Nor do I, but, I've said what I believe the fires of hell to be, and if we want to live to please our flesh, and put our lives before the will of God, then I believe that God will let us go through it, and if we want the ways of Satan and this world, he'll let us have it, like the prodigal son, yet the father was always awaiting his return but he had to suffer first to realise what he had, and he went through what he did because of the hardness of his heart, because he wanted the waste his inheritance and live his own life. As many of us do.
And the Bible is full of wisdom, we have to have the ears to hear. And the more we are willing to let go of our lives and live by the will of God, the more understanding God will give us. I don't know it all, or understand everything, but I do know that God is merciful and I don't believe that the old testament is only natural it is also spiritual.
As for this world, Satan is here, so there will be suffering, we will all go through suffering in this world, and those born of God will be tried, but going through trials strengthens us. God wouldn't have tried Job, if he didn't think he could go through it, but God knew his man, and he knew that he would be with Job and he would get through it. It says in the Bible that God won't tempt us with more than we can bare, Job was a very strong man of God, and he kept his faith to the end. And no matter what we go through in this life, we are to do the same.
God made this world beautiful, but because Satan is in the heart of man, we are destroying the world around us. We destroy what God creates, until we are born of him then we should bring his love to others.
God made grass, flowers, trees, birds etc. and man covers it with concrete. And this is like our hearts, we bring hardness into our hearts as we sin, but if we believe the truth, and believe in Christ Jesus and the gospel, and take the word of God deep into our hearts when we first hear it, then God softens our heart with his word poured into our hearts like water from the clouds of heaven. And enlightens us and feeds is daily with his bread of heaven which is Christ in the heart.
Anyway, I have to go, my daughter and son and grandkids have come to see me so my house is full
hope to speak again soon.