-offered: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth", (1Cor 5:6-8). Paul is clearly teaching supernal meanings in the above statement, "old leaven", (malice and wickedness), "unleavened bread", (sincerity and truth), and so on. So the poster who has openly labeled such teachings of Elohim as "doctrines of demons" both claims to be a Jew, and claims to be Edom, which is Esau. Which one is he truly in the kingdom of Elohim? He has shown which one by his own words; for he walks according to the belly of the flesh, seeing all things according to the eyes and mind of the natural man, like Esau, who sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. Therefore the flesh profits him absolutely nothing, just as the Master says, and as Paul likewise says, "One is not Yhudi by that which is outwardly; neither is it true circumcision which is outward in the flesh: but one is Yhudi which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, and not in the letter; whose commendation is not of men, but of Elohim", (Romans 2:28-29). :)

It just amazes me how it is so difficult to comprehend that the goyim have a JEWISH Messiah, a JEWISH covenant they were grafted into, yet they couldn't possibly be part of Israel nor her promises. Two plus two never equals four with them. Blessings...

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
...where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion)

Where did anyone who originated the thread which you mentionedever claim to be a "Jew"?

And yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus is the Mighty God, JHWH:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"
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Well-known member
Where did anyone who originated the thread which you mentionedever claim to be a "Jew"?

And yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus is the Mighty God, JHWH:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"

I did not say what you incorrectly insinuate that I said.
Get some eye-salve and glasses and maybe you will understand the scripture too.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
It just amazes me how it is so difficult to comprehend that the goyim have a JEWISH Messiah, a JEWISH covenant they were grafted into, yet they couldn't possibly be part of Israel nor her promises. Two plus two never equals four with them. Blessings...

The Messiah will be king over the whole world so He will be the King of all those who will originally inhabit the earthly kingdom:

"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth" (Jer.23:5).​

Of course some people think that this event will never happen on the earth!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I did not say what you incorrectly insinuate that I said.
Get some eye-salve and glasses and maybe you will understand the scripture too.

Let us look at what you said:

Yes, deep, you may also have seen that one here now claims to be a "Jew", and yet, all those things you quoted from my post the same has already called "doctrines of demons" in his own thread, "Spiritual Israel not "Real Israel" is a doctrine of Demons!", where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion)...

When we follow your words it becomes obvious that the last time you use the pronoun "he" the reference is to the one who started the thread titled "Spiritual Israel not 'Real Israel' is a doctrine of Demons!"

Where did the one who started that thread ever claimed to be a "Jew"?


Well-known member
Let us look at what you said:

Originally Posted by daqq
Yes, deep, you may also have seen that one here now claims to be a "Jew", and yet, all those things you quoted from my post the same has already called "doctrines of demons" in his own thread, "Spiritual Israel not "Real Israel" is a doctrine of Demons!", where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion)...

When we follow your words it becomes obvious that the last time you use the pronoun "he" the reference is to the one who started the thread titled "Spiritual Israel not 'Real Israel' is a doctrine of Demons!"

Where did the one who started that thread ever claimed to be a "Jew"?


Poor double blind Bar-Timaeus son of Timaeus Elymas Bar-Jesus son of Jesus the word sorcerer has been perverting statements and passages for so long now he cannot even properly exegete the plain sense of a plain sentence any more. And I'm still not laughing.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Poor double blind Bar-Timaeus son of Timaeus Elymas Bar-Jesus son of Jesus the word sorcerer has been perverting statements and passages for so long now he cannot even properly exegete the plain sense of a plain sentence any more. And I'm still not laughing.

Elymas enjoys perverting his own words in order to stay in practice for when he needs to pervert the Scriptures,


Well-known member
Elymas enjoys perverting his own words in order to stay in practice for when he needs to pervert the Scriptures,

Elymas Bar-Jesus is a word sorcerer spirit because the name "Bar-Jesus" means "son of Jesus", (bar is Aramaic for son). He therefore makes Jesus in to the Father just as you do in your word sorcery doctrine when you say, "Jesus is JHWH", dear Bar-Jesus. :)

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Elymas Bar-Jesus is a word sorcerer spirit because the name "Bar-Jesus" means "son of Jesus", (bar is Aramaic for son). He therefore makes Jesus in to the Father just as you do in your word sorcery doctrine when you say, "Jesus is JHWH", dear Bar-Jesus.

Elymas enjoys perverting the words found in the Scriptures almost as much as he enjoys denying that the Lord Jesus is God. He thinks that he knows more about the Lord Jesus than those who walked the earth with Him, including Thomas who said this to Him:

"And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God" (Jn.20:28).​


Literal lunatic
"Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth" (Jer.23:5).[/INDENT]

Of course some people think that this event will never happen on the earth!

I have empathy with them, as it can sometimes seem to take forever.:)

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
...where the same poster clearly states in the opening post that he and his fellow like minded brethren are Edom, which is Esau. And moreover, now here in this thread, he claims also to be a Jew and that the Father is his "brother" because "Jesus is YHWH", (just as Jerry Shugart and many other MADites of the Oneness persuasion)

Yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus is the Mighty God, JHWH:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"


Well-known member
Yes, I believe that the Lord Jesus is the Mighty God, JHWH:

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace"

As you know that has already been addressed multiple times elsewhere. If you need to keep repeating the same thing to reassure and reassert yourself what is that to me?


New member
Elymas enjoys perverting the words found in the Scriptures almost as much as he enjoys denying that the Lord Jesus is God. He thinks that he knows more about the Lord Jesus than those who walked the earth with Him, including Thomas who said this to Him:

"And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God" (Jn.20:28).​

You know a woman also called her husband her Lord because he is the Head of her, and since the all flesh is female to G-d (His Spirit plants the Seed), literally Thomas's "woman" was speaking to "her" "husband" as "her" Lord.

And of course, since G-d is also Spirit and can therefore according to the law of the seed only produce after His own kind, then the Seed (Spirit within the flesh standing there) being in the exact likeness and image of His Father who is Spirit (when you've seen ME (Spirit Seed) you've seen the Father, then the Spirit there was also Thomas's G-d.

It doesn't mean that the Son and the Father are one and the same, but rather the Father who is Spirit, can only have a Son who is also Spirit (encased in flesh), because all seeds reproduce after their own kind, and His kind is the Father. Therefore He has many sons (Spirit) and daughters (flesh), and heaven and earth are in agreement.

No wonder when you read the book of Thomas you read he got the revelation about making the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside. ;) Peace