There have been many who have investigated, and all cases turned out to be fraudulent.
And it is probably the reason you now see so many refuse to have their tongues tested.
I know that all the cases that have been investigated turned out to be fraudulent. That is why if a brother/sister comes to me and says, 'I speak in tongues' I simply let the Lord deal with it.
OK, let's talk about this.
If it is the Holy Spirit that makes it obvious, then it would be obvious to anyone with the Holy Spirit.
But it's not. (I mean, you and I both have the Holy Spirit, and yet neither of us can say it is obvious that anyone speaking in this unknown tongue actually are.
And the only ones that claim it is obvious is due to their own feelings.
It is NOT for me to prove that what they claim is true or false. God will do that.
All I will get out of confronting nonessentials is get into a fight. I used to confront people about certain nonessentials and I was never able to convince anyone about it.
Then, I found "In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity".
So let's be clear ......
Anyone can babble unintelligibly. ANYONE (believers and non-believers alike).
So, obviously it does not take the Holy Spirit to babble unintelligibly.
Or in other words, no outside influence is needed to babble unintelligibly.
So how can babbling unintelligibly be any sign at all to anyone?????
It can't, nor should it, because it is nothing that is supernatural.
Not my job to prove either way.
Can't prove it anyways.
What IS supernatural is to speak a foreign language that you have never learned, and that others that do know that language can understand completely.
But this is never the "tongues" that folks today claim to have.
I don't know why Paul who was not at Pentecost spoke more than you all in tongues when not in church.
Long story short ...... the tongue talkers today are doing nothing supernatural at all.
But they are fearful to test it, because the elated "feeling" they get is pleasurable to them and they do not wish to disturb that hidden pleasure which is nothing more than a physical reaction that all babblers (believer or unbeliever) feel.
I have a headache.
Can you prove to me that I do not have a headache?
What would be the steps you would take to convince me that I do not have a headache?
Can you prove to me that I do have a headache?
What would be the steps you would take to convince me that I do have a headache?
Exactly and that is why God did not give me the job of proving that that brother/sister in Christ is
really speaking in tongues from God or not. God WILL DO THE PROVING either way.
I follow this model: In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.
'speaking in tongues' for lifeisgood is a NONessential, so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.
'I had a dream about Jesus' for lifeisgood is a NONessential, so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.
"any nonessential here", so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.
Now, someone comes to lifeisgood and tells her that they reject the blood, that they do not need the blood, that being ESSENTIAL, then I'll go at it, but speaking in tongues, dreaming dreams, etc. I SUMMARILY IGNORE them.