This particular group's said mission is to evangelize (proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ), thus the need for them to formally reveal their foundational beliefs that give them Christian authority and credibility to so do.
You chose who gives credibility? Everyone needs to search the scriptures to see if what they are told is true, not turn to you and your false teachers.
You have revealed your beliefs with a multitude of public statements on this site, which most members have surely read, and it helps those of us who carefully discern statements of faith,
You try hard to make your unbiblical statement of faith article true by making a discussion and debate a statement of faith.
You need to stop twisting what is the truth.
to understand why and how your legalistic, and works-oriented gospel message does not accord with the Scriptural Gospel of Grace.
You put down the words of Jesus Christ and those who obey them.
IOW's your statements do not match the true biblical Gospel, which accordance is imperative as to whether others should follow your words and ways, or not.
I can prove my beliefs by showing you scriptures. You cannot show your beliefs from the scriptures. You cannot even prove a statement of faith is scriptural.
You are in a bad place. Show where God saves unbelievers, as John Calvin teaches. Show where in the Bible we are to make statements of faith and show which scriptures tell us what to put in these statements of faith.