Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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john w

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Hall of Fame
Answer repeated:

True Christians do not claim to be saved by believing 4 verses of Scripture but then make a career out of also denying huge portions and almost all of the rest of Scripture that also proclaim the same Gospel.

This brings suspicion upon your profession of faith.

You deny Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Burt? No? Then obey them.

Did your Judas "proclaim the same Gospel," Burt?

I thought so, sorcerer Endora.


Well-known member
Answer repeated:

True Christians do not claim to be saved by believing 4 verses of Scripture

The Corinthians knew nothing from Paul, at first, save Christ and Him crucified per 1 Cor 15:1-4. Paul reaffirms that they were saved by this Gospel.

That is ALL that these pagans knew when they were made saints. We believe it, so we are saved too.

You want to have doubts about our salvation? Fine.

But PPS has no doubts. He says we are NOT saved AT ALL.

Please answer honestly: Why do you think he believes that about us?

He won't say so I'm asking you.


More :spam:

The Father and the Son revealed by the Spirit
243 Before his Passover, Jesus announced the sending of "another Paraclete" (Advocate), the Holy Spirit. At work since creation, having previously "spoken through the prophets," the Spirit will now be with and in the disciples, to teach them and guide them "into all the truth." The Holy Spirit is thus revealed as another divine person with Jesus and the Father.
244 The eternal origin of the Holy Spirit is revealed in his mission in time. The Spirit is sent to the apostles and to the Church both by the Father in the name of the Son, and by the Son in person, once he had returned to the Father. The sending of the person of the Spirit after Jesus' glorification reveals in its fullness the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Nang is cooking dinner, dope . . .

Ooops!!! Burt Endora Nag, must not be one of "the elect," as she just sinned, exhibiting a life "lived wrongly," referring to another as a "dope," and refuses to "repent" of that sin, and others, as her "god" did not die for that sin, only the "whoppers," verifying that she flunked the "P" of her "the" church SOF, as outlined in her "Calvinist/Clavinist Manifesto," "TULIP"(TULIPerserverance)......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Repent of your "dope" sin, Endora, and all the rest!!!!!! Good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you do not, you are not one of "the elect!!!!"

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-evil "woman" Endora Burt Nag


TOL Subscriber
You are a liar and you know you're a liar.

You're a disgusting filth monger.

I just searched for dialm and randomly accessed a few of his latest posts before he was banned.

He values Augustine as one of the greatest exegetes of scripture. I can barely stand him, and only appreciate him in spite of what damage he did in some very specific ways to the doctrines of the faith.

It even kept me from reading much of Luther, presuming they were essentially carbon copies; but that was my mistake, for Luther (despite not being a linguist and philologist) is now one of my great heroes of the faith.

He also appears to be quite mysoginistic, forbidding women to have any leadership role in the church whatsoever. That's absurd, but Sherman probably considers me calling heir a weaker vessel (for which I was infracted twice, though john w can repeatedly call me a sodomite without a whimper from the Mods) as equivalent to being dialm.

I have no such false illusions that women cannot fulfill leadership roles in the church. And I am always glad to delineate those according to exegesis of scripture and valid hermeneutics.

So shut up, lying sack. I'm not dialm. It wouldn't even make sense based on just the few posts I accessed for content.

You just have to always have some angle to engage in logical fallacy (poisoning the well, in this case).

I'll address the rest of your buffoonery when I have time, either later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, go spit.


TOL Subscriber
The Corinthians knew nothing from Paul, at first, save Christ and Him crucified per 1 Cor 15:1-4. Paul reaffirms that they were saved by this Gospel.

That is ALL that these pagans knew when they were made saints. We believe it, so we are saved too.

You want to have doubts about our salvation? Fine.

But PPS has no doubts. He says we are NOT saved AT ALL.

Please answer honestly: Why do you think he believes that about us?

He won't say so I'm asking you.

Why do you lie about PPS and hate Calvinists?

I am asking you . . .

Do you think you can hatefully judge and abuse us, but you are sacrosanct from like evaluation?

C'mon . . .

You victimize, but squeal like a sissy about supposedly being made a victim.

I have no respect for that kind of weak mindset, to tell you the truth.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I just reported this latest accusation and asked the Mods to verify one way or the other.
There are posting habits of a person that are a dead giveaway when they make a sockpuppet. It is very difficult to fool people with a sock, even a clever one like dialm. The dialm account was so outlandish that I figured that it was a sock. It was why I banned it with prejudice. Troll socks get tossed in the shredder. I ran the check. Mustereon's argument is not without merit. The dialm sock had 11 hits before I quit running the check.


TOL Subscriber
There are posting habits of a person that are a dead giveaway when they make a sockpuppet. It is very difficult to fool people with a sock, even a clever one like dialm. The dialm account was so outlandish that I figured that it was a sock. It was why I banned it with prejudice. Troll socks get tossed in the shredder. I ran the check. Mustereon's argument is not without merit. The dialm sock had 11 hits before I quit running the check.

So are you validating that this sock was created by PPS as musterion claims?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You're a disgusting filth monger....

So shut up, lying sack. .... In the meantime, go spit.

Ooops!!!! You are not one of "the elect!!!!!," tubby Simon!!! Repent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow."-evil "woman" Endora Burt Nag


TOL Subscriber
There are posting habits of a person that are a dead giveaway when they make a sockpuppet. It is very difficult to fool people with a sock, even a clever one like dialm. The dialm account was so outlandish that I figured that it was a sock. It was why I banned it with prejudice. Troll socks get tossed in the shredder. I ran the check. Mustereon's argument is not without merit. The dialm sock had 11 hits before I quit running the check.

I'm not dialm. Period. I'd never even seen that poster name on a thread until I just did a search after this outrageous false accusation.

I don't need to make a sock account. I've never done so. I don't intend to ever do so. This is bias and unbefitting a Mod.

Can you check IP addresses or any other criteria electronically? If not, Knight should be able to.

I don't even have the same views as dialm, and that's just from accessing three of his/her posts. This is absurd.


TOL Subscriber
Why do you lie about PPS and hate Calvinists?

I am asking you . . .

Do you think you can hatefully judge and abuse us, but you are sacrosanct from like evaluation?

C'mon . . .

You victimize, but squeal like a sissy about supposedly being made a victim.

I have no respect for that kind of weak mindset, to tell you the truth.

The bolded is the truest statement ever on TOL.

He has to make false accusations just to distract from Tam's horrific stubborn stand for Tritheistic heresy in her arrogant ignorance.

These gangbangers are the whiningest bunch of double-standard bearers in human history. They're worse than the crybaby progressive millennials.

This is an utter outrage.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The bolded is the truest statement ever on TOL.

He has to make false accusations just to distract from Tam's horrific stubborn stand for Tritheistic heresy in her arrogant ignorance.

These gangbangers are the whiningest bunch of double-standard bearers in human history. They're worse than the crybaby progressive millennials.

This is an utter outrage.

IF you are DialM4Moron, it will come out at some point and expose you for what you are.
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