The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
The Jews of the Bible no longer exist.

All the way from then through the Middle Ages, biological inheritance was king. Abraham sent his own son to the hills with his mother, and bastards have been counted out of inheritance and legacy through the ages.

It is ALL in due regard to how we interpreted God's will. This is where Dispensationalists ultimately fold, because they fail to comprehend fundamental aspects of election and providence.

A good history lesson remedies these new age heresies. MADism started at a turning point of mankind where it started to lose it's historical memory and started reinventing.



Or perhaps you are believing a false interpretation?

Boy is Israel going to be shocked when they are at their darkest hour and crying out for Hashem!

The Son of David will descend on a dark cloud and light their darkest hour! His "sword" drawn to drive back her enemies attacking from many sides!

Oh.... and the Calvinists will be surprised too. ; )

Thousands of years of descendants mourning and crying out for the TRUE ROCK..

Sing it for me Nang! Come Lord Jesus... Come... : )
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The Jews of the Bible no longer exist.

All the way from then through the Middle Ages, biological inheritance was king. Abraham sent his own son to the hills with his mother, and bastards have been counted out of inheritance and legacy through the ages.

It is ALL in due regard to how we interpreted God's will. This is where Dispensationalists ultimately fold, because they fail to comprehend fundamental aspects of election and providence.

A good history lesson remedies these new age heresies. MADism started at a turning point of mankind where it started to lose it's historical memory and started reinventing.

The Crucible of ToL no longer exists..


[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] [MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION] [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] [MENTION=10]Jerry Shugart[/MENTION]

Thank you so very much for standing up hand in hand for Israel, Gods promises and the deep Mercy of Christ which exceeds anything we can comprehend.

Happy New Years fellow knights of Israel

All Love and Christs blessings for 2017


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
. .

The nation of Israel was elect of God,

because they were chosen out of all the nations, to temporarily
Nothing temporary about their election.

The term "Elect" reveals and describes the sovereign actions and purposes of God, accomplished through His authority, wisdom, economy ("ways"), and will throughout history.
The term 'elect' applies to whom scripture says it applies.
The term 'elect' applies to Israel PER SCRIPTURE.


[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] [MENTION=12870]steko[/MENTION]

I had accidentally hit thanks on 1minds post by an HTML hiccup.

Please disregard it if you saw it and thought I had lost my mind.

: )