TOL Subscriber
I was caught up in the same emotional upheaval in the religious, denominational system courtesy of the mystery of iniquity that andyc is a captive of today.You used to fake speaking in tongues?Pray tell, why?
I was caught up in the same emotional upheaval in the religious, denominational system courtesy of the mystery of iniquity that andyc is a captive of today.You used to fake speaking in tongues?Pray tell, why?
I can show you from scripture that tongues shall cease when that which is perfect is come, but you've denied it over and over. You have never approved of a more excellent way. Today would be no different.Ok, from your perspective, I might be. I can live with that. But you cannot deny from scripture that this gift is for me today, and so it is only on the basis of your opinion that you don't think I have it.
I'm sure you did, edifying thyself (and thy flesh).
For[Do you forbid the speaking in tongues? 1 Co 14:39] I was caught up in the same emotional upheaval in the religious, denominational system courtesy of the mystery of iniquity that andyc is a captive of today.
Already gave the evidence a few posts back.....
1Cor 1:3-7
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ
Still waiting for Christ to be revealed, still using the gifts.
Doesn't add anything to your case.
And, how would a person speaking in tongues edify himself if he didn't understand what he's saying? :chuckle:
If if I truly believed I had what you claim to have, I would have already posted evidence for the edification of the church and as a witness to unbelievers. That is no lie, I would have already done it.
We know why you won't.
Look back earlier in your day - honestly - you built yourself up both in your own, and in the eyes of yout fellow confused walk by sighters :chuckle:
"FELT closer to god" didn't you?
saint john w: "Feelings.........nothing more than....feeelings."
Fornot forbidding the speaking of tongues you sure seem to forbid the speaking of tongues, Holy Spirit blasphemer (1 Co 14:39). :idunno:![]()
Fornot forbidding the speaking of tongues you sure seem to forbid the speaking of tongues, Holy Spirit blasphemer (1 Co 14:39). :idunno:![]()
As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
Its a might curious that the only "tongues" they practice are the private ones, which they speak directly to God. They NEVER do one in a real language, and then give an interpretation for the edification for others.
Because it's easier to fake the "private prayer tongues".
What is your ratio of prophesying to tongue speaking?
How often do you get "a word of knowledge" in comparison to tongue talking?
Yes, if we could get them to fess up and be honest, we will find out the stats below:
Tongue Talking- 100% of the time
Prophesying- 0%
Interpreting tongues- 0%
Healing- 0%
Why? Cause tongue talking makes THEM feel good and helps no one else.
There are rules set up in the Bible if one is to speak in tongues. There's supposed to be an interpreter, for one. Who does the interpreting of Andy's tongues?
I'll answer your question when you :chz4brnz: answer mine (1, 2). :juggle:
As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
saint john w: "Feelings.........nothing more than....feeelings."
...works salvationist.