The Absolute Oneness of God

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

This is one of those mysteries of existence or a 'Being' that has no beginning or end, being 'incorporeal'...being into 'being' the cosmos (this continuum of space-time relativity unfolding/evolving as 'creation') :)

As Ben hinted to earlier,.....many assume 'God' willed creation into being and by some 'willing' there came into being 'movement' to manifest an 'inter-active' medium of space-time in which to 'create', 'explore', 'experience', 'expand', 'experiment'...and this happens to be what life is about. Look around :)

Philosophically however, there is the paradox of something wholly absolute in and of itself, could be in 'relation' to anything else, so some systems assumes 'God' is the only absolute reality, while all else is 'maya' (illusion, temporal phenomena, only limited and relative 'reality' at best)....since all that comes and goes, undergoes change, dissolution, transformation.

For a theosophical perspective see my post here in my 'Return To Oneness' thread :poly:

That's a mighty one Freelight. That's what results when one walks by sight. (II Cor. 5:7)

Ben Masada

New member
This is if we assume 'God' has a 'will' :)

Ok, The Absolute would have to in some way, form or fashion....allow for, introduce, make available the perception of relativity (space-time motion, 'creation', 'inter-action', 'multi-dimensionality)...and this would be an 'experience' within universal consciousness engaging ITSELF. - this would have to be the case, since 'creation' must arise with-in 'God', since 'God' is All That IS (before any perception of relativity or creation or sense of 'otherness'). So, 'creation' is more or less the 'play' of 'God'....and is 'maya' ('illusion', meaning only a limited conditional sense of perception within a space-time conditioned context).

'God' still might maintain his unique, one of kind, special 'Absoluteness', BUT since conditional existence(creation) does actually exist and has been allowed or brought into being by 'God',....He is therefore involved within the evolution, maintenance and destiny of that creation. Here is the paradox of BOTH the 'absolute' and 'relative' co-existing.

God does not have a will, He is a will. What one has, it can be taken away by limitations. What one is, He is, no matter what. We have; God is.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

God is everywhere. There is nowhere He is not. This absolutely allows for Him to manifest in different places at the same time in whatever form He wishes. I.E. the Father on His throne in Heaven, Jesus seated at his right side and the Holy Spirit all around us and filling souls surrendered to Him through Jesus Christ. He is not limited by contraints of time, location, or form. His oneness is everywhere.

A little paradoxical your post above this time. Form is akin to matter and, Elohim has nothing to do with matter. Therefore it is not of Him to take the form of any thing whatsoever. It would be a contradiction of His absolute Oneness and akin to the manifestation of idolatry. (Deut. 4:15,16)


Well-known member
Of course God has 'to do' with matter: He created it. He created matter to reflect His nature. He said, "Let there be light," and the first matter (hydrogen) was created. The huge mass that is a star caused the effect of super-heated hydrogen to burst into flames of plasma and give off light. He is above matter but still has substance, since He exists. Before there was any creation He still had mass and substance. The physical universe is a lesser example of His substance, but He still has to do with it. He stepped into it in The Form of Flesh to let us see Him. Those who are blind to Him are such by His Design. Those who see Him in Christ see Him everywhere they go every day. Those who are blind never see Him until He reveals Himself to them.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

Of course God has 'to do' with matter: He created it. He created matter to reflect His nature. He said, "Let there be light," and the first matter (hydrogen) was created. The huge mass that is a star caused the effect of super-heated hydrogen to burst into flames of plasma and give off light. He is above matter but still has substance, since He exists. Before there was any creation He still had mass and substance. The physical universe is a lesser example of His substance, but He still has to do with it. He stepped into it in The Form of Flesh to let us see Him. Those who are blind to Him are such by His Design. Those who see Him in Christ see Him everywhere they go every day. Those who are blind never see Him until He reveals Himself to them.

Oh Aimiel, sorry! I meant to say that God had nothing to do with matter in his constitution. Of course, He caused the existence of matter but not to reflect His nature but the nature of His handiwork. That's in Psalm 19:1.

However, HaShem never took the form of man to appear on earth if not in the dreams of His prophets. In reality it would be an act of idolatry as we have in Deut. 4:15,16 to design God in the form of a man or any thing else. (Isa. 46:5) Blindness is not in the design of HaShem but of man himself through the use of his own Freewill. (Gen. 4:7) And the Lord reveals Himself to men only by means of dreams and visions. (Numb. 12:6)


Well-known member
It would seem that you don't realize that things stated in the Old Testament might be footnoted with; "... to date," such that when Isaiah said, "To whom will you liken me?" God was speaking of the fact that no one (as yet) could be compared to Himself. Jesus not only had The Fulness of The Godhead dwelling in Him, bodily; but He is The Express Image of The Father. He didn't do His Own Will, but only did The Will of The Father. He acted as God while on the earth. He did what The Father would have done were He walking upon the earth. He showed us The Father. He came from Heaven. He ascended into Heaven. God not only revealed Himself to us in The Form of Flesh but He also inhabits our mortal bodies because of Jesus' finished work upon the cross. His Blood cleanses us of ALL un-righteousness (in God's Eyes) and gives us eternal life and communion with Him.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

1 - It would seem that you don't realize that things stated in the Old Testament might be footnoted with; "... to date," such that when Isaiah said, "To whom will you liken me?" God was speaking of the fact that no one (as yet) could be compared to Himself.

2 - Jesus not only had The Fulness of The Godhead dwelling in Him, bodily; but He is The Express Image of The Father.

3 - He didn't do His Own Will, but only did The Will of The Father. He acted as God while on the earth. He did what The Father would have done were He walking upon the earth. He showed us The Father. He came from Heaven. He ascended into Heaven. God not only revealed Himself to us in The Form of Flesh but He also inhabits our mortal bodies because of Jesus' finished work upon the cross.

4 - His Blood cleanses us of ALL un-righteousness (in God's Eyes)
5 - and gives us eternal life and communion with Him.

1 - Nice try Aimiel! But it was HaShem Himself inspiring His Prophet Isaiah to teach that no one whomsoever could be compared to Him either then and forever. Don't forget that HaShem is not subject to time.

2 - Now, it is your turn to read Deut. 4:15,16. That idolatry of Paul to compare Jesus to HaShem had been so to speak predicted in different terms that would come about. Then Paul settled for less, I mean, instead of being Jesus HaShem Himself, he would be the son of God as if the idolatry of the demigod would be less painful, perhaps.(Acts 9:20)

3 - Really! So, Jesus did not do his own will but only the will of the Father? Have you forgotten Jesus' three prayers in the Gethsemane? He prayed 3 times not to walk the Via Dolorosa. When he realized that there was no answer to his prayers, what did he say? "Be Thy will done; not mine." Well, what was Jesus' will? Surely not the same as the will of the Father. It means he was, so-to-speak, forced into taking his cross to the Calvary because, as he was concerned, he didn't want to.

4 - And all that, how was it done? Against the words of the Prophets who said that no one can die for the sins of another. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

5 - Again, against God's will in contradiction to His own Word that man could not live forever. (Gen. 3:22) That eternal life belonged with God only and with no humans.


New member
4 - And all that, how was it done? Against the words of the Prophets who said that no one can die for the sins of another. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

Atonement is God's prerogative. For example, on Yom Kippur each year a goat died for the sins of Israel.

In the NT John explains that the Word was with God and was God before he became flesh.


Well-known member
Nice try Aimiel! But it was HaShem Himself inspiring His Prophet Isaiah to teach that no one whomsoever could be compared to Him either then and forever. Don't forget that HaShem is not subject to time.
Did He say that, explicitly; or did you infer it?
Really! So, Jesus did not do his own will but only the will of the Father? Have you forgotten Jesus' three prayers in the Gethsemane? He prayed 3 times not to walk the Via Dolorosa. When he saw realized that his prayers were going without answer, what did he say? "Be Thy will done; not mine." Well, what was Jesus' will? Surely not the same as the will of the Father. It means he was, so-to-speak, forced into taking his cross to the Calvary because, as he was concerned, he didn't want to.
Did He do His Will or that of The Father when He went to the cross?
And all that, how was it done? Against the words of the Prophets who said that no one can die for the sins of another. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)
The fact that Jesus was put to death, never having committed any sin and death being ONLY the penalty for sin, allows Jesus to substitute His Death for ours. Our sins can be washed away and God looks at us as if we've never sinned because Jesus lived a perfect life and never sinned and died in our place. Because God instructed men to NOT hold someone's sins against someone else doesn't mean that our sins cannot be forgiven by Christ's substitutionary death, no matter how many times you say it or try to twist it to mean what you 'think' it means.
Again, against God's will in contradiction to His own Word that man could not live forever. (Gen. 3:22) That eternal life belonged with God only and with no humans.
Jesus came that we might have restored to us what was lost in the garden: relationship. God created men to share His Love with. He wants to share eternity, as well.

Ben Masada

New member
A Absolute Oneness of God

A Absolute Oneness of God

Atonement is God's prerogative. For example, on Yom Kippur each year a goat died for the sins of Israel.

In the NT John explains that the Word was with God and was God before he became flesh.

Yes, but the goat was the Scapegoat which pointed to Israel which fell to Assyria and was transferred toward the East throughout the desert to Azazel on a exile that would last forever. (Psalm 78;67-70) Nothing to do with Jesus. And that explanation given in John was written by the Hellenist who wrote that gospel. The Word was of God which became flesh in Judah qua Immanuel. (Isa. 8:8) The Word of God, not God Himself.
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Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

Did He say that, explicitly; or did you infer it?

I inferred nothing. Every thing was reported by Isaiah, the Prophet of the Lord. (Isa. 46:5)

Did He do His Will or that of The Father when He went to the cross?

Neither his will, nor that of his Father, but of the Romans. He was forced into the cross on a political charge of INRI. Wake up man and stop dreaming the dream of Paul.

The fact that Jesus was put to death, never having committed any sin and death being ONLY the penalty for sin, allows Jesus to substitute His Death for ours.

You won't succeed to deny the Prophets of the Lord. No one can die to substitute the death for the sins of another. Jer.31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

Our sins can be washed away and God looks at us as if we've never sinned because Jesus lived a perfect life and never sinned and died in our place.

Are you implying that the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes was a liar? He said that "There has never ben a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinned." (Eccles. 7:20) Jesus was a man upon earth for 33 years of his life. Besides, read Mat. 23:13-33 and you will see that Jesus broke the Golden Rule 15 times only in that text. So, you cannot say again that he never sinned. The Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Catalogue.

Because God instructed men to NOT hold someone's sins against someone else doesn't mean that our sins cannot be forgiven by Christ's substitutionary death, no matter how many times you say it or try to twist it to mean what you 'think' it means.

You are twisting the word of the Prophets. They said that no one can die for the sins of another. Read Jer. 31:30; and Ezek. 18:20. It won't help you to be so stiff necked.

Jesus came that we might have restored to us what was lost in the garden: relationship. God created men to share His Love with. He wants to share eternity, as well.

Something won't happened because you wish it did. It has to be how the Lord has decided it. Read Gen. 3:22.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
A little paradoxical your post above this time. Form is akin to matter and, Elohim has nothing to do with matter. Therefore it is not of Him to take the form of any thing whatsoever. It would be a contradiction of His absolute Oneness and akin to the manifestation of idolatry. (Deut. 4:15,16)

That is conjecture on your part. Those verse do not prove your point. He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, he wrestled with Jacob. There is nothing preventing him from taking the form the we were created after. You again are speaking from your own pre-judging because you grasp at straws trying to explain away the Lord Jesus Christ. Too many of us have met him. Sorry you can't do it, no matter what you spin.


Well-known member
I inferred nothing. Every thing was reported by Isaiah, the Prophet of the Lord. (Isa. 46:5)
You inferred that The Word of God said something that It doesn't. God knew that Jesus would not only 'be comparable' to Him but would be His Express Image, in The Flesh.
Neither his will, nor that of his Father, but of the Romans. He was forced into the cross on a political charge of INRI. Wake up man and stop dreaming the dream of Paul.
He came to this earth to die upon a tree, so that He could be made accursed to cover your sins and mine.
You won't succeed to deny the Prophets of the Lord. No one can die to substitute the death for the sins of another. Jer.31:30; Ezek. 18:20
Again, you're reading 'into' Scripture meaning that simply isn't there, either expressed or implied.
Are you implying that the writer of the book of Ecclesiastes was a liar? He said that "There has never ben a man upon earth to have done only good and never sinned." (Eccles. 7:20) Jesus was a man upon earth for 33 years of his life.
Yes, but saying that, "There has never been," means the same thing as: "There never will be," is foolhardy. Your religion has you brainwashed.
Something won't happened because you wish it did. It has to be how the Lord has decided it. Read Gen. 3:22.
Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. We now have a perfect relationship with The Father, which will last for eternity. His Blood bought that for us. You denying that fact won't change it. Your darkened understanding won't change it. Your false religion won't change it. Your hatred of Christ won't change it. Get over yourself.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

1 - That is conjecture on your part.
2 - Those verse do not prove your point.
3 - He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, he wrestled with Jacob.
4 - There is nothing preventing him from taking the form the we were created after.
5 - You again are speaking from your own pre-judging because you grasp at straws trying to explain away the Lord Jesus Christ. Too many of us have met him. Sorry you can't do it, no matter what you spin.

1 - No, it is not. It is a Biblical text in the Torah. (Deut. 4:15,16)

2 - Those verses more than prove my point. They go down to the details of corruption as a result of idolatry.

3 - Oh! so that's your problem: Anthropomorphic conception of God! A little of metaphorical understanding could solve the problem. Take a look at Numb. 12:6. That's how the Lord would reveal Himself to His prophets; in any form, even in the form of the formless aka an angel.

4 - Now, that I understand your problem, nothing prevents HaShem from taking the image of any thing, even of a goat.

5 - Jesus was a Jew and he said that HaShem is the only Lord if you read Mark 12:29.

Ben Masada

New member
The Absolute Oneness of God

1 - You inferred that The Word of God said something that It doesn't.
2 - God knew that Jesus would not only 'be comparable' to Him but would be His Express Image, in The Flesh.
3 - He came to this earth to die upon a tree, so that He could be made accursed to cover your sins and mine.
4 - Again, you're reading 'into' Scripture meaning that simply isn't there, either expressed or implied.
5 - Yes, but saying that, "There has never been," means the same thing as: "There never will be," is foolhardy.
6 - Your religion has you brainwashed.Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. We now have a perfect relationship with The Father, which will last for eternity.
7 - His Blood bought that for us. You denying that fact won't change it. Your darkened understanding won't change it.
8 - Your false religion won't change it. Your hatred of Christ won't change it. Get over yourself.

1 - Because you do not check the evidence through the quotes.

2 - This is nothing different from the anthropomorphic conception of God.

3 - Jesus would not act against the words of the Prophets. of the Lord. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)

4 - Again, you never check the evidential quotes I give you.

5 - No, it's not. The Lord does not work in the past but always in the present. Jesus, yes, 2000 years ago and no more. He is dead.

6 - Nothing lasts for eternity as man is concerned. (Gen. 3:22)

7 - Jews don't experience dark understanding because they usually walk by sight and not by faith. To walk by sight is to walk with understanding. To walk by faith is to leave the understanding with Paul. (II Cor. 5:7)

8 - Your denial of the truth in the Tanach won't change the Truth that Jesus said is in the Tanach. I don't deny Jesus my friend. How could I deny a loyal Jew who came to confirm our Law down to the letter? (Mat. 5:17-19) I see rather that Christians deny Jesus by describing him as a Greek demigod. (Acts 9:20)


Well-known member
If you don't drink Jesus' Blood and eat His Flesh (symbolically) you have no life in you. If you're not born again you cannot even see The Kingdom. How do you think that you can describe or understand something that you cannot yet see? You're blind but running around in circles, screaming: "Follow me, follow me!!!" You think you understand but your understanding is darkened. You walk by sight, but you cannot lead anyone since you're blind to your true condition.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
1 - No, it is not. It is a Biblical text in the Torah. (Deut. 4:15,16)

2 - Those verses more than prove my point. They go down to the details of corruption as a result of idolatry.

3 - Oh! so that's your problem: Anthropomorphic conception of God! A little of metaphorical understanding could solve the problem. Take a look at Numb. 12:6. That's how the Lord would reveal Himself to His prophets; in any form, even in the form of the formless aka an angel.

4 - Now, that I understand your problem, nothing prevents HaShem from taking the image of any thing, even of a goat.

5 - Jesus was a Jew and he said that HaShem is the only Lord if you read Mark 12:29.
Having His Son share in His oneness and take on the form of a man is a far cry from goat or a statue.
Born of a virgin, Emmanuel... God with us. Isiaih 7:14


Eclectic Theosophist
The 'will' of 'God'.....

The 'will' of 'God'.....

God does not have a will, He is a will.

I agree with that in part,...however if we consider that 'God' is a divine personality, being our Universal Father, we can say that his personality has a 'will', at least personally speaking. Now concerning that "He is a will" (as you indicate above), a newer revelation speaks of 'God' in this manner that "He is will" (note the differential), this takes it even further.

The Urantia Papers speak of God being a divine personality, but also acknowledges God's non or tans-personal attributes and characteristics as well,...but note that even if we say that "He is will"....this 'will' is exercised by God personally, because it affects persons, and is expressed thru 'personality'.

4:4.1 God is the only stationary, self-contained, and changeless being in the whole universe of universes, having no outside, no beyond, no past, and no future. God is purposive energy (creative spirit) and absolute will, and these are self-existent and universal.

4:4.2 Since God is self-existent, he is absolutely independent. The very identity of God is inimical to change. "I, the Lord, change not." God is immutable; but not until you achieve Paradise status can you even begin to understand how God can pass from simplicity to complexity, from identity to variation, from quiescence to motion, from infinity to finitude, from the divine to the human, and from unity to duality and triunity. And God can thus modify the manifestations of his absoluteness because divine immutability does not imply immobility; God has will—he is will.

4:4.3 God is the being of absolute self-determination; there are no limits to his universe reactions save those which are self-imposed, and his freewill acts are conditioned only by those divine qualities and perfect attributes which inherently characterize his eternal nature. Therefore is God related to the universe as the being of final goodness plus a free will of creative infinity.

I just thought to share these insights from the UB ;)

What one has, it can be taken away by limitations. What one is, He is, no matter what.


We have; God is.

As following the above propositions so far, yes ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
Etheric records......

Etheric records......

what about the akashic record ?


They (the records) have their place, but that depends on the subject and context-parameters. If we consider 'God' as universal Spirit or Infinite Intelligence,....then all knowledge/information would be contained and ever unfolding within Himself, since he enfolds the totality of the cosmos, the container of creation. The akashic records are that information in the ethers which are stored as an energy-imprint. In various scriptures its also known as the 'Book of life' or 'Book of remembrance'.

See here