ECT Speaking in tongues


Well-known member
At Pentecost, the assembled Jews heard them speak each in his own language.

That happens today only anecdotally, never on video.

That alone proves modern "tongues" is a sham.

Unless you're so emotionally invested in the high that admitting you're wrong is not an option.

Ex-charismatics, WHO CAN STILL DO IT PERFECTLY, will tell you that's what it's really all about (and as soon as they do, they're written off as "never were REAL tongues talkers").

That suggests one of two things: either all tongues talkers are deliberate liars, or they are gravely deluded to the point on irrationality. Take yer pick.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Ex-charismatics, WHO CAN STILL DO IT PERFECTLY, will tell you that's what it's really all about (and as soon as they do, they're written off as "never were REAL tongues talkers").

The Swaggarts have a course to teach people how to speak in tongues....similar to how the twelve Apostles charged people in the first century to learn how.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
No tongues, no raising of the dead, no mass healings, no surviving Viper bites, no jewels and gold dropping out of the ceiling, no gold caps being placed in people's mouths, no water baptism, no visitations from any member of the Trinity or Angels and, no audible voices from God. We're living in the Dispensation of Grace. The Holy Spirit and the written Word are enough to get us by. Amen!

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
No tongues, no raising of the dead, no mass healings, no surviving Viper bites, no jewels and gold dropping out of the ceiling, no gold caps being placed in people's mouths, no water baptism, no visitations from any member of the Trinity or Angels and, no audible voices from God. We're living in the Dispensation of Grace. The Holy Spirit and the written Word are enough to get us by. Amen!


It's no frills. Many get bored with just the Word.


Well-known member
No tongues, no raising of the dead, no mass healings, no surviving Viper bites, no jewels and gold dropping out of the ceiling, no gold caps being placed in people's mouths, no water baptism, no visitations from any member of the Trinity or Angels and, no audible voices from God. We're living in the Dispensation of Grace. The Holy Spirit and the written Word are enough to get us by. Amen!

Right now that's all the result of their own free will choices.

Can you imagine what they'll believe when God MAKES them believe the lie?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
If you're expecting more, get ready for a "Reality Check." Satan and his fallen angels are counterfeiting a myriad of things today, as he did with Pharaoh's magicians in Moses time. People are looking for miracles, signs and wonders and they'll find them. Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
As a teenager, my Sister and I visited a Husband and Wife that went to our church. They brought out a "Quija board." I knew nothing about those boards, however, I found out right away that it was connected to the occult. (Occult meaning, Hidden) The disc that came with the board moved across the board and spoke to us by going to different letters and spelling out messages. We'd ask it questions and it would respond. I advise everyone to stay far away from this occult door to the demonic. Some time later, perhaps weeks, the owner of the board was told by the Ouija board that he was gonna die, he threw it against the wall and broke it. My point is, there is an evil unseen world out there that can show itself in different ways if we open that door. My friend of forty some years or so and myself have seen things that would scare the wits out of most people. I'll not go into it here. Never doubt the fact that satan is able to counterfeit things.