The answer is no. Judah ceased to exist as a nation in 70 CE and Israel had already been scattered to the wind. The church in the wilderness was converted to spiritual Israel.
The thirteen tribes of Israel exist today only typologically.
The only Israel today is the family of God, the kingdom.
Just because you say something, that doesn't make it so. Here is what goes down. Ever hear of the Seven Feasts of Israel in Leviticus 23 ?
Well Jesus fulfilled the 3 Spring Feasts
Passover (Blood covering)
First-fruits (first to be raised)
Unleavened Bread (without sin)
Pentecost or the Harvest (Church Age we Harvest Souls for the Sower)
Feast of Trumpets (This did nothing but announce the end of Pentecost, and that Atonement and Tabernacle were nigh at hand.The Last Trump blows, the Church heads home/Pentecost ends. This is what Paul meant.)
Feast of Atonement (Israel is back on the clock so to speak, they must ATONE/REPENT for their Rejection of God/Messiah Jesus. This is Daniels 70th Week, the Clock starts again.
Feast of Tabernacle ( Tabernacle definition = TO DWELL WITH GOD. So after Israel Atones, they are suitable to then Dwell with God, that makes perfect sense !! )
There is a clear pattern of events here. The Church is the age of Pentecost, Israel was blinded, but in Daniels 70th Week they must Repent/Atone and return to their God, which is exactly what the bibles says they do (Zechariah chapters 12 & 13 Malachi 4:5-6 etc.) then when the Church comes back with Jesus in white horses (Rev. 19) Israel will dwell with God.