The Burning of Jerusalem


TOL Subscriber
Scripture insists.

Well, duh! That's because Israel is not the BOC.

If there is not a remnant of Jews abiding in the BOC, then you deny that any have been saved and justified by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If not a single Israelite is in Christ, then either you teach two different salvations, or hellfire for all Jews.

What other salvation do you foresee for Jews, apart from the cross of Jesus Christ?
What other savior do you believe in whom resides saving grace, who is able to save "all Israel?"
Will the nation of Israel somehow receive everlasting life, apart from the life of Christ, or only be restored unto a final judgment and a second death?



If there is not a remnant of Jews abiding in the BOC, then you deny that any have been saved and justified by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

If not a single Israelite is in Christ, then either you teach two different salvations, or hellfire for all Jews.

What other salvation do you foresee for Jews, apart from the cross of Jesus Christ?
What other savior do you believe in whom resides saving grace, who is able to save "all Israel?"
Will the nation of Israel somehow receive everlasting life, apart from the life of Christ, or only be restored unto a final judgment and a second death?


# Flawed Reasoning

# God does what He says, when He wants, Whenever He decides

# If the sky is blue then water can't be wet?


TOL Subscriber
The "Israel" in these verses is contrasted with the "Gentiles" so this has nothing to do with the Body of Christ.

Any soul, not included in the BOC, is not abiding in Christ Jesus, and therefore has no promise of salvation or everlasting life. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

You and others are denying Jews the substitutional cross work of Jesus Christ.


Any soul, not included in the BOC, is not abiding in Christ Jesus, and therefore has no promise of salvation or everlasting life. He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

You and others are denying Jews the substitutional cross work of Jesus Christ.

# ALL have Sinned and Fallen Short

# The Sin of the world is UNBELIEF

# Read John 1-3..... Without Calvin-tary


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That's it... It's too scary to read the Bible without manmade commentary and teachable dogma.

I'm going reformed...... (said Evil Eye Never)

Happy Impending New Years to each of you.

To those that imbibe, I raise my glass,

To those that abstain, I wish you a wonderful evening.

To all... God bless and all blessings in 2017


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If there is not a remnant of Jews abiding in the BOC,
Why in the world would it matter if the BOC has a remnant of national Israel's identity or not if it does not matter if anyone in the BOC is of national Israel's identity or not??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


TOL Subscriber
Why in the world would it matter if the BOC has a remnant of national Israel's identity or not if it does not matter if anyone in the BOC is of national Israel's identity or not??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Are you declaring Jews possess no spiritual/eternal souls?

"Identity" of persons, extends far beyond biological bloodlines and race.


Happy 2017 Nang and.......

Cupping hands around mouth, lifting my head and shouting....

GOD SAVE LITERAL ISRAEL from her enemies and forever Glorify HER KING!!!


TOL Subscriber
We don't deny any ethnicity, gender, social status, etc., access to the BOC.

Well, that is encouraging . . .

I suppose you are declaring the NATION of Israel is not the same as the church body of Christ, and I agree.

However, you cannot claim, on that basis, that "all Israel" will be saved.

If all the nation of Israel is not abiding in the church body of Jesus Christ, then there is no other Savior or salvation provided for all of them.

Yes or no?


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Hall of Fame
The Body of Christ consists of believing souls, not racial or gendered "identities."
So why would there need to be a "remnant" of any of those identities in the BOC?????

The very fact that there needs to be a constant remnant of Israel just goes to show that Israel is not the BOC, because the BOC does not require that there be a remnant of any particular group.


TOL Subscriber
So why would there need to be a "remnant" of any of those identities in the BOC?????

Evidence of the salvation of individual Jewish souls . . .

The very fact that there needs to be a constant remnant of Israel just goes to show that Israel is not the BOC, because the BOC does not require that there be a remnant of any particular group.

Either ALL of the nation of Israel will be eternally saved through observance of the Law of blood sacrifices, or a remnant of Jewish souls are saved by grace through faith in the blood offering of Jesus Christ and abide forever in Him.

It is one scenario or the other . . .


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Hall of Fame
However, you cannot claim, on that basis, that "all Israel" will be saved.
I don't make the claim.
I just agree with the claim scripture makes.

Israel is elect and beloved of GOD even when they are enemies of the gospel.
So when Calvinism claims that the elect are eternally saved, are there more than one group of 'elect' that GOD deals with differently than the other group of 'elect'?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Evidence of the salvation of individual Jewish souls . . .
Why would there need to be evidence of that particular group?

Do you ask folks what their ethnic bloodline is before you tell them of the gospel?
I don't.
I treat folks like the good Samaritan ----- just see someone in need and help them, without asking their religion or heritage or bloodline to see if they merit my help.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Evidence of the salvation of individual Jewish souls . . .

Either ALL of the nation of Israel will be eternally saved through observance of the Law of blood sacrifices, or a remnant of Jewish souls are saved by grace through faith in the blood offering of Jesus Christ and abide forever in Him.

It is one scenario or the other . . .
Or, we can believe the scenario in scripture.


TOL Subscriber
I don't make the claim.
I just agree with the claim scripture makes.

Israel is elect and beloved of GOD even when they are enemies of the gospel.

This is a pertinent question . . .

The nation of Israel was elect of God, because they were chosen out of all the nations, to temporarily represent the ordinances of God amongst all the heathen peoples. It was a sanctification (holy separation), but not necessarily salvation, for salvation comes by faith alone, and not all the nation of Israel understood or believed in their Godly role.

The believers in the covenant promises of a Seed and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ's fulfillment of those promises, were all elect unto salvation, out of all unbelieving and sinful mankind, for they are gifted with supernatural faith in God's revelation of Christ's cross work on their behalf.

Jesus Christ is Elect of God because He is the one and only Savior, born without sin, from all mankind.

"Election" is a doctrine that is poorly studied and understood. But bottom line, all it is, is a denial of Universalism/Nationalism; neither of which reveal the one, true Gospel message of God.

So when Calvinism claims that the elect are eternally saved, are there more than one group of 'elect' that GOD deals with differently than the other group of 'elect'?

No. The term "Elect" reveals and describes the sovereign actions and purposes of God, accomplished through His authority, wisdom, economy ("ways"), and will throughout history.


TOL Subscriber
I don't make the claim.
I just agree with the claim scripture makes.

Israel is elect and beloved of GOD even when they are enemies of the gospel.

To be consistent with this, you would have to include Judas Iscariot as being saved. Do you?


The Jews of the Bible no longer exist.

All the way from then through the Middle Ages, biological inheritance was king. Abraham sent his own son to the hills with his mother, and bastards have been counted out of inheritance and legacy through the ages.

It is ALL in due regard to how we interpreted God's will. This is where Dispensationalists ultimately fold, because they fail to comprehend fundamental aspects of election and providence.

A good history lesson remedies these new age heresies. MADism started at a turning point of mankind where it started to lose it's historical memory and started reinventing.