Stop ! Don't shoot !


Well-known member
Again I agree :) . And I'm not trying to be nit picky , as I stated before we can only do the best with the knowledge we have and what we truly believe with the goodness of your heart .
A few years ago I would have used the exact same wording . But now I can't help but study and think what of those words are literal and which are symbolic .
For instance we all know right from wrong , we don't need a church or a pastor/priest , or a book to tell us .i believe it is something our Heavenly Father has already equipped us with . Some people of course choose not to listen whilst others search and try to live out that deeper meaning which you referred to .
And as for Satan (a topic which I'm a studying at the moment) is he really an actual being who we can blame when we make the wrong choice ? Or another symbol/metaphor for that part of us that CHOOSES to make wrong decisions? I put that in bold to emphasise that only we are accountable for the choices we make .
Some more of my questions that go unanswered about Satan are , why is it that according to the bible it seems God has condoned the killing of way more people than Satan has ? When a child dies is that Satan or Gods will ? When someone gets ill is that Satan or God ?
It seems to me in the Old Testament Satan was the guy who carried out Gods dirty work killing and punishing the evil ones , then in the new he becomes our scapegoat, he is something we claim we have to fight daily , where in reality it is only ever ourselves that make the choices we do .

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I've only just seen this, I'll have a read later, when my house is quieter :)


New member
Nor do I, but, I've said what I believe the fires of hell to be, and if we want to live to please our flesh, and put our lives before the will of God, then I believe that God will let us go through it, and if we want the ways of Satan and this world, he'll let us have it, like the prodigal son, yet the father was always awaiting his return but he had to suffer first to realise what he had, and he went through what he did because of the hardness of his heart, because he wanted the waste his inheritance and live his own life. As many of us do.

And the Bible is full of wisdom, we have to have the ears to hear. And the more we are willing to let go of our lives and live by the will of God, the more understanding God will give us. I don't know it all, or understand everything, but I do know that God is merciful and I don't believe that the old testament is only natural it is also spiritual.

As for this world, Satan is here, so there will be suffering, we will all go through suffering in this world, and those born of God will be tried, but going through trials strengthens us. God wouldn't have tried Job, if he didn't think he could go through it, but God knew his man, and he knew that he would be with Job and he would get through it. It says in the Bible that God won't tempt us with more than we can bare, Job was a very strong man of God, and he kept his faith to the end. And no matter what we go through in this life, we are to do the same.

God made this world beautiful, but because Satan is in the heart of man, we are destroying the world around us. We destroy what God creates, until we are born of him then we should bring his love to others.

God made grass, flowers, trees, birds etc. and man covers it with concrete. And this is like our hearts, we bring hardness into our hearts as we sin, but if we believe the truth, and believe in Christ Jesus and the gospel, and take the word of God deep into our hearts when we first hear it, then God softens our heart with his word poured into our hearts like water from the clouds of heaven. And enlightens us and feeds is daily with his bread of heaven which is Christ in the heart.

Anyway, I have to go, my daughter and son and grandkids have come to see me so my house is full :) hope to speak again soon.

Mary :)

Thankyou for your comment , I will read it through more slowly before I reply . Hope you enjoy your day x

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Well-known member
I can see how I come across that way , it's not how I usually talk , but one of things I've noticed on here is you really have to be careful how you word things and put a hell of a lot of disclaimers to your post . It seems there is someone trying to trip you up with what you did or didn't say .
I just wanna chat say hi , enter into a debate or two without constantly being told what I should or shouldn't do or what I am or not .
For every productive comment on here there's 5 wanting to inform me of what I did wrong .
Thanks all , think I will just stick to reading Instead of posting .
Peace x

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Yeah only people who apologize are self righteous. :rotfl:
If you haven't found the ignore user button it is good to track it down.
You haven't pointed out anything new here and you are right so don't worry about it. There are some very good, thoughtful and kind people here also. Just look for them and avoid red meat before the wolves. Apologies in today's America is a sin.

If I say something once I make my point. If I keep repeating myself I am trying to control others.


New member
Yeah only people who apologize are self righteous. :rotfl:
If you haven't found the ignore user button it is good to track it down.
You haven't pointed out anything new here and you are right so don't worry about it. There are some very good, thoughtful and kind people here also. Just look for them and avoid red meat before the wolves. Apologies in today's America is a sin.

If I say something once I make my point. If I keep repeating myself I am trying to control others.

Sounds good , thanks for the advice . There are wonderful conversations on here and look forward to having some with the more gentle members .

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New member
Like all angelic beings Satan lives at the discretion of Jesus Christ.

At this time Satan serves a very important purpose.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's ok :) . I think it's wonderful that God created so many different people and personalities.

my post was tongue-in-cheek humor, but after i posted it these guys occurred to me:



New member
Lots of things really , the Old Testament being full of war and killings and raping and taking of women.

Yep, just like today. The world hasn't changed. A few people have changed, but the world in general hasn't changed.


New member
Yep, just like today. The world hasn't changed. A few people have changed, but the world in general hasn't changed.[/

Not sure I follow , either your saying you agree with me that God played no part in Old Testament tragedies or that he is to blame for today's as well ?

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New member
I do not believe in the fiery flames of hell

Neither does Satan.

Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty;
You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor;
I cast you to the ground,
I laid you before kings,
That they might gaze at you.

You defiled your sanctuaries
By the multitude of your iniquities,
By the iniquity of your trading;
Therefore I brought fire from your midst;
It devoured you,
And I turned you to ashes upon the earth
In the sight of all who saw you.
All who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you;
You have become a horror,
And shall be no more forever."
(Ezekiel 28:17-19)​


New member
And as for Satan (a topic which I'm a studying at the moment) is he really an actual being

Jesus said he saw Satan fall. There are two possibilities, either he did or he didn't.

Pick one and that is your answer.


New member
Not sure I follow , either your saying you agree with me that God played no part in Old Testament tragedies or that he is to blame for today's as well ?

Nothing happens without the Father's approval.


"The voice said, 'Cry out!'
And he said, 'What shall I cry?'

'All flesh is grass,
And all its loveliness is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
Because the breath of the Lord blows upon it;
Surely the people are grass.'"
(Isaiah 40:6-7)