Mr Jack...
Is there any industry that cannot be said of?
That's more or less my point. The sex industry is just like any other in that respect: Sometimes people have good experiences, sometimes bad. Personally, I've had much better experiences in the sex industry than I have at, say, ISP tech support. *shudder* Now THAT was a draining job.
I kind of figured you would say something like that.
I'm sorry if my story doesn't match up to your pre-conceived notions, but there are many different sides to the sex industry.
Are your parents proud of the sex industry work that you have done?
*shrug* I've never asked them.
When David Sherman's daughter was born, that is when he decided to get out of the business. He knew how the industry prays on women, and he wanted no part of it anymore.
Some in the industry prey on women. Some prey on men. Some run honest businesses that allow women and men to have a profitable and enjoyable career.
Yes, I am sure that they LIKE it.
From David Sherman:
Right from the start, drug and alcohol use is rampant. The dancers call it partying. They don’t realize that they are medicating themselves in order to do the work they do. Also, the abortion rate is extremely high due to the fact that most have lost contact with family members due to what they do. They also feel they could never take the chance on flawing the body from carrying a child. Additionally, the dancers believe they have no way to support a baby without dancing, and therefore can’t quit to have one. Basically, they are caught in a very real, painful Catch-22.
Again, one man's impression. You're just going to have to accept the fact that some of us in the industry love our jobs. Just as some of us are drug free.
Granite, next time you are at the strip joint, maybe you could take a survey from some of the strippers about weather of not they like their work.
I advise that you do the same thing. Check out a few strip clubs... not just the seediest one you can find... and survey some dancers. You might be surprised at the responses.
If any of them are not too high, maybe they could give you an answer similar to firechyld's, or maybe one of them will tell you the truth.
You think I'm lying? What on earth would i have to gain from that.
Incidentally... if you're going to accuse me of telling lies, you could at least have the balls to say it to
me, rather than another poster.
David Sherman's personal opinion? Uhh, he was the MANAGER of several strip joints for several years. He may know SOMETHING about the business. Or maybe he was just lying to the Michigan House Committee.
You know what? If he was the MANAGER of several strip joints, then I'm afraid that the vast majority of the responsibility for the safety of his dancers, the reputation of his clubs and the behaviour expected from his clients falls on
him. It's certainly not impossible to run a club where the dancers are safe and happy, the clients are well behaved, and drug pushers know to steer clear.
It seems to me that this Sherman character wants to blame the sex industry as a whole for his own failings as an operator.