The Absolute Oneness of God


Eclectic Theosophist
God communicating...............

God communicating...............

Yes, but in a dream/vision. Face-to-face but in a dream/vision. Evidence? When Moses asked Him to show him His glory just as He is, the Lord answered him and denied his request by saying, "No one can see my "face" and live. (Exod. 33:18-20)

Perhaps the concept of God communicating in 'dreams/visions' is but indicating in a 'spiritual dimension' only perceivable or communicable in a dream/visionary state, while one is "in the Spirit", in a 'trance' or altered state more receptive to the spiritual realm. Obviously, I'd assume you'd agree.

It then becomes a matter of spiritual things being spiritually discerned on a spiritual level, no matter what forms or personalities appear in those dreams and visions, and so....its all a 'play' of 'God' anyways,....left open for a translation that makes sense to us, an 'interpretation' that can be properly communicated.

Don't forget though that God also speaks thru a still small voice as with Elijah, and if a spirit-fragment of divinity or part and parcel of God indwells our soul, then such a spirit can inspire, illumine, impress, lead and guide us thru our faculties of perception, intellect and intuition.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

When Jacob wrestled with God, did he see his face?

So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.” (Genesis 32:30 NKJV)​

Yes, he did but in a dream though. Every thing is possible in a dream or vision, even to see the face of the Lord and live. Now, if you read Exod. 33:18-20, to see the face of God is a synonym to see all His glory, but only in a dream or vision.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

Blessings in the Shekinah :)

Well,...'incarnational theology' has within it already the assumption of Deity taking on flesh, of divinity manifesting in the body of man, or as a man in the case of orthodox Christian theology, while the Catholic Mass is even a deeper dive into a communal partaking of the both the 'flesh' and 'divinity' of the Lord Jesus :)

It depends on how you view the constitution of Jesus, if was a human being like all others born in the normal fashion thru human sperm and egg, or had some divine component or aspect already inherent in him and/or bestowed upon him in his earthly ministry (as when the Holy Spirit or Christ-spirit anointed and empowered him for service at his baptism and God decreed "today I have begotten you"). Also note that for centuries church councils debated over 'Christology' (how much of Jesus was human, how much was divine? etc.)

I generally take the 'virgin birth'(VB) only figuratively as an mythical interpolation in a few gospel accounts, as we've challenged the whole Is. 7:14 passage elsewhere concerning the original languages (we hash it out here). I don't see the VB as being necessary in proving or supporting any divinity he may innately have or what is later conferred upon him, since 'God' can just as surely work thru 'natural-means' and 'laws' while adding a super-natural element into the process by His Spirit.

I see no significant value of affirming the VB in any creed as if to bolster Jesus divinity, as so many pagan myths or hero-epics of the ancients also claim among their legends. {we could allegorize this and say that only a pure(virgin) heart or soul can give birth to the Christ within, and this is all that is essential, being pure and holy before the Lord, we becoming his temple }. Otherwise, I keep this subject 'open' in my research and may assume a different point of view, if a better vision affords such.


I am not disagreeing with you Freelight. Interesting Theology but not for Judaism.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

Perhaps the concept of God communicating in 'dreams/visions' is but indicating in a 'spiritual dimension' only perceivable or communicable in a dream/visionary state, while one is "in the Spirit", in a 'trance' or altered state more receptive to the spiritual realm. Obviously, I'd assume you'd agree.

It then becomes a matter of spiritual things being spiritually discerned on a spiritual level, no matter what forms or personalities appear in those dreams and visions, and so....its all a 'play' of 'God' anyways,....left open for a translation that makes sense to us, an 'interpretation' that can be properly communicated.

Don't forget though that God also speaks thru a still small voice as with Elijah, and if a spirit-fragment of divinity or part and parcel of God indwells our soul, then such a spirit can inspire, illumine, impress, lead and guide us thru our faculties of perception, intellect and intuition.

I do agree with you but, regarding being all a play of God, Einstein said that God does not play dice.


Well-known member
You missed to tell me if you agreed or not with me that the incarnation of Jesus was through Joseph and Mary. Nothing to do with the Pauline doctrine that Jesus was son of God without a biological father. (Acts 9:20; Mat. 1:18)

Never happened literally, the Jesus role was all spiritual concerning the Divine Seed that lies dormant in the conscience of man until the rain from above awakens that memory, plus the only reason you bark against the Pauline dogma is that it erases the literal ethnic Jews dominance in scripture which Paul rightly exposed as allegorical.


Eclectic Theosophist
unfolding new life experiences.....

unfolding new life experiences.....

I do agree with you but, regarding being all a play of God, Einstein said that God does not play dice.

I approach 'creation' being the 'play'(lila) of 'God' from the Hindu perspective, which sees the temporal world arising as 'maya'. I know its outside your 'Judaic' world-view, but good to expand on your breadth of eastern/western philosophies too :) - the paradox is, is that there is an ever evolving temporal relative world of constant change in this dimension of space-time over-lapping perhaps into multi-dimensional realities beyond our present scope, all unfolding to the inner potentials and choices made by conscious beings, conditioning and charting their experience of 'reality', in some way 'creating' their own reality as well, by certain junctures of 'freedom of choice' in any given situation. And so the 'play' of 'creation' goes on, in endless cycles, to their ultimate ends by way of the laws that sustain and eventuate any movement of mind.

If we consider our own lives, look at all the different influential factors and our own choices that have affected our journey's direction and current state, going on to 'determine' our future destinations. You may also note that Jewish Mysticism (the kaballah) includes 'Gilgul' (reincarnation) in its system :) - I've had my own thread on the subject and managed another, but they've been 'purged' from the forum in the cutting process,..but may began a new one soon :surf:


New member
Yes, that's true, they do. But if you go deeper in the Word, they accuse you of being in "Kabbalah". Like most Christians, they are content to play in the surface shallow water. Peace


Eclectic Theosophist
Yes, that's true, they do. But if you go deeper in the Word, they accuse you of being in "Kabbalah". Like most Christians, they are content to play in the surface shallow water. Peace

Well, I'm happy to hear you're not just a 'shallow-water' wader :crackup:

Kaballah fills in some of the blanks missing in the mere exoteric religious form and tradition, of course many of the more esoteric or 'occult' schools within some mainstream religions serve in that capacity. Sadly I just looked to see if our 'Kaballah' thread was still 'extant',...looks like it got 'axxed' in one of the recent purges. Oh well.


New member
No, I'm not, He never allowed me to be from the beginning. I have a Jewish acquaintance who's deeply into Kabbalah and from what little he's shared with me, I can't agree with it, because I don't "see" the pattern I know in it.

Perhaps they have some truth, nearly everyone does even if it's buried in 7 feet of mud and you have to dig deep to find it. But if they do, he hasn't given it to me yet.

The Word is the level and the Spirit is the plumb line and both must agree, before I'll drink. Otherwise it's just more "kool-ade" to me, and I'll pass, thank you. :chuckle:


New member

There is 9 years left for JESUS and THE FATHER to return in Sept. 21, 2024.

I am sure that you will see that there are definitely 2 Gods.

Since , JESUS was the God of the Old Testament,

you have been Worshiping JESUS since your youth.


Eclectic Theosophist
Dont count your cookies before they're baked.....

Dont count your cookies before they're baked.....


There is 9 years left for JESUS and THE FATHER to return in Sept. 21, 2024.

I am sure that you will see that there are definitely 2 Gods.

Since , JESUS was the God of the Old Testament,

you have been Worshiping JESUS since your youth.

Betcha Ben don't buy that :)

I suppose a Bi-nitarian view is just as good as a Unitarian or Trinitarian one, as long as you keep some nebulous concept of God as a 'spiritual essence' in tact, after all,.....its all just made of 'God-stuff' anyways. Its all the same dough, just different colours and forms :p

It remains somewhat problematic however to have 2 Gods and remain a 'monotheist', unless you're a polytheist with an exclusive view for nominating 2 special Gods as the ones you choose to worship over a whole host of other gods.

As far as your prophetic date above, how do you know its true?, and are you willing to bank on that specific date and be found as 'duped'(if Jesus doesn't show up) as so many other prophetic forecasts of Jesus return? Note that also Jesus said no man, angel or even he himself knows the time of his return, only The Father. See my commentary on the 'verse' in controversy here.


Eclectic Theosophist


The Absolute Oneness of freelight -

Judaism confines 'God' in his unique 'oneness' to 'God' himself, as some 'being' wholly 'other' (separate/apart) from all 'others' and 'creation'. I would include thru the understanding of 'non-duality' this 'oneness' of Spirit to include, encompass and pervade All That Is...being that All is One metaphysically, while differences, forms, personalities allow for apparent differences of perception, relatively speaking. But it is all arising as a unity of diverse relationships and movements in Consciousness itself :)

Behind all forms, difference, distance, space-time creation is an undifferentiated essence, energy or consciousness that is universal, timeless, infinite, all-pervading. It is this indescribable indivisible substrate at the root or ground of all existence that we intuit at the 'heart' of all. IT is One, - its indivisions, creative expressions, dimensionsal 'many'... and that is what we perceive as 'creation', unfolding itself as 'evolution'.


New member
Hello Freelight,

I see that you have an Esoteric view of the Spiritual.



That is what the Bible Promises.

Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow;

and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass,

as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,

according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

There are definite Biblical references for 2 Gods.

2 Corinthians 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,


Well-known member
Yes, that's true, they do. But if you go deeper in the Word, they accuse you of being in "Kabbalah". Like most Christians, they are content to play in the surface shallow water. Peace

The fear factor is a mighty tool welded by religions that lock/weld unto the emotions from youth, a powerful mental sword that forbids exploration outside that box, yet the humorous aspect of all we go through is under the surface of this existence along with the seeming serious side while acting in this temporal artifice concerned with labels.


Well-known member
Judaism confines 'God' in his unique 'oneness' to 'God' himself, as some 'being' wholly 'other' (separate/apart) from all 'others' and 'creation'. I would include thru the understanding of 'non-duality' this 'oneness' of Spirit to include, encompass and pervade All That Is...being that All is One metaphysically, while differences, forms, personalities allow for apparent differences of perception, relatively speaking. But it is all arising as a unity of diverse relationships and movements in Consciousness itself :)

Behind all forms, difference, distance, space-time creation is an undifferentiated essence, energy or consciousness that is universal, timeless, infinite, all-pervading. It is this indescribable indivisible substrate at the root or ground of all existence that we intuit at the 'heart' of all. IT is One, - its indivisions, creative expressions, dimensionsal 'many'... and that is what we perceive as 'creation', unfolding itself as 'evolution'.

Yet that dualism is always knocking on this existence, just when we relax, that unwanted guest shows up to remind us that we might not be free from ole dual after all, testing one two three.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets go cosmic............

Lets go cosmic............

Hello Freelight,

I see that you have an Esoteric view of the Spiritual.

When haven't I ? ;) - the Totality includes 'inner' and 'outer'.



That is what the Bible Promises.

You betcha, although views differ on what kind of 'body' that will be, but Paul had an insight that our physical body is 'sown' into the ground (back to the elements) and it is raised(resurrected) a 'spiritual' body, so the resurrection is essentially 'spiritual'.

Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body,

according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Yes, we are conformed to his glorious body as Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection, the firstborn among many brethren, the prototype of our own resurrection, when we are raised in like form.

There are definite Biblical references for 2 Gods.

2 Corinthians 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.

Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

The above does not prove your hypothesis, but clearly shows that The Father alone is the One God and Father of all. Notice the word all, this includes Jesus. All means all that is generated or created out of 'God', the One and Only Fathering-Source. There is no other 'God' but this FATHER-GOD, although divine Sons, angels, cosmic-beings, who are the offspring of 'God' could be called 'gods' (elohim), as well as we mortals who serve as rulers and judges to represent 'God', we too are 'gods', and children of the Most High. (however if we do not follow righteous, or honor his will, we will not inherit eternal life or immortality). Jesus quoted Psalm 82and so can we :)

A strict monotheism only recognizes One True God, even though there may gods many and lords many. If you'd like to deem Jesus a 'God' who rules besides his Father-God,...making 2 Gods,....then have at it :idunno: -as long as you are honoring and worshipping ONLY the Father-God thru his son Jesus or any true son of God that is walking in the light, serving God. Don't forget these are all sons of God, not God himself (here we're looking at things dualistically). As long as there is a Father-Son relationship, the Father ever has primacy/priority/seniority. All sons of God are ever subordinate to The Universal Father.


New member
The fear factor is a mighty tool welded by religions that lock/weld unto the emotions from youth, a powerful mental sword that forbids exploration outside that box, yet the humorous aspect of all we go through is under the surface of this existence along with the seeming serious side while acting in this temporal artifice concerned with labels.

Yes it is and yes they do. Jezebel is always on the lookout for budding Elijahs to slaughter. Peace