Speaking of straw men...
Nobody said anything of men needing to be "of the faith."
The moment you made a purely religious, particularly religious objection that's precisely what you have to be arguing out of to be anything other than hypocritical. Because if you don't have that objection what objection have you? (we'll get to the attempt in a moment)
Your objection is God based. Your view of God is particular.
The law is not directed at people of a particular type; it applies to all.
The regulations men make up do not change reality.
The reality is that the law is subject to alteration, so that today's ban on interracial marriage is tomorrows dust bin prohibition.
Marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman to live in a lifelong, monogamous relationship with the aim being to build a family.
It was. And now it's that very thing between two individuals, regardless of gender.
Anyone who says otherwise — courts included — is wrong, regardless of how "legal" you call it.
See the problem with that stand yet? You're trying to sneak the eternal arbiter into the equation and call it "the law". But that's not what the law is and it isn't predicated upon that notion. The law is fluid, not static. It may only change incrementally over time. Some of it may never change, but the nature of it is rooted in alteration, from slavery to womens suffrage to gender equality to our current consideration.
So this has nothing to do with the belief system of a couple who want to get married; it has to do with their genders.
No, it has to do with your value system or you don't have an argument, supra.
Sure, it does. Your nation murders about 1 million a year.
As wrong headed as saying our nation emails X amount of racist propaganda each year because it allows the Klan to.
The "law" that regulates it is another that has been invented by man in rebellion against God.
No, but I can see why you feel that way and I see you've dropped the "isn't about God" routine, which is helpful.
You mean where Godly people fight for decades to end it and then liberals claim the victory as their own once history has been rewritten?
No. The thing is that once upon a time men of God who mostly championed the end of slavery were also the progressives and liberals of their day. The steady schism between a large section of liberal thinking and those gentlemen is one of the more disappointing parts of modern life. Had liberalism remained rooted where it was we'd be arguing over the human right to health care and wages instead of it championing the horrifically errant notion of abortion.
I wrote: Ultimately we're a country that grants greater freedom of conscience and action than any that existed before us in the history of man.
It's a bit more than that unless you believe in overwhelming understatement, which would be funny.
You also have a regulation that says homos can marry.
Yep. People are free to exercise their own consciences and make many a good and many a bad decision. Oh, and women have the vote. A lot of things, really.
