Nimrod said:
I completely disagree about salvation. Breaking the sabbath today is not eternal damnation. You won't lose your salvation if you break the sabbath. No one is/was saved by observing the Law. This is a problem with dispensationalist, they think that the Jews were saved differently than the NT believers.
Gen 15:6 "And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness"
Q1)How were OT saints saved? Hmmmmmmm...
If I May...:
Old Testament saints were saved by faith in the promise of the Redeemer who was promised to the firstborn of the race of Adam as soon as our race became defiled by the sin of our firstborn. They were counted righteous for their faith, but no righteous person in Adam could enter into the heavenly realm when they departed their body until the ransom was paid. They waited, in faith, in Hades, below, though in comfort, for the day of atonement and deliverance from the first death of separation, -and the wicked still wait there in torment until the day of judgment
When the ransom was paid, and accepted, all who waited below until that day were taken out of the captivity they were held in, in spiritual separation from the presence of glory, to be with Him on high, to wait, still longer, for the day that all in Christ receive their regenerated bodies together, both the dead and the living [But those who were raised as firstfruits of harvest of earth's sons of God, with Him, by Him, on that eve of first of Firstfruits, whom Christ raised as soon as He took up His body again, who came out of their graves -that were opened to show that they were also empty- and walked about the city on that eve of First of Firstfruits, do have their regenerated bodies, for they were gathered as that first offering to present on high with Himself, when He ascended to the Father as Living Firstborn, Human High Priest of earth].
In the oracles commited to the Jews the plan of Salvation that was prepared before the human son of God -Adam- was created, was completely laid out for all in the daily, monthly, and yearly, acting out of the plan of redemption through the cleansing of the fallen son and his seed by the blood of sprinkling at the True Mercy Seat, once, for all in Adam, on the day of Atonement; and the adoption as sons, being made priests and kings in Christ, the only living Son of God, and reclothed in Him in our regenerated spirit and body to serve as human sons of God, as a holy dwelling place for the presence of the Father's glory to indwell forever is the message of the oracles.
Therefore, all the oracles commited to the Jews and all the laws given to them, the 'sons by adoption from the day He brought them out of Egypt' are for signs and wonders of the deliverance promised to all in Adam from the sin and bondage we are born and labor under; and for that reason, the man who was stoned for breaking the Sabbath was an example of the seriousness of breaking the eternal Sabbath Rest promised from the beginning, in the Redeemer, the Seed of the woman, which the seventh day Sabbath was given as an oracle of, to the Jews to keep.
All who broke the Sabbath in Israel were not stoned, in future backsliding days, but the example stands, just as the example of Sodom and Gomorah stand as a warning to all who would live ungodly as they did, but are not all rained upon and destroyed by fire and brimstone, and as the angels who rebelled and are chained are a warning to other angels who would be tempted to commit fornication with daughters born in Adam to not do that.
The example is a shadow, and a type, and is not as strong as the true penalty for breaking the true Sabbath Rest in Jesus' finished work will be, for all who invent religious works [Romism and all other isms] to make a 'way' to heaven -esp, through only them, they always say. He finished the work for our redemption at the Mercy Seat [His New Man body is the True Mercy Seat that Moses received instructions of the shadow of], and the way is now opened for whosoever will to come -but born again they must be to enter in, even though the cleansing of the being called Adam is done [all must be regenerated in spirit and then in body, to stand before the LORD in His temple on high in that day of resurrection and regeneration].
The thousand year Sabbath is a time of restoration of the feasts and oracles as teaching tools for the eternal heavenly truths which comes after this present heavens and earth are regenerated: and only "Israel", the namesake of the New creation Man, are given the oracles to keep as signs: but all the Gentile males in the world will come up to keep Jesus' birthday and celebrate Tabernacles or have else have no rain on their cities in the millennium, but the Gentiles will not be obligated to keep the Jewish feasts, as they are given to Jacob's descendents, only, as signs of the heavenly truths: which truths the Gentiles who are the living raptured [laqached] Church, along with the dead resurrected in Christ, will have already entered into, as regenerated sons of God, made priests and kings, fully clothed in regenerated bodies and glorified, and standing before Him on high, ruling with Him over this earth from the heavenly realm for the thousand years.
In the regenerated heavens and earth there will be no temple, and there will be no feasts then kept as all will be sons of God and the true holy of holies for His habitation in His 'temple' [God and the Lamb are then the temple; the redeemed are the dwelling place for His glory].
On your other questions, beginning with the understanding that the law was a tutor and was commited only to the Jews clears them up, for everything about Israel, beginning with Abraham, long before they were adopted as 'sons' at the coming out of Egypt, is an oracle of the Plan of redemption promised to our first father and mother in the Garden, for all nations, for all are descended from our first father.
Abraham received the promise of the new birth by regeneration in spirit, when his name was changed to Abra 'HA' m before he was given the sign of circumcision, for instance. And the New Birth comes before the cutting off of all seed in Adam, which is the sign of circumcision given on the eighth day; for it is the eighth day, the new beginning, that all multiplying of the seed of Adam is cut off forever in, for there will be no procreation in the regenerated heavens and earth, for the Creator will have His sons by adoption to fill this earth as He created it for in the beginning.
The eighth day begins when the seventh day ends, of this earth's 'days of thousands', and the seventh is the millennial reign. The eighth is the new beginning and Abraham received the sign of the cutting off of Adam's seed in that eighth day.
It is the oracles that one must learn if one is to understand the message of redemption, but the oracles are signs, only, of the plan, and not the plan, itself.