Satan one day will possess the "Antichrist." There will be signs and wonders at that time. Those signs will not be coming from God.
It's more like - see all the idiots who sent in $20 so Creflo $ could get that private $70Mil Gulfstream G650 jet and avoid the masses who sent him the $ in the first place because he doesn't want to be bothered by these same people who ask him to pray for them on commercial flights.:help: Ditto for Copeland, but he has a fleet of planes. I guess he was more successful in getting people to send him their hard earned cash under pretense of the "seed faith" "law of attraction". He and Creflo even publicized their hatred of their faithful followers as an excuse for their "more spiritual flight planning". Ya gotta wonder why their sheep are so blind.
It's more like - see all the idiots who sent in $20 so Creflo $ could get that private $70Mil Gulfstream G650 jet and avoid the masses who sent him the $ in the first place because he doesn't want to be bothered by these same people who ask him to pray for them on commercial flights.:help: Ditto for Copeland, but he has a fleet of planes. I guess he was more successful in getting people to send him their hard earned cash under pretense of the "seed faith" "law of attraction". He and Creflo even publicized their hatred of their faithful followers as an excuse for their "more spiritual flight planning". Ya gotta wonder why their sheep are so blind.
That's it? Shamba Lambda Magoomba Jumbo? Puh-raaaayzzzzzzzzzzz Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!!
What is pretending to be drunk going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
What's flailing around like a fish out of water going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
I only recall Peter raising the dead once, and Paul raising the dead once. This alone tells us that God desires to raise the dead. I remember an instance of a person dying in my church, although the person was not medically pronounced dead, as there was no one present to medically pronounce a person dead. But when the paramedics showed up, they believed the person had had a stroke, but were confused by the person's sudden recovery. This caused a stir in our local community I remember.
As for gold fillings......what the? Who needs gold fillings? It would be better have the original enamel back, not a gold filling.
Convulsing while being delivered of demons is normal. Anything else would not take place in sensible churches.
Appearances of Christ? Peter explained that he saw Christ transfigured, but he went on to say that scripture is a more sure word of prophecy.
Experiences are great, but the word is superior.
You and marwbe should have your own TV show.
People who speak in tongues are labelled Pentecostals, proponents of the pentecostal blessing.
When those experiences are supported by the word, sure.
Nothing narcissistic about receiving what God desires to give me, and what Christ suffered to make available.
It is narcissistic to reject it in favor of self interest.
You're wrong.
The reason why madists are so embracing of cessationism, is because they are anti faith.
A christian is supposed to walk by faith, and not by sight. Paul explains how that God calls those which that are not, to nullify the things that are.
This means that God calls people who do not walk by what they see, but by what they believe. This is what sets christianity apart from every other religion, but mad is all about mocking people who look beyond what they see, hear, feel etc. They mock the character of faith that they themselves are supposed to walk in. So why do they do it?
The answer is simple. Fear of failure.
You see, to walk into the unknown, and to live out on the limb, there has to be a disciplining of the flesh, and madsters don't want to discipline their flesh. They want to enjoy their flesh, which means they can forget all about living the kind of faith life that God calls us to live.
Let's look at fasting. Mads hate fasting because they love their food too much. Especially john w. But what fasting does is simply bring under control a carnal appetite, and make it subject to our will. If our body has no choice but to obey us in this discipline, the body will have to listen to us when we speak things like healing to it. Fight the good fight of faith. Faith is not passive. It comes under attack from all kinds of enemies. Paul said, "resist the devil, and he will flees from you". Resistance is active. Peter said that the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. Faith requires looking into places that cannot be seen in the natural, and standing in faith. Bringing to nothing things that are, to bring to reality things that are not.
Mad is the antithesis to all of this, because it is anti faith.
You need to get out more. It's the mega TV ministers and mega churches in this country who excel in the manifestations that were described and their conferences that continue constantly throughout the USA.
If it weren't for the circus action, people would not come and millions of dollars would not generated through TV "seed faith giving", mega churches, and at these conferences. They have to put on a big show in order to convince people that it's God, and then the money flows.
After all, faith is in the seeing and feeling, right?
I think people like you are hiding in your own little church thinking you have the real thing, and pretend ignorance of the obvious like it doesn't exist.
Philippians 1:15-17
Save yourself from what exactly?
What are people supposed to be saved from?
Absolute nonsense on your part.
Not only in your own, consistently one-sided duplicity, given your own obvious failure to abide by the agape towards others that one of your pet chapters in 1 Corinthians calls you to abide by.
But in your consistently willful ignorance of why anyone who asserts a Cessationism really does; as you opt instead for your own "experience" based conclusions read by you INTO the passages.
That you walk by the bondage of your emotions is exactly why you ignore the agape aspect you are called to walk towards others in.
You are not straightended in others; you are straightened in your own emotional upheavals as your response to the equal nonsense of others toward you.
Grow up child.
Who gives a rip about these people?
If people are conned, it's their fault for not reading the bible.
Wrong. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Are you a Jehovah's witness or something?
I put zero value on your opinion.
From "the rod of Charismatic Fanaticism..."