T.D. Jakes Comes Out for ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘LGBT Churches,’ Says Position is ‘Evolving

T.D. Jakes Comes Out for ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘LGBT Churches,’ Says Position is ‘Evolving

  • yes, i now believe its ok

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  • I could care less either way

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T.D. Jakes Comes Out for ‘Gay Rights’ and ‘LGBT Churches,’ Says Position is ‘Evolving’

Megachurch leader and author T.D. Jakes says that homosexuals should attend congregations that affirm their lifestyle and that politics do not need to reflect biblical ethics, adding that his position on homosexuality is both “evolved and evolving.”

During an interview with the Huffington Post on Monday, Jakes was asked by a viewer if he believes that homosexuals and the black church can co-exist.

“Absolutely… I think it is going to be diverse from church to church. Every church has a different opinion on the issue and every gay person is different,” he replied. “And I think that to speak that the church—the black church, the white church or any kind of church you wanna call it—are all the same, is totally not true.”

Jakes said that he thinks homosexuals should find congregations that affirm their lifestyle.

“LGBT’s of different types and sorts have to find a place of worship that reflects what your views are and what you believe like anyone else,” he outlined.

“The church should have the right to have its own convictions and values; if you don’t like those convictions and values [and] you totally disagree with it, don’t try to change my house, move into your own … and find somebody who gets what you get about faith,” Jakes added.

He said that the issue of homosexuality is “complex.”

“Paul spends a lot of time wrestling back and forth, trying to understand should a woman wear a head covering, should you cut your hair,” Jakes stated. “I mean, they grappled back then and we’re grappling now because we’re humans and we are flawed and we’re not God.”

“Once you understand you’re not God, you leave yourself an ‘out’ clause to grow,” he said.

When asked if his position on homosexuality has “evolved,” Jakes agreed that it has.

“Evolved and evolving,” he replied. “I think that where I am is to better understand we, the church, bought into the myth that this is a Christian nation.”

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states must legalize same-sex “marriage,” igniting a battle between the Church and State over the issue. In his comments on Monday, Jakes advocated for the separation of Church and State, which would allow for “all types of people” to have whatever rights they desire despite biblical prohibitions. He said that politics don’t need to be based on Christianity.

“[O]nce you get past [thinking America is a Christian nation] … Once you begin to understand that democracy—that a republic actually—is designed to be an overarching system to protect our unique nuances, then we no longer look for public policy to reflect biblical ethics,” Jakes explained.

“If we can divide—or what you would call separation of Church and State—then we can dwell together more effectively because atheists, agnostics, Jews, all types of people, Muslims, pay into the government. The government then cannot reflect one particular view over another just because we’re the dominant group of religious people in [this] country because those numbers are changing every day,” he asserted. “We need a neutralized government that protects our right to disagree with one another and agree with one another.”

Jakes had visited the Huffington Post to discuss his new book on “destiny.” The interview focused on motivational subject matter in following one’s dreams and passions as opposed to the eternal destiny of the soul.

Except there isnt commandments against hair for women in the ot, or covering their hair, in other words, never a law, but homosexual relations are, and clear prohibition also in the nt.

Guess his huffington post visit to sell a book, changed up his theology. Pray He seeks the Lord in Spirit and Truth rather than trade it for a milstone, if he intends to teach others this is ok.

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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
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I believe that homosexuality is wrong. And, I can't see anything changing my mind on that. My own daughter claims to be asexual with a preference toward women. One of the reasons she no longer lives with me is that she's mad that I just won't accept her view that homosexuality is "normal."


New member
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I believe that homosexuality is wrong. And, I can't see anything changing my mind on that. My own daughter claims to be asexual with a preference toward women. One of the reasons she no longer lives with me is that she's mad that I just won't accept her view that homosexuality is "normal."

Does she believe in God?

If yes, does she believe that the bible is the word of God?

If yes again, does she believe that God makes mistakes?


New member
Homosexuality is the final state of a long and downward spiral into sin. Once this stage is reached the person is reprobate or cast off by God like a piece of trash. That this sin is so prominent in the church shows that Jesus has left most churches and they are now controlled by Satan.


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Does she believe in God?

If yes, does she believe that the bible is the word of God?

If yes again, does she believe that God makes mistakes?

No. In fact, she says, "All Christians are hypocrites," because some of us think that homosexuality is wrong and don't believe that gay "marriage" should be allowed legally. She says that churches should be taxed and that any church that preaches against homosexuality should be fined and closed down.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes, I see that problem. Even so, the truth cannot be changed. We cannot make God into a PC idea. WE are very lost today. See how you fell watching the preaching. yet it is true.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Homosexuality is the final state of a long and downward spiral into sin. Once this stage is reached the person is reprobate or cast off by God like a piece of trash. That this sin is so prominent in the church shows that Jesus has left most churches and they are now controlled by Satan.

No. Some people have to go to the bottom to come to Christ. Do you think any sin is too much for Jesus to forgive? If you do, then you do not know Him.


New member
Jakes has always been a false teacher. This episode is the Almighty bringing to the surface what has always been hidden away in his unregenerate heart.

Homosexuality, first and foremostly, is a judgment from the Eternal Almighty against society for irreverence and injustice.
When addressing the subject of homosexuality it should be viewed via the national sin and personal sin of the viewer.

Repentance is both a national and personal requirement. So instead of asking sodomites to repent it would be wiser to address the national debt of sin.

Although homosexuality is a sin, it is also a judgment against sin.

Historically, when a nation has been judged with homosexual lust, that nation is being prepared for destruction.


Well-known member
Imho, every preacher or Christian that says "It's okay" just hasn't spent enough time reading their bibles. The reason it is wrong is simply this: It is of the flesh. "Marriage" is a Spiritual institution. Sex is desirable, as God intended, but He created it for a specific purpose. Bulimia is wrong and harmful. A bulimic may campaign for a right to purge, but it is harmful to them. Sexuality is harmful to two people, when it is not according to God's directive. We cannot condone an activity that harms not only one, but two people and their families. It is still wrong for a pastor to sleep with another man's wife. We know adultery is wrong. Why is it wrong? For the same reasons, homosexuality is also wrong, selfish, and harmful. So is premarital sex. Many Christians are guilty of that too, but we are not condoning it. We all know it is wrong and pray another does better than us collectively or before we were believers etc. We don't condone it in ourselves, we certainly don't condone it, therefore, in another, whether they are repentant or not. Love the sinner, hate the sin? Yeah, but that's not the same thing as condoning sins. We all need grace but not the go-ahead and sin against our Lord and God. -Lon


New member
Hall of Fame
No. In fact, she says, "All Christians are hypocrites," because some of us think that homosexuality is wrong and don't believe that gay "marriage" should be allowed legally. She says that churches should be taxed and that any church that preaches against homosexuality should be fined and closed down.

Wow, i am very sorry to hear that. You have my prayers that she will wake up to the truth. Sadly what shes bought into is the lie the world is telling her.

You are in my prayers too, for His comfort and peace.


New member
Hall of Fame
Homosexuality is not a mistake, it's a choice and a sin.

I believe Christ died for sinners.

The Father sent him to do just that.

Did i say otherwise? I asked if she thinks that. Anyone who believes in God and believes the bible is His word, cannot deny homosexual relations to be sin. If they believe otherwise, then they are taking a position that God makes mistakes.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
He said that the issue of homosexuality is “complex.”

“Paul spends a lot of time wrestling back and forth, trying to understand should a woman wear a head covering, should you cut your hair,” Jakes stated. “I mean, they grappled back then and we’re grappling now because we’re humans and we are flawed and we’re not God.......Once you understand you’re not God, you leave yourself an ‘out’ clause to grow,” he said.-TD Joke
Translation of this "we are flawed and we’re not God.”

=a crafty dismissal, of every respective member of the boc's command, by the LORD God, "to discern good and bad"(2 Samuel 14:17 KJV, 1 Kings 3:9 KJV), "to refuse the evil, and choose the good"(Isiah 7:15 KJV)....., with the spin, excuse(not reason), of, "Well, I am not God!!!"

Stuff that jazz, for, by that "argument," any type of "bad"/evil could be justified, and, as it is written.....

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isiah 5:20 KJV

A Muslim, to T.D. Joke: "Well, Touchdown, the issue of killing people re. suicide bombing is “complex.” Many people spends a lot of time wrestling back and forth, trying to understand whether suicide bombing is acceptable. I mean, many grappled back then and we’re grappling now because we’re humans and we are flawed and we’re not God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Once you understand you’re not God, you leave yourself an ‘out’ clause to grow, and accept suicide bombing!!!

T.D. Joke: Well, you see, uh, urr, maybe my view should evolve, 'grow,'you see, uh, urr.........

Traitor, to the faith..............


Well-known member
Homosexuality is vile it is wickedness, it is sin.

No amount of "social justice" can change that.

People who do that sin need to overcome it by going to the word of God and learning to renew their minds


Literal lunatic
That stopped in 653 AD :chuckle:

Sure it wudn't 157?

Alright people, climb aboard. Let's take a drive down Riverside Avenue, 157. Alright? Here we go

Well we flew into town on Sunday, had to find a place by Monday
Tried Bridgeport, then Westport, til we found a place that we thought would do
157 Riverside Avenue
Well the Saugatuck River's flowin', Mother Nature's colours were showin'
So cold, so rainy, we couldn't help feelin' blue
Not enough time and too many things to do
So we just sat there and played some

Well we met a young girl on Main Street, wanted to pass her by
She was homely, but we were lonely. She said, "Can I make love to you?"
I said, "157 Riverside Avenue."
And she talked on the guitar, she said
She was a fast-talkin' woman

Well it's over, Miss Lena, we're leavin'. Such a pleasant stay, I must say
So nice, so easy, we hate to say goodbye to you
At 157 Riverside Avenue

Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo, yeah! Aw, that bass sounds good to me
That's Regis on the bass guitar
But let me tell you, let me tell you about somethin' here
Every once in a while, with these rock 'n roll bands you see
There are little lacks of communication
Now what I'm talkin' about? No, let me tell you, let me tell you

You see Gary, he plays the guitar, myself I sing, you see
So sometimes there's a little gap in between there
Let me give you an example, let me give you an example

Just the other day, you probably remember it well
It was just the other day, you remember that?
Just the other day, I swear to God people, it was just the other day
I called Gary up on the telephone you see
And he picked up the phone and he said...


So, I tell ya, I gotta be truthful, it took me a little bit by surprise
So I had to think a minute, I sat back, I thought about it and I said...

(Random scatting)

Oh, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon now people
Talk to me one time, talk to me with your hands
Said a-one, said a-two, said a-one, two
A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three, four


New member
I've gotta question.

Paul said God gave some folks over to a reprobate mind.

If and when did God stop doin' that?

Are reprobates sinners?

"When Jesus heard it He said to them, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'" (Mark 2:17)

"I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner — not even to eat with such a person." (1 Corinthians 5:9-11)

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