Suggestions for the TOL Topic of the Day


New member
Hall of Fame
I have a topic of the day - something along the lines of how Christianity is under attack. I'm not sure that issue has been discussed. :plain:


New member
In honor of National Kmo Week (which, sadly, began and ended earlier today) I propose the following topics:

Books I done red.

Books I done red twiced.

Cows and country music

:poly: :poly:
:cow: :cow:
:neck: :guitar:

The last bit was to help kmo understand what was happening.

I am going to have to object to this OUTRAGEOUS dissing of country music and cows!

You Guys think I'm kidding?

I am so not kidding!!

Posting music in "fav music now" thread to hopefully clear up and disperse this cloud now placed over country music and cows!


New member
Then start a thread about it. :idunno: Mother Theresa was not a believer.

Ohhhie, wait wait - how do I know whether Mother Theresa was a
believer or not? Or more importantly why wouldn't I simply accept what she claimed to be in her testimony to the world?

For all I know Dahmer died a believer - but I do not care since people are God's business not mine - but I have to admit that it may be harder to reach someone who thinks they are good than someone who thinks they are not - but but but I don't know??
That is what I thought was your question and was interesting to contemplate, yes?


"[W]hy wouldn't I simply accept what she claimed to be in her testimony to the world?"
Are you trying to get us both banned? :mmph: People believe all sorts of things (Jn 14:6). Dahmer received the Lord as his savior. Wait for the thread. :shocked: All the pious folks :eek: will come out--it'll get ugly.


New member
Here is a good question:

Imagine that astronomers have found a large celestial body about the size of our moon. They tracked its orbit and came to the conclusion that in exactly 472 days, it will strike the earth and destroy it. There is no way to stop it.

Of course people will be made aware of it on television and there will be nightly updates. Who would sponser the event? Katie Couric will be asking people about how they feel about it and all that so someone has to pay the bill. What companies would sponser news updates. Would it be Toyota for example advertising a car where one can go out in style. Perhaps a diet plan that would allow a person to enter heaven at the ideal weight? Perhaps a "Last Dance Cruise?"

The question then is who the sponsers will be and how to report on it? Would someone ask you for example that now that there are 136 days to go, how will you be celebrating the weekend?


Well-known member
"If you had it to do all over again, what one thing would you do differently?"

"Are you happy with what you are doing now? If so, tell us about it. If not, what other thing would you like to do?"

"What million-dollar idea did you have that somebody else came along and made after you thought of it?"

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Racist woman

The Secretary was told to unfire her after she said this and apologize. We can cover never ending racism from demoncrats, or the fact that they proved Rush Limbaugh is right, and equailty is not what the NAALCP is about. Instead it is socialism. She is there to take from people that earn and give to those that didn't. AKA, stealing.