And you and those just like you just as obviously never notice the three fingers ever pointing back at you; that you take issue when your one-sideness is pointed out.
Like that one Legalist MAD I met years ago.
First word out my mouth - "Hi!

His reply "Of course we know that Paul did not write Hebrews..."
Standing next to of the more well known names within "Mid-Acts."
And the older one gets, the more set in both their nonsense in this, and their blindness to it's fact.
Wanna set em off - point out their obvious bondage to them.
I was at a secular business lunch with a fellow MAD who was then up in his senior years.
A Legalist MAD through and through; out of nowhere, he pulls out his Bible and begins to go into how that "only Paul's Epistles are for us today!"
At a secular business luncheon.
The point?
The problem with such is that they never look at themselves.
Look at how easy it is to set off most of the MADs on TOL.
Merely hold a different view.
No matter how you post it -soft or hard.
No matter how seemingly insignificant.
Right off, the TOL Legalist MAD Club most (not all) MADs on TOL are obviously members off - are all over the individual.
So blind to their would be bondage on others, that to point it out to them is to find them one's enemy...
Even as they not only go on and on in their same "one for all, and all for one" nonsense, but ask what it is one is going on about them...
At the same time that they attempt to bait such an individual into their own mess with them even further..
But whistle blowers have always been concluded enemies by those they had once believed were their own :chuckle:
History shows I am in good company...