Swine Sausage - Sin?


Dear All,

I am persuaded of myself to go ahead and eat pork because there is now a USDA who makes sure my ham doesn't give me trichinosis. I've been eating pork all of my life and yet God has loved me irregardless of it, for I ate pork after He and the 3 angels visited me and also before then. When there will be no USDA set up {after Armageddon}, you should not eat a swine straight from the farm without proper inspection. Go to Mexico and eat pork, and you come home with trichinosis. I know that God's love for me has gone very deeply and He loves me either way. I even have made ham and bean soup. But it is pork that has been inspected by the USDA. So I don't worry about it.

Much Love & Concern,

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Dear All,

I am persuaded of myself to go ahead and eat pork because there is now a USDA who makes sure my ham doesn't give me trichinosis. I've been eating pork all of my life and yet God has loved me irregardless of it, for I ate pork after He and the 3 angels visited me and also before then. When there will be no USDA set up {after Armageddon}, you should not eat a swine straight from the farm without proper inspection. Go to Mexico and eat pork, and you come home with trichinosis. I know that God's love for me has gone very deeply and He loves me either way. I even have made ham and bean soup. But it is pork that has been inspected by the USDA. So I don't worry about it.

Dear All,

Well, what do you think about what I've said?? Are you going to eat pork now or not. If you abstain, that is okay too!! Bacon calls!!

God Bless Your Hearts!!


Much Love & Concern,


Ben Masada

New member
And by the same logic, Christ rested on the Sabbath. We are part of His body. By Christians resting on the Sabbath one is continuing the tradition of Christ resting on the Sabbath.

What Christians besides the Seventh-Day Adventists rest on the Sabbath? I don't know of any others.


New member
Well, what do you think about what I've said?

Paul said, "It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak." (Romans 14:21 NKJV)

Let's say for the sake of discussion that Jesus was your brother. And let's say he stands at the door and knocks, would you invite him in for supper? If he came in would you feed him something contrary to God's law? Or would you respect his beliefs?


Active member
Ben Masada,
re: "What Christians besides the Seventh-Day Adventists rest on the Sabbath? I don't know of any others.: "

Sabbath Keeping Churches

1.1st Chronicles of the Living God Ministries Inc
2.11th Hour Apostolic Sabbatarian Church
3.7th Day Bible Church
4.7th Day Church of God
5.A Church of God Ministry
6.A Congregation in St. Louis
7.Aaronic Order (House of Aharon)
8.Abiding Faith In Truth Church Inc.
9.Abunda Life Church
10.Active Bible Church of God
11.Advent Fellowship of All Nations
12.Adventist Church of Promise
13.Ahtanum Community Church
14.Akron Fellowship
15.All Nations Assembly House of Prayer For All People
16.American Orthodox Catholic Church
17.American Society of Medical Missionary
18.Anointed Sabbath Ministries Inc
19.An Assembly of the Eternal's Called Out
20.Anointed Ministry Temple
21.Apostolic Assembly of Yahvah, inc
22.Apostolic Church of God, 7th Day
23.Apostolic Lighthouse Church
24.Apostolic Sacred Name Fellowship
25.Apostolic Truth Ministries Worldwide
26.Ark International
27.Assembled Believers Congregation
28.Assembles of the Called Out Ones of 'Yah,' Inc.
29.Assembles of Yahshua
30.Assembles of Yahweh
31.Assemblies of YaHVah
32.Assemblies of YaHVaHO SHA Worldwide Inc.
33.Assembly of Elohim
34.Assembly of God 7th Day
35.Assembly of God in Christ Jesus
36.Assembly of the Eternal, an independent Church of God
37.Assembly of the Firstborn
38.Assembly of Yah
39.Assembly of Yahowah, 7th Day
40.Assembly of Yahweh
41.Assembly of Yahweh Nigeria
42.Assembly with Elder Dale George
43.Assembled Believers Congregation
44.Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies
45.Atzzehret Yeshua Hakoom Messianic Congregation
46.Austin Fellowship
47.Austin Church of God
48.Australasian Conference of Seventh Day Baptists
49.Barnabas Ministries
50.Believer's Advocate
51.Believers in Christ Church of God
52.Berean Apostolic Faith Assembly
53.Berean Church of God
54.Bet Hashem Midrash
55.Bet Shavei-tzion International
56.Beth Ha Shofar (Messianic Congregation)
57.Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship
58.Beth Israel Messianic Congregation
59.Beth Messiah Congregation
60.Beth Tikvah (House of Hope) - Newcastle, WA
61.Bible Sabbath Musicians' Association
62.Bibleway Church
63.Biblical Church of God Danville
64.Biblical Unitarian Churches of God
65.Blessed Hope Seventh Day Christian
66.Blessed Hope Mission Church
67.B'nai Yahshua Messianic Synagogue
68.Body of Christ Church of God
69.Branch of Jerusalem
70.Breath of Life
71.British Conference of Seventh Day Baptists
72.British Israel Church of God
73.Bro. Lester Anderson, Salem Acres
74.Brown, Frank and Connie
75.Building Bridges
77.Canadian Church of God
78.Caribbean United Church
79.Celebration Church of God
80.Celina Independent Bible Study
81.Celtic Orthodox Church
82.Certain Place of the Seventh Day Chapel
84.Charles Lindsey
85.Children of Promise
86.Children of Yah
87.Children of Yahvah
88.Children of Yahweh
89.Christ Fellowship Ministries (Church of God)
90.Christian Biblical Church of God
91.Christian Church of God, Inc.
92.Christian Churches of God
93.Christian Educational Ministries
94.Christian Family Church of God
95.Christian Fellowship Church
96.Christian Fellowship Church of God
97.Christian Fellowship Ministries of the Church of God
98.Christian Leadership Academy
99.Christian Renewal Ministries
100.Christian Sabbath Assembly
101.Christian Sabbath Keepers
102.Christians in Crisis
103.Christ Lion Ministries
104.Church of Biblical Truth
105.Church of Christ of Seventh Day
106.Church of God
107.Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc.
108.Church of God (Abrahamic Faith-Sabbath Keepers)
109.Church of God (Christianos)
110.Church of God (Iglesia de Dios)
111.Church of God 7th Day
112.Church of God 7th/Sabbath Day
113.Church of God a Christian Fellowship
114.Church of God an International Community
115.Church of God and Saints of Christ
116.Church of God Christ the Head
117.Church of God in the Netherlands (New Moon Seventh Day)
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122.Church of God of the Eternal God
123.Church of God of the Seventh Day
124.Church of God Philadelphia Era
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127.Church of God Providence
128.Church of God Restored
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130.Church of God Sabbath Day
131.Church of God Seventh Day
132.Church of God Talent Ministries
133.Church of God the Ozarks
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135.Church of God, an International Community
136.Church of God, In Truth, Inc. (Formerly Church of God's Truth)
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138.Church of God's Truth
139.Church of Israel
140.Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (STRANGITE)
141.Church of Jesus Christ, Sabbath Day
142.Church of The Adventist Fellowship
143.Church of the Great God
144.Church of the Living God
145.Church of the Living Yahweh
146.Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
147.Church of the Remnant Hope
148.Church of the Savior at Cincinnati
149.Church of the Sovereign God
150.Church State Council
151.Churches of God a Cooperative Fellowship
152.Churches of God Cyber Auxiliary
153.Community Church of God, Seventh Day
154.Congregacion De Yahweh
155.Congregation Beth Shalom
156.Congregation Beth Simcha
157.Congregation Beth Yeshua
158.Congregation Birth Hadoshah
159.Congregation B'nal Maccabim
160.Congregation of God Seventh Day
161.Congregation of Yahweh
162.Congregation of YHWH
163.Congregation Ohr Chadash
164.Cornerstone House of Prayer
165.Covenant Apostolic Churches, International
166.Covenant Mission in Canada
167.Dallas Congregation of the Almighty
168.David Alvin Gregg
169.Davis, Richard and Imogene
170.Deaf Assembly of YHWH
171.Disciples Church of God
172.Dove Christian Fellowship
173.East Texas Fellowship
174.Ecclesia Theos At Morristown TN
175.El Shaddai Ministries - Tacoma, WA
176.Elder Andrae Anthony
177.Elect Ministries of God
178.Eliyah Message
179.Elmer "Lee" Grose
180.Embassy of God
181.Embassy of Heaven Church
182.End Time Assembly of God
183.Eternal Church of God
184.Evangelical Christian Fellowships - Belgium
185.Evangelical Seventh Day Baptist Church
186.Evangelical Seventh Day Baptist Mission Service
187.Evangelistic Centre, Inc.
188.Evangelistic Church of Jesus Christ
189.Everlasting Church of God
190.Faith Bible and Tract Society
191.Faith, Hope and Charity; House of God, Inc.
192.Family Church of God
193.Faith of a Child Ministry
194.Family of God
195.Family of Yahweh
196.Family Sabbath Keepers
197.Father's House Sabbath Congregation
198.Fellowship Church of God
199.Fellowship of Missions
200.Fighters For Truth
201.Final Hours Ministry
202.Finding Truth Ministeries
203.First Assembly of Yahvah
204.First Century Church of God
205.First Deliverance Holiness Church
206.First Fruits of Zion
207.Foundation For Life Fellowship
208.Freedom Biblical Information
209.Freedom Church Of God
210.Freedom Road Ministries
211.Friends of the Sabbath
212.Friendship 7th Day Sabbath Church of God
213.General Association of Davidians SDA
214.German Seventh Day Baptists
215.Gig Harbor Sabbath Fellowship
216.Giving & Sharing
217.Global Church of God
218.God Cares We Care House of Prayer
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230.Grace Cowboy Church.
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234.Hallelujah Fellowship
235.HalleluYah Assembly
236.Halleluyah Mission
237.Hartland Institute
238.Hatikure Ministries
239.Heartland Fellowship
240.Hebrew Israelites
241.Hebrew Roots
242.Hebrew to Christian Contact
243.Historic Adventists; 7th Day
244.Hold Fast to All Things
245.Holy Church of Christ Commandments of God
246.Holy Church of the Living God, Commandment Keepers
247.Holy Sabbath of Christ the King Mission International
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249.Hope of Israel Ministries
250.House Church of Jesus Christ
251.Household of Israel Temple of Jesus Christ
252.House of God
253.House of God Hebrew Pentecostal Church
254.House of Prayer
255.House of the Eternal Church of the Living God
256.House of Yahshua Ministries, Inc
257.House of Yahvah
258.House of Yahweh
259.If You Love Me 7th Day Fellowship
260.Independent Church of God Sabbath Fellowship Group
261.Independent Church of God
262.Independent Church of God (Yahweh)
263.Independent Sabbath Church of God
264.India Assemblies of Messiah
265.Interactive Sabbath Fellowship
266.Intercontinental Church of God
267.Interdependent - Interactive Church Of God
268.Interdependent Church of God Sabbath Day
269.International Congregation of Yahweh
270.International Sanctuary Research Center
271.IMS Seventh Day Adventist Church Reform Movement
272.Internet Church of God
273.Israel Assemblies of Yahweh, Inc
274.Israel's Messiah Has Come!
275.Jackson Gap Assembly of Yahweh
276.Jubilee Cycle Research
277.Kansas City Church of God - Kansas City, MO
278.Katahdin Christian Community Church
279.Kehilat Ariel
280.Keith Siddens
281.Kingdom Missionaries
282.Kingdom on Earth of Y_H_W_H, the Sovereign
284.Last Age Church of God
285.Law and Grace Ministries
286.Lehigh Valley Sabbath Fellowship
287.Liberty Foundation (20th Century Church of God)
288.Lifeline Ministries
289.LifePointe Church of God
290.LifePointe Seventh-Day Remnant Church
291.Lifestyle in Faith Ministries
292.Lifetime Ministry Church
293.Links of Truth
294.Lion and Lamb Ministries
295.Lion of Judah Ministries
296.The Olive Branch
297.Little Children of Jesus Christ
298.Little Flock Fellowship
299.LIttle Flock International
300.Living Church of God
301.Living God Ministries, Montgomery Fellowship
302.Living Life Traditional Holiness Church
303.Living Room Church of God
304.Living Word COG 7th Day
305.Logos Apostolic Church of God and Bible College
306.Logos Apostolic Church of God (Doncaster) U.K
307.Love Song To the Messiah
308.Lyons Congregation
309.Malkaynu Shuva Ministries
310.Maranatha Ministries
311.MarkTab Ministries
312.Maryland Sabbath Fellowship
313.Menorah Ministries
314.Messianic Congregation
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316.Messianic Hebrew Christian Fellowship
317.Messianic Israel Ministries (House of David)
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325.Missionary Body of Jesus Christ
326.Mount Sion Assembly of Yahvah
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332.Mt Zion Reporter
333.Music for the Church of God
334.Mystery of the Kingdom Ministry
335.Narrow Path
336.Nashville Sabbath Fellowship
337.Nation of Israel
338.National Eagle (Lee Clark)
339.New Beginnings
340.New Bethel House of Prayer
341.New Birth Assembly of Yahweh
342.New Covenant Apostolic Church
343.New Covenant Ministries
344.New Genesis Fellowship
345.New Israel Ind Assy of God
346.New Life & Health Ministries
347.New Life Christian Church
348.New Life Church of God Seventh Day
349.Nondenominational Sabbath Fellowship
350.Notre Dame de Grace
351.Oak Grove Community Church of God, 7th Day
352.Obedience Intercessory Ministry
353.Omega Praise Fellowship of Southern Oregon
354.Open Bible Fellowship
355.Open Door Bible Ministry, Inc.
356.Open Door Fellowship
357.Orange County Fellowship of God
358.Original Bible Project
359.Ozark Christian Fellowship
360.Pass It On Ministries
362.Pentecostal Church of Zion, Inc.
363.People of the Living God
364.People's Christian Church
365.Petah Tikvah (Door of Hope)
366.Petah Tikvah Messianic Jewish Congregation
367.Philadelphia Church of God
368.Pine Belt Biblical Foundation
369.Plainer Truth
370.Points of Truth Christian Ministry
371.Praise Fellowship
372.Prisoner Outreach for Christ
373.Proclaiming the Sabbath More Fully
374.Prophetic Church of God
375.Pure Truth (APT Manual)
376.Radio Church of God
377.Reformation Church
378.Remnant Church of God
379.Remnant of God's People Church
380.Remnant of Israel
381.Remnant of Yahvah
382.Restoration Church of God
383.Restoration Fellowship
384.Restored Church of God
385.Rhema Tabernacle Ministries
386.Ribbon of Blue Ministries
387.S.E.E.D. ( Matthew 17:20 )
388.Sabbatarian Brethren BS Service at Bound Brook
389.Sabbatarian Christian Fellowship
390.Sabbatarian Church of God
391.Sabbath Assembly of God
392.Sabbath Bible Study Fellowship
393.Sabbath Church
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426.Shekinah Gold Ministries
427.Shema Yisrael Ministries
428.Simon Says (radio talk show)
429.Smyrna Gospel Ministries
430.Smyrna Seventh-day Sabbath Chapel
431.Snow Hill Society of German Seventh Day Baptists
432.Soldiers of the Cross of Christ Evangelical International Church
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435.Southside Bible Church
436.Speak the Truth
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461.The Congregation of Christ
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463.The Congregation of God Seventh Day Association
464.The Congregation of Yahweh
465.The Creation 7th Day *Adventist Church
466.The First Assembly of Yahvah
467.The Folsom Area Sabbath Bible Study Fellowship
468.The Gen'l Assembly of the Congregations of God
469.The Haven of Living Water
470.The Hevener Church - 224 Mohele Road, Farmville, Va.23901
471.The House of God
472.The House of Prayer of DePauw, IN
473.The House of Yahweh
474.The Jerusalem Sentinel
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476.The Original Bible Project
477.The People's Christian Church
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479.The Pure Gospel Of Jesus Christ Ministries
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482.The Scriptural Church of God
483.The Seventh Day Church of God
484.The Society of the White Rose
485.The Toledo Congregation of the House of YaHVaH
486.The Total Truth
487.The True Church of Christ [The Church of Christ]
488.The Way Publications (Sabbath Bible Study Fellowship
489.Thomas C. Taylor
490.Thomaston Church
491.To the Elect Church of God
492.Toledo Congregation of YaHVaH
493.Total Truth
494.Tower of Prayer 7th Day Assembly Holy Spirit Believers
495.Tree of Life Fellowship
496.Triumph Church of God (Triumph Prophetic Ministries)
497.Triumph Prophetic Ministries
498.True Jesus Church
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500.Truth On The Web Ministries
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503.Twentieth Century Church of God
504.Two Witness Ministries
505.Uchee Pines Institute
506.Union of Messianic Jewish Congregation
507.United Biblical Church of God
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509.United Church of God
510.United Church of the Lord Our Righteousness
511.United Hebrew Congregations
512.United House of God
513.Universal Church of God
514.Unknown Truth Fellowship Workers (UTFW)
515.Valley Christian Fellowship
516.Virginia Christian Israelites
517.Virginia Sabbath Fellowship
518.Voice in the Wilderness
519.Voice of Unity
520.Western Maryland Sabbath Fellowship
521.Western Nebraska Congregation of God
522.Whole Armor
523.Wilderness Ministries
524.Willamette Sabbath Fellowship
525.World Insight International
526.Worldwide Church of God
527.Worldwide House of Yahuweh
528.YAH Prince of Peace Nazarene Ysraelite Congregation
529.Yah's Youth & Family Program
530.Yahshua Messiah International Congregation, Inc.
531.Yahvahshua Nazarene Mission
532.Yahwah's New Covenant Assembly
533.Yahweh's Assembly in Messiah
534.Yahweh's House of Prayer
535.Yahweh's Messianic Fellowship
536.Yahweh's New Covenant Assembly
537.Yahweh's New Life Assembly
538.Yehowshu'wa Intl. Assemblies Ministry
539.Yeshua Chai Messianic Synagogue
540.Yorusho Aleim Liberation Movement


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I'm surprised to discover that there are people who use the Bible to say that certain foods, such as pork, are unclean and sinful.
A lot of "conservative" Christians these days seem to think they are supposed to be 2,000+ year old Jews. They apparently have made such an idol of the Bible that they think every word written therein is coming to them directly from the mouth of God. (Which I, personally, find rather grotesque.)

What's even more puzzling than this, though, is that they are picking and choosing which of those 2,000+ year old Jewish religious admonishments they follow, and which they simply disregard. And whatever they're basing these choices on, is incomprehensible … unless it's just whim, and/or convenience. Which may well be the case.

It all seems quite silly to me, but then much of what some people get up to seems quite silly to me. So … whatever, I guess. To each their own.


Well-known member
A lot of "conservative" Christians these days seem to think they are supposed to be 2,000+ year old Jews. They apparently have made such an idol of the Bible that they think every word written therein is coming to them directly from the mouth of God. (Which I, personally, find rather grotesque.)

What's even more puzzling than this, though, is that they are picking and choosing which of those 2,000+ year old Jewish religious admonishments they follow, and which they simply disregard. And whatever they're basing these choices on, is incomprehensible … unless it's just whim, and/or convenience. Which may well be the case.

It all seems quite silly to me, but then much of what some people get up to seems quite silly to me. So … whatever, I guess. To each their own.

It is a lot older than two thousand years and every word is profitable for doctrine: not a single word is "done away with" or "abolished" though it has been transformed, (like Enoch was transformed-translated). This is the great mistake of outsiders, that is, thinking that the Word is long dead.


New member
A lot of "conservative" Christians these days seem to think they are supposed to be 2,000+ year old Jews. They apparently have made such an idol of the Bible that they think every word written therein is coming to them directly from the mouth of God. (Which I, personally, find rather grotesque.)

What's even more puzzling than this, though, is that they are picking and choosing which of those 2,000+ year old Jewish religious admonishments they follow, and which they simply disregard. And whatever they're basing these choices on, is incomprehensible … unless it's just whim, and/or convenience. Which may well be the case.

It all seems quite silly to me, but then much of what some people get up to seems quite silly to me. So … whatever, I guess. To each their own.

How about you do something totally different for you, and offer proof to back up what you say.

And surely you're NOT referring to homosexuality, which is also forbidden in the NT, and has been condemned for the entire duration of Christianity, not just 2000 years ago.

patrick jane

A lot of "conservative" Christians these days seem to think they are supposed to be 2,000+ year old Jews.

It all seems quite silly to me, but then much of what some people get up to seems quite silly to me. So … whatever, I guess. To each their own.

I understand your plight. You speak like someone that doesn't understand the Bible, never really did. Oh, you know bits and pieces that you disregard because you've decided it's all 2 -5 thousand year old writings.

If you ever read Romans thru Philemon and understand that, the whole Bible will make sense to you. None of us run around trying to be Jews from 2000 years ago

patrick jane

Ben Masada,
re: "What Christians besides the Seventh-Day Adventists rest on the Sabbath? I don't know of any others.: "

Sabbath Keeping Churches

1.1st Chronicles of the Living God Ministries Inc
2.11th Hour Apostolic Sabbatarian Church
3.7th Day Bible Church
4.7th Day Church of God
5.A Church of God Ministry
6.A Congregation in St. Louis
7.Aaronic Order (House of Aharon)
8.Abiding Faith In Truth Church Inc.
9.Abunda Life Church
10.Active Bible Church of God
11.Advent Fellowship of All Nations
12.Adventist Church of Promise
13.Ahtanum Community Church
14.Akron Fellowship
15.All Nations Assembly House of Prayer For All People
16.American Orthodox Catholic Church
17.American Society of Medical Missionary
18.Anointed Sabbath Ministries Inc
19.An Assembly of the Eternal's Called Out
20.Anointed Ministry Temple
21.Apostolic Assembly of Yahvah, inc
22.Apostolic Church of God, 7th Day
23.Apostolic Lighthouse Church
24.Apostolic Sacred Name Fellowship
25.Apostolic Truth Ministries Worldwide
26.Ark International
27.Assembled Believers Congregation
28.Assembles of the Called Out Ones of 'Yah,' Inc.
29.Assembles of Yahshua
30.Assembles of Yahweh
31.Assemblies of YaHVah
32.Assemblies of YaHVaHO SHA Worldwide Inc.
33.Assembly of Elohim
34.Assembly of God 7th Day
35.Assembly of God in Christ Jesus
36.Assembly of the Eternal, an independent Church of God
37.Assembly of the Firstborn
38.Assembly of Yah
39.Assembly of Yahowah, 7th Day
40.Assembly of Yahweh
41.Assembly of Yahweh Nigeria
42.Assembly with Elder Dale George
43.Assembled Believers Congregation
44.Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies
45.Atzzehret Yeshua Hakoom Messianic Congregation
46.Austin Fellowship
47.Austin Church of God
48.Australasian Conference of Seventh Day Baptists
49.Barnabas Ministries
50.Believer's Advocate
51.Believers in Christ Church of God
52.Berean Apostolic Faith Assembly
53.Berean Church of God
54.Bet Hashem Midrash
55.Bet Shavei-tzion International
56.Beth Ha Shofar (Messianic Congregation)
57.Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship
58.Beth Israel Messianic Congregation
59.Beth Messiah Congregation
60.Beth Tikvah (House of Hope) - Newcastle, WA
61.Bible Sabbath Musicians' Association
62.Bibleway Church
63.Biblical Church of God Danville
64.Biblical Unitarian Churches of God
65.Blessed Hope Seventh Day Christian
66.Blessed Hope Mission Church
67.B'nai Yahshua Messianic Synagogue
68.Body of Christ Church of God
69.Branch of Jerusalem
70.Breath of Life
71.British Conference of Seventh Day Baptists
72.British Israel Church of God
73.Bro. Lester Anderson, Salem Acres
74.Brown, Frank and Connie
75.Building Bridges
77.Canadian Church of God
78.Caribbean United Church
79.Celebration Church of God
80.Celina Independent Bible Study
81.Celtic Orthodox Church
82.Certain Place of the Seventh Day Chapel
84.Charles Lindsey
85.Children of Promise
86.Children of Yah
87.Children of Yahvah
88.Children of Yahweh
89.Christ Fellowship Ministries (Church of God)
90.Christian Biblical Church of God
91.Christian Church of God, Inc.
92.Christian Churches of God
93.Christian Educational Ministries
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You missed one -


Well-known member
What's even more puzzling than this, though, is that they are picking and choosing which of those 2,000+ year old Jewish religious admonishments they follow, and which they simply disregard. And whatever they're basing these choices on, is incomprehensible … unless it's just whim, and/or convenience. Which may well be the case.

The Adventists keep the Sabbath and don't eat unclean meat.
The Churches of God keep the Sabbath and Annual Feast days and don't eat unclean meat.

It is a real question which of the 613 OT laws one needs to keep as a Christian today.

And there are 1050 NT commands which I presume most Christians will agree with.

I will agree with PureX that sometimes which OT laws churches keep seems totally arbitrary.

Almost all churches are adamant that tithing is still in effect.
This is an OT law, one of the 613.

But there is hugely more evidence that NT Christians met on the Sabbath and continued Sabbath keeping, than there is evidence for tithing.

So I wonder why all ministers today focus on tithing... hmmm :)


Well-known member
Temp Banned
I understand your plight. You speak like someone that doesn't understand the Bible, never really did. Oh, you know bits and pieces that you disregard because you've decided it's all 2 -5 thousand year old writings.

If you ever read Romans thru Philemon and understand that, the whole Bible will make sense to you. None of us run around trying to be Jews from 2000 years ago
I do not make a false idol of the Bible by pretending that every word I read in it has come from the mind/mouth of God. And once we drop this false idolization, we can easily recognize the Bible for the collection of ancient Jewish texts that it is. And once we can recognize that, we can also begin to understand why we need not follow it, as a religion, since we are not ancient Jews.


New member
I do not make a false idol of the Bible by pretending that every word I read in it has come from the mind/mouth of God. And once we drop this false idolization, we can easily recognize the Bible for the collection of ancient Jewish texts that it is. And once we can recognize that, we can also begin to understand why we need not follow it, as a religion, since we are not ancient Jews.

And yet... I am of a long heritage of the ancient Britons. Ought I then be still practicing Druidism?
The ancient moral truths remain regardless of changing rubrics.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
And yet... I am of a long heritage of the ancient Britons. Ought I then be still practicing Druidism?
No. That's my point.

What people believed 'then', does not logically have to be what people believe, now. And in fact, if it were, we humans could never grow, or improve, or advance.
The ancient moral truths remain regardless of changing rubrics.
Some ideals remain cogent.

Many do not.

Idolizing ancient religious texts denies us the ability to determine for ourselves which is which. And it causes us to think and behave irrationally, immorally, and destructively.


New member
No. That's my point.

What people believed 'then', does not logically have to be what people believe, now. And in fact, if it were, we humans could never grow, or improve, or advance.
Some ideals remain cogent.

Many do not.

Idolizing ancient religious texts denies us the ability to determine for ourselves which is which. And it causes us to think and behave irrationally, immorally, and destructively.
The generations must stay connected. Our elders have hard won wisdom which helps guide us. The present generation is in the driver's seat and their leadership will be as good as their health in body, mind and spirit plus willingness to listen to those who are wise is employed. The next generation is being trained up in the way of this world. They do seem disconnected from those who are presently in charge. Small wonder!
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Well-known member
Temp Banned
The generations must stay connected. Our elders have hard won wisdom which helps guide us.
They also had absurd superstitions, and fears, and prejudices that will help to destroy us if we don't let go of them.

To deny this, is to deny reality, and invite insanity and destruction into our lives.
The present generation is in the driver's seat and their leadership will be as good as their health in body, mind and spirit plus willingness to listen to those who are wise is employed. The next generation is being trained up in the way of this world. They do seem disconnected from those who are presently in charge. Small wonder!
Every generation, as every individual, must choose for themselves the path they will walk. This is both humanity's 'achilles heel', and it's greatest gift (individual freedom) simultaneously. Idolizing "ancient wisdom" deprives modern mankind of this great quandary. It denies us our humanity, and our life's work.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The generations must stay connected. Our elders have hard won wisdom which helps guide us. The present generation is in the driver's seat and their leadership will be as good as their health in body, mind and spirit plus willingness to listen to those who are wise is employed. The next generation is being trained up in the way of this world. They do seem disconnected from those who are presently in charge. Small wonder!

They also had absurd superstitions, and fears, and prejudices that will help to destroy us if we don't let go of them.

To deny this, is to deny reality, and invite insanity and destruction into our lives.
Every generation, as every individual, must choose for themselves the path they will walk. This is both humanity's 'achilles heel', and it's greatest gift (individual freedom). Idolizing "ancient wisdom" deprives modern mankind of this great quandary. It denies us our humanity, and our life's work.

the elders of purex did not do so well
purex should try to learn from ours


New member
They also had absurd superstitions, and fears, and prejudices that will help to destroy us if we don't let go of them.

To deny this, is to deny reality, and invite insanity and destruction into our lives.
Every generation, as every individual, must choose for themselves the path they will walk. This is both humanity's 'achilles heel', and it's greatest gift (individual freedom) simultaneously. Idolizing "ancient wisdom" deprives modern mankind of this great quandary. It denies us our humanity, and our life's work.

It would appear then that you are still an angry, foolish young man? The older I get the more I value the foundation truths of living a moral life as espoused by Wise men and women from many ancient cultures.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
It would appear then that you are still an angry, foolish young man? The older I get the more I value the foundation truths of living a moral life as espoused by Wise men and women from many ancient cultures.
Or maybe you're just a lazy old woman?

The older I get the more I value the freedom of my own mind. And my ability to decide for myself what has value, and reason, and what is morally imperative both individually and collectively. But I have to do the intellectual work of sifting through the many ideals what the ideologues of the world so love to throw around these days as if they were absolute truths. When there is no absolute truth for we humans. There is only the relative truthfulness of things.