The only reason you agree with it is because you are a liberal. Every liberal study to you is 'accurate'.
I read a study that the religious are more intuitive and atheists are more analytical.
That study is stupid too, and a contradiction to the one presented here.
And I can guarantee you'd agree with either/or if you didn't know both existed.
You liberals don't know how to do anything except call conservatives stupid and mock their creation views, railroad them every chance one can on morals, slander, and so on.
You all should be embarrassed for these nonsense 'studies'.
I’m Liberal as Liberal gets. You should see my apartment on a Saturday night…
I’m Conservative on Fiscal matters, profoundly Progressive on Monetary Policy, Libertarian on Drug Policy, Federalist on Grand Politics, and Socialist by Nature. And so it goes on.
But. Well. Semantics.
You started that diatribe well, pointing out that there’s bias in every direction. Then killed it with starting your last paragraph with ‘You Liberals’. Two steps forward, one giant leap backward.
Of course Liberals are better at thinking ‘Outside of the Box’. That’s what they (we) do. Conservatives are ostensibly happy with the box as it is (or rather in some halcyon illusion of what it was, or hilariously, could have been). Liberals are Progressive (in that they view change as a requirement), and wish to upset the Status Quo. Conservatives wish to, well, conserve it. Rocket science, this is not.
I run a company. There’s more than 100 people that depend on me not doing something stupid. So I have a glimmer of understanding of how to hedge my bias against my employee’s (and therefore my own) interest. It is not easy. My company operates in what is a Conservative sector (Energy), and it’s successful because I’m Liberal (or at least non-conservative). My company disrupts. It’s innovative. So it makes money. It makes money because the majority of the competition is Conservative, and therefore lethargic.
This is not a magic pill.
The real question to Conservatives is this: “What are you trying to conserve?”
And then, “Why?”
It doesn’t help that on the American side of the Pond, you’ve managed to get to the point that it’s a binary choice between ‘Liberal and ‘Conservative’ when in reality it’s a multiplicity of continuum that intersect and have different weighting.
An interesting thought for Conservatives is China.
A Communist state using Capitalist modes in the tested models of Conservative governance. It’s funny, right? But it’s stalling. It’s stalling because Capitalism relies on making new value, and new value is a Liberal field. Conservatives by definition cannot create new value (their expertise lies in refining existing value).
It’s a dramatic irony, most Conservatives are Capitalist, and most simply do not understand how that game works in a globalised market. The game you want everyone to play is now entering a phase which you cannot control (because the refinement of old value is reaching peak).
That’s why Liberals call Conservative stupid. It’s because there’s no obvious outlet of Conservatism which is mapping out how to drive markets beyond where they are, they’re all ostensibly about the conservation of wealth pots. Well, there’s young people who are not having any of that behaviour (because there’s no slices left for them).
I’m not even sure why there’s any surprise in this. Most of the Grand Old Dinosaurs I come across in my sector are happy to shake my hand and express a little jealousy that I exist in a time to be able to do things they’d have loved to have done, were it not for those Conservative shareholders…