Spiritual Israel or Isrealites.


New member
THIS QUESTION WAS ASKED ME.........Can a person be a child of God just because they are a direct descendant of Abraham, but have rejected Christ? Isn't Israel and the church one and the same?

The answer is no. Judah ceased to exist as a nation in 70 CE and Israel had already been scattered to the wind. The church in the wilderness was converted to spiritual Israel.

The thirteen tribes of Israel exist today only typologically.

The only Israel today is the family of God, the kingdom.


New member
It seems your presence on this thread to support its Spiritual Israel false doctrine is turning into discord over other matters.

In Christ's church there is no differentiation based on ethnicity or national origin. Today there are believers and nonbelievers.

Gentile is an archaic term no longer applicable to anyone since 70 CE.


New member
On a practical level, i.e, if I open my eyes and look around me, your statement seems, to be polite, somewhat disconnected from reality.

The State of Israel is a misnomer. Israel was never Jewish. Adherents of Judaism are Jewish but the vast majority of Israel have never been Jewish. However, there will be a new covenant made with both typological Israel and Judah.


Well-known member
The State of Israel is a misnomer. Israel was never Jewish. Adherents of Judaism are Jewish but the vast majority of Israel have never been Jewish. However, there will be a new covenant made with both typological Israel and Judah.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. And I suspect that you don't either.

Maybe it is Humpty-Dumpty's game, where he gets to redefine words any way he likes:

"I don't know what you mean by 'glory'," Alice said.

Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. "Of course you don't- till I tell you. I meant 'there's a nice knock-down argument for you!'"

"But 'glory' doesn't mean 'a nice knock-down argument'," Alice objected.

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master-that's all."


The State of Israel is a misnomer. Israel was never Jewish. Adherents of Judaism are Jewish but the vast majority of Israel have never been Jewish. However, there will be a new covenant made with both typological Israel and Judah.

Jamie is a MISNOMER

Have you ever noticed that the dog on your avatar looks confused?

Epic Truth!


New member
The answer is no. Judah ceased to exist as a nation in 70 CE and Israel had already been scattered to the wind. The church in the wilderness was converted to spiritual Israel.

The thirteen tribes of Israel exist today only typologically.

The only Israel today is the family of God, the kingdom.

Just because you say something, that doesn't make it so. Here is what goes down. Ever hear of the Seven Feasts of Israel in Leviticus 23 ?

Well Jesus fulfilled the 3 Spring Feasts

Passover (Blood covering)
First-fruits (first to be raised)
Unleavened Bread (without sin)

Pentecost or the Harvest (Church Age we Harvest Souls for the Sower)

Feast of Trumpets (This did nothing but announce the end of Pentecost, and that Atonement and Tabernacle were nigh at hand.The Last Trump blows, the Church heads home/Pentecost ends. This is what Paul meant.)

Feast of Atonement (Israel is back on the clock so to speak, they must ATONE/REPENT for their Rejection of God/Messiah Jesus. This is Daniels 70th Week, the Clock starts again.

Feast of Tabernacle ( Tabernacle definition = TO DWELL WITH GOD. So after Israel Atones, they are suitable to then Dwell with God, that makes perfect sense !! )

There is a clear pattern of events here. The Church is the age of Pentecost, Israel was blinded, but in Daniels 70th Week they must Repent/Atone and return to their God, which is exactly what the bibles says they do (Zechariah chapters 12 & 13 Malachi 4:5-6 etc.) then when the Church comes back with Jesus in white horses (Rev. 19) Israel will dwell with God.


New member
OP Slayed! Literal Israel and the doctrine of Spiritual Israel went toe to toe... [MENTION=18550]Rondonmonson[/MENTION] came in and worked literal Israel up with truth affirming exegesis!!!!

Literal Israel???


Its not even that hard to do, they live in denial it seems. Just spread the Holy word as given you, and don't worry about others or take joy in their misunderstandings, for we at times have been in error also.

Got to run, God Bless.


Its not even that hard to do, they live in denial it seems. Just spread the Holy word as given you, and don't worry about others or take joy in their misunderstandings, for we at times have been in error also.

Got to run, God Bless.

It is tragic to deny Jesus' word. OP is Jesus' word.

Who is your Lord?


Its not even that hard to do, they live in denial it seems. Just spread the Holy word as given you, and don't worry about others or take joy in their misunderstandings, for we at times have been in error also.

Got to run, God Bless.

Amen! I kind of posted your exegeses all over the place. If you got royalties, you would be exceedingly wealthy.

Peace, Friend and Sibling in Jesus.


New member
It is tragic to deny Jesus' word. OP is Jesus' word.

Who is your Lord?

I have been a Christian for over 30 years and a Preacher for 24 of those years.

It is like Mystery Babylon, 100 people profess to have the "Word of the Lord" but only God truly gives the understanding via the Holy Spirit. EXAMPLE: Mystery = Muterion or Secret by Gods Silence. In Rev. 17:7 The Angel asks John, Why did you Marvel/Wonder, I WILL SHOW YOU THE MYSTERY of the Woman that rides the Beast. So in verse 8-18 the Angels shows us the Mystery, yet we have Hundreds of theories and everyone still calls it a MYSTERY, even though God explained it to those of us who are paying attention.

Satan confuses many, just like he confused Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane. Hes doin work.


New member
The Israelite's were more earthbound than spiritual. They expected the Old Covenant back and Israel returned to it's former glory which did not last long in the first place. From some readings I have read by Rabbis today they still seem to be more earthbound. Jesus taught that the old kingdom was gone. The New Kingdom is a heavenly spiritual kingdom. One that requires not getting caught up in earthly matters, but being more focused on spiritual matters. Not allowing the earthly to bother us.

Good thoughts.


New member
#Quit letting your cap talk for you
#Perhaps it has you bound by its evil cap trickery
#I know you can break the curse of the cap
#Break free Meshak! Break free!

Typical strategy for people who don't have any real proof of what they utter.....tear down the other side, make fun of them. You might not like Meshak's hat, but she has more sense under that hat than you do behind your evil eye.


New member
Yes. I know you believe all that. But the fact remains that he was a Jew. When alive, he dealt with Jews and visited synagogues. He even reportedly said that he was send to the lost sheep of Israel.

Of course he was a Jew and attended synagogues (Luke 4:16). He was also the fulfiller of the Law of the Jews. What he taught was the logical fulfilment of what the Hebrew Scriptures taught. His teaching was a CONTINUATION of the true religion of the O.T.

He was indeed sent to the lost sheep of Israel, first. Later would come the Gentiles. Why do you think they were called "the lost sheep"? The Jews were not being shepherded adequately by their religious leaders, and Jesus sought to set them straight and beckon them to come to him. They refused. Therefore God went to the Gentiles for a special people for Himself (Acts 15:14; I Peter 2:9,10).

I agreed that Jesus would feel more comfortable in a synagogue because the churches of Christendom do not resemble the way the early Christians worshipped in any way. He wouldn't recognize anything in a church. He would be incensed upon seeing a cross hanging there, and all of the idols that are pervasive throughout Christendom. On the other hand, he would feel right at home in a Kingdom Hall. There would be some real Christians that haven't perverted his teachings.


New member
Ever hear of the Seven Feasts of Israel in Leviticus 23 ?

Are your referring to these:

1) Seventh Day of Rest
2) Feast of Passover
3) Pentecost
4) Trumpets
5) Atonement
6) Feast of Tabernacles
7) Last Day

The wave sheaf presentation is not a holy day, it's a work day, the beginning of the grain harvest.

Jesus presented himself to the Father as the first of the firstfruits of the grain harvest. The wheat and tares will grow together until the feast of the firstfruits.