Stripping Is Lucrative (Public school alert)


New member
How is it more demeaning to take a $200,000 a year job stripping (more than many CEOs make) than it is to take a $7.50 an hour job on a production line where your job expects nothing more than a human automaton and a significant part of the human interaction of your job involves fending off sexual harrassment?

Is that more empowering and noble? How about being long-term unemployed? Better?

You should read Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed. To research it she worked as a waitress, a hotel maid, a cleaning woman, a nursing home aide, and a Wal-Mart sales clerk. Even without kids, she rapidly discovered that she needed to work two of these jobs to stay off the streets. Most of her co-workers did, even those with working spouses, particularly if they had kids. So if you have children and you have to work a low-wage job, you have no choice but to get involved with that fundamentalist equivalent of garlic-to-a-vampire; daycare!

Obviously not expensive Waldorf-style daycare either. No, this is the unlicensed kind. So you can see your poverty-stricken kids quite infrequently as you struggle not to get swept away in the uphill struggle to make ends meet. But at least you have your dignity, right?

Shimei, you're an ignorant idiot. Also, the irony of someone who uses the stripper-loving robot bender as his avatar when handing out lectures may be lost on you, but not on me.

Mr Jack

New member

Well said!

Does is strike anyone else as ironic that as a society we constantly tell people that your mind is more important than your body, that how you act and think is more important than how you look and yet we think that selling what is important (your mind) is less demeaning than selling what is less important (your body or looks)?


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010

"Then why do you keep responding?"

Because it's easy (and entertaining) to hit a slow-moving target. That and you seem like a glutton for punishment.

I happen to be free from the psycho circus of the Christian faith now and couldn't be happier.


Actually that is what I was thinking about you. You have not said anything remotely interesting and have not challenged my argument at all. You are just another silly liberal pervert. I am glad other people have finally responded to this argument.

You must have had a bad experiance(s) in what ever church you went to.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Flipper

How is it more demeaning to take a $200,000 a year job stripping (more than many CEOs make) than it is to take a $7.50 an hour job on a production line where your job expects nothing more than a human automaton and a significant part of the human interaction of your job involves fending off sexual harrassment?

Is that more empowering and noble? How about being long-term unemployed? Better?

You should read Barbara Ehrenreich's book Nickel and Dimed. To research it she worked as a waitress, a hotel maid, a cleaning woman, a nursing home aide, and a Wal-Mart sales clerk. Even without kids, she rapidly discovered that she needed to work two of these jobs to stay off the streets. Most of her co-workers did, even those with working spouses, particularly if they had kids. So if you have children and you have to work a low-wage job, you have no choice but to get involved with that fundamentalist equivalent of garlic-to-a-vampire; daycare!

Obviously not expensive Waldorf-style daycare either. No, this is the unlicensed kind. So you can see your poverty-stricken kids quite infrequently as you struggle not to get swept away in the uphill struggle to make ends meet. But at least you have your dignity, right?

Shimei, you're an ignorant idiot. Also, the irony of someone who uses the stripper-loving robot bender as his avatar when handing out lectures may be lost on you, but not on me.

Drug dealers make good money also. Many of them sell drugs to strippers. Is that ok with you to?

If your daughter became a stripper, would that make you proud?

Reading some of your previous posts, I am glad you disagree with me. Being on the opposite side of your world view is where I want to be.

Leave Bender out of this! He liked girl robots, not strippers.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

Actually that is what I was thinking about you. You have not said anything remotely interesting and have not challenged my argument at all. You are just another silly liberal pervert. I am glad other people have finally responded to this argument.

You must have had a bad experiance(s) in what ever church you went to.


Not interesting to you, no. Fortunately you're not the litmus test or be-all end-all for what is "interesting" on TOL.

As for my politics...if being a pro-life opponent of big government who has voted for and supported Pat Buchanan in the past qualifies as being a "liberal," you need a CAT scan or three.:rolleyes:


New member

Drug dealers make good money also. Many of them sell drugs to strippers. Is that ok with you to?

Two fallacious arguments in a single sentence. My congratulations.

1) Drug dealing is illegal
2) Many factory workers buy illegal drugs also

You haven't really addressed my argument.

Leave Bender out of this! He liked girl robots, not strippers.

Didn't he take Fry to a robot strip club? You know, I think he did.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010


Not interesting to you, no. Fortunately you're not the litmus test or be-all end-all for what is "interesting" on TOL.

As for my politics...if being a pro-life opponent of big government who has voted for and supported Pat Buchanan in the past qualifies as being a "liberal," you need a CAT scan or three.:rolleyes:

You are pro life? You got me there! I am happy that you are pro life, but why are you so liberal in other areas? Maybe you need the CAT scan.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by Flipper


Two fallacious arguments in a single sentence. My congratulations.

1) Drug dealing is illegal
2) Many factory workers buy illegal drugs also

You haven't really addressed my argument.

Didn't he take Fry to a robot strip club? You know, I think he did.

Prostitution is illegal and many strippers become prostitutes. Many strippers ARE prostitutes on the side. I realize stripping is not illegal, but it should be.
Stripping really is a form of prostition if you think about it.

1. The act or practice of engaging in sex acts for hire.
2. The act or an instance of offering or devoting one's talent to an unworthy use or cause.

Fry took Bender to a strip club? How does a robot strip? Maybe he did, I don't know. Why don't you check into that since you seem to be the cartoon expert.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

You are pro life? You got me there! I am happy that you are pro life, but why are you so liberal in other areas? Maybe you need the CAT scan.

I'm sorry, but what's "liberal" about what I've posted here? One way or another I'm more of a libertarian than anything else...


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by granite1010

I'm sorry, but what's "liberal" about what I've posted here? One way or another I'm more of a libertarian than anything else...

Libertarian? Yeah, I could buy that. Are most libertarians pro-life?


New member

Well, try and find yourself a decent and righteous man to marry, see if you can find one.

*shrug* I've been married. I now have a loving and very decent partner, who loves me for a lot more than my occupation.

A decent man would turn you down after he finds out that you are a tramp.

*grin* Any man who would act in such a shallow fashion isn't one I'd want to spend my time with. And are you seriously proposing that a girl should choose her occupation based on how it affects her chances of "landing a husband"? Please.

As far as the washed up hookers who are addicted to drugs and alcohol, it is quite obvious that they are lying if they tell you that they are happy about their lives and how they turned out.

I'd say the same about the washed out drug-addicted housewives, lawyers, doctors and professional athletes. But we aren't talking about washed out drug addicted people. We're talking about happy, healthy, well-adjusted sex workers. Why wouldn't they tell you that they're happy with their lives?

Don't know about Linda Lovelace, but if she repented then she is forgiven. Firechyld could still do the same.

But, according to you, I'll still have "blown my chances of finding a man". Woe is me. :rolleyes:

Drug dealers make good money also. Many of them sell drugs to strippers. Is that ok with you to?

Many also sell drugs to lawyers, housewives, doctors, middle-managers and CEOs. What's your point?

Prostitution is illegal and many strippers become prostitutes. Many strippers ARE prostitutes on the side. I realize stripping is not illegal, but it should be.
Stripping really is a form of prostition if you think about it.

Actually, legislated prostitution is legal in Australia. And there's STILL a firm line between stripping and prostitution. They are two very different areas of the sex industry, and the blurring of that line is a lot rarer than you think.

A stripper is not a prostitute is not a Mistress is not a stripper. Job descriptions are just a firm as they are in any other industry.

As for your comments about older strippers "washing out", I won't deny that some areas of this industry can be a little hard on older women. Some areas of the sex industry are very reliant on looks. But the same can be said for acting, modelling, classical ballet... it's not restricted to the sex industry, and it's not a calamitous thing. Just like in the acting, modelling and ballet worlds, there are roles that an older woman can move into.

You seem to have some very firm convictions about an area you know nothing about. I'd suggest you do a little more research. I can assure you that many of your preconceptions are waaay off.

And you still haven't answered my question. Why do you think I'm lying?

mr jack...

"Interesting" notion of what constitutes decent you've got there...

If you ask me any man so pathetically shallow and judgemental would not be worthy of Firechyld.

Thank you, Mr Jack. That's much appreciated. I must say that I agree. :)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by granite1010

Then this peanut gallery shout-out from Blizzard Boy Brandon:

"He used to call himself a Christian, if you remember."

Actually, you flabby minimum-wage pew groveler, I WAS (unless you buy into the conspiracy theory that for unknown reasons I masqueraded on TOL for a solid YEAR before revealing my "true" Keyser Soze identity).

I happen to be free from the psycho circus of the Christian faith now and couldn't be happier.

I never said you masqueraded. I just said you were never an actual Christian. If I'm going to call myself a Christian, then I should define it Biblically. And Biblically, you never were.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

I never said you masqueraded. I just said you were never an actual Christian. If I'm going to call myself a Christian, then I should define it Biblically. And Biblically, you never were.

This is the only defense you have, as admitting otherwise puts you and the other Christians of the world at risk.

"Eternal security" is a myth. It can happen to anybody.


Formerly Shimei!
Originally posted by firechyld


*shrug* I've been married. I now have a loving and very decent partner, who loves me for a lot more than my occupation.

But, according to you, I'll still have "blown my chances of finding a man". Woe is me. :rolleyes:

So now you are shacking up with someone? Good grief!

If you repent and become a Christian, of course you could still find a decent man. But as you are now, a tramp who performs sex for money, you will never find a decent man.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by Shimei

So now you are shacking up with someone? Good grief!

If you repent and become a Christian, of course you could still find a decent man. But as you are now, a tramp who performs sex for money, you will never find a decent man.

I thought 'chyld said she'd given that life up.

And excuse me, but is finding a so-called "decent" man only possible for Christian women?:rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well, your ex-wife claimed to be a Christian, and she found it seems that finding a truly decent man is only possible for someone who is in Christ, and not just someone who's decided to label themselves with a religious moniker because they go to church.


New member
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by lighthouse

Well, your ex-wife claimed to be a Christian, and she found it seems that finding a truly decent man is only possible for someone who is in Christ, and not just someone who's decided to label themselves with a religious moniker because they go to church.

"Truly decent." Ah. And such "men" as yourself, and Sozo, are examples of this Christian "decency."

Man you people are laughable.