What is pretending to be drunk going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
What's flailing around like a fish out of water going to achieve? I've never seen this in church.
I only recall Peter raising the dead once, and Paul raising the dead once. This alone tells us that God desires to raise the dead. I remember an instance of a person dying in my church, although the person was not medically pronounced dead, as there was no one present to medically pronounce a person dead. But when the paramedics showed up, they believed the person had had a stroke, but were confused by the person's sudden recovery. This caused a stir in our local community I remember.
As for gold fillings......what the? Who needs gold fillings? It would be better have the original enamel back, not a gold filling.
Convulsing while being delivered of demons is normal. Anything else would not take place in sensible churches.
Appearances of Christ? Peter explained that he saw Christ transfigured, but he went on to say that scripture is a more sure word of prophecy.
Experiences are great, but the word is superior.