Special counsel created for Trump-Russia investigation


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sociopaths can't stay out of trouble for long.


If Trump has proven anything over his long dirty career, it is that.

And that whenever he either gets away with a thing or is proven guiltless, he somehow turns that into his next self-inflicted destruction down the road a spell.

Reminds me of Mr. Magoo - ever one major self-inflicted disaster away; and ever oblivious to it all.

His old man really did a job on him as a kid...

With you being a devout Ron Paul Libertarian, let me ask you this question:

Why do you think that so many of TOL's Libertarians (WizardofOz/musterion/patrick jane/ok doser/Angel4Truth/intojoy, drbrumley) jumped ship and support someone like Donald Trump who isn't a Libertarian nor other than some of his Libertarian leaning social policies, comes nowhere near to being a Libertarian?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sociopaths can't stay out of trouble for long.

With you being a devout Ron Paul Libertarian, let me ask you this question:

Why do you think that so many of TOL's Libertarians (WizardofOz/musterion/patrick jane/ok doser/Angel4Truth/intojoy, drbrumley) jumped ship and support someone like Donald Trump who isn't a Libertarian nor other than some of his Libertarian leaning social policies, comes nowhere near to being a Libertarian?

I can't speak for everyone you listed, but I certainly did not support the Donald..

Maybe you should read what I said first.

I’m not a fan of Trump or any president, but even less am I a fan of a political lynching of Trump.


Well-known member
Not only did "Donald Trump" fire Director Comey, he tried to intimidate him by bring up the prospect of "taped conversations!"

Initially VP Pence and Trump surrogates tried to use the report of the Assistant Attorney General as the pretext for the Comey firing - apparently the AAG made it known that he was not about to be co-opted by the White House!

President Trump, in his infinite wisdom, thinks that he can bully and intimidate FBI Directors and Assistant Attorney Generals with immunity!

So? Every President is a bully. Your point is.....moot!


I can't speak for everyone you listed, but I certainly did not support the Donald..

Maybe you should read what I said first.

I'll give you credit, at least you'll admit that you're a Libertarian.

That being said: I don't believe I've seen any posts by you belittling Donald Trump for amongst other things, surrounding himself with people from the Establishment (you know, the same Establishment that he was supposed to be against) but instead several posts like the one above defending him.

Granted, "The Donald" has given you Libertarians social policies that a true conservative Republican would never dream of doing, but how about other issues that you Libertarians embrace?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'll give you credit, at least you'll admit that you're a Libertarian.

That being said: I don't believe I've seen any posts by you belittling Donald Trump for amongst other things, surrounding himself with people from the Establishment (you know, the same Establishment that he was supposed to be against) but instead several posts like the one above defending him.

Granted, "The Donald" has given you Libertarians social policies that a true conservative Republican would never dream of doing, but how about other issues that you Libertarians embrace?

What social policies are these...


Have you ever noticed how Libertarians love government? If you don't believe me, just check out how many times a day they use the woodshed here on TOL.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Have you ever noticed how Libertarians love government? If you don't believe me, just check out how many times a day they use the woodshed here on TOL.

Assuming they are libertarians are you not?

No assumption on my part. Why do you think that so many TOL'ers are ashamed to admit that they're Ron Paul loving Libertarians?

Back to Donald Trump and a special counsel created to investigate his (and others in his administration) ties to Russia.

I've been documenting Trump's ties to Russia in another thread quite extensively. What are your thoughts on this chart, i.e. wouldn't it arouse some suspicion with those who have an open mind?



Russia: Trump & His Team’s Ties


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that you don't want to talk about Donald Trump's Russian connections. Hmmmmmmm...

Because it's garbage....

I hear that from a lot of Trump supporters (I believe they use the term "fake news").

How about we go through the chart one by one and you can refute the "garbage".

Let's start at the top of the chart and work our way down:

Alex Shnaider: Born in Russia, Shnaider co-financed a real estate project with Trump. Shnaider’s father-in-law, Boris J. Birshtein, was a close business associate of Sergei Mikhaylov, the head of one of the largest branches of the Russian mob.

Rex Tillerson: Tillerson, President Trump’s Secretary of State, worked on energy projects in Russia for two decades during his career at Exxon. He has publicly described his “very close relationship” with President Putin and was awarded Russia’s Order of Friendship in 2013, the highest state honor possible for a foreigner.

Of course Rex is just loved by the Libertarian crowd for selling out the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America to the man-boy lovers of America, but we'll stick with Tillerson's ties to Russia.

Refute the above and then we can continue, as there's much much more where that came from.


I guess the words "I don't care" mean anything to you?

Of course you don't, if you did care, you wouldn't be a Libertarian.

I can think of a thread that gets a pretty good daily following (200-300 views a day) that I'll share that information in. I bet a lot of those viewers would "care".