Spammers wasteland

Spammers wasteland

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TOL Subscriber
I'm not the slightest bit intimidated by your "superiority".

It's very easy to see that the word "individuation" contains DIVIDE as part of the word.

Yet, is anyone ELSE uses a term like that to describe the F/S/HS.... you go ballasitic.

Double-standard it is then.


IF individuated is used in the theological sense for God Himself, it is presumed to always be according to merismos, which is partitioning for distribution rather than separation or division.

Too bad you're an English conceptualizer depending on dictionaries for non-explicit definitions and applications.

Sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-novice infant.

No double standard. The same fallacies that caused Tambora to condone and demand synergy for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the same fallacies that cause you to attempt to critique Nang's usage of individuation according to merismos.


TOL Subscriber
Then why did you use a "dictionary definition pertaining to creatures" to discuss the CREATOR?

You guys have a COMPLETE double-standard with regards to who gets to define what words mean.

Because they're not English-founded words and meanings. They're relative to Greek words that you don't know anything about.

Theologians don't have the double standards. YOU sub-x-1000-novices don't know the foundations of the words.

See the above post for merismos, which is not division or separation.

Why don't you just spend some years doing language study? Right. You think you already know everything from sub-one-minute googles of words you don't even know in your own uber-low-context first language.

You have no idea what you don't know.


TOL Subscriber
They win zero arguments if they can't rule up front what words mean and when. Put them up against any dispensationalist on this board with what the Bible simply says, in context, and they fold up like a cheap card table. Example: "world," "all," "loved," "whosoever." They'll go to great lengths to establish a priori (from their own Augustinian assumptions) that those words cannot mean what they plainly say.

It's a gnostic cult that adds to and takes from God's Word at will.

This is the greatest inverse statement ever made my a man. You're the one who demands nominal English subjective meanings determine definitions from translation in arrears.

You're the biggest buffoon of all your reprobate gangbangers. You have no authentic resurrected reality of existence in Christ, so your unrenewed mind just rattles on with this tripe.


TOL Subscriber
Tambony has been utterly OWNED in demonstrating she is a Tritheist.

Right Divider has likewise been OWNED by exposing his meager attempts at word criticism being fallacious.

John W has been OWNED, if for no other reason than... his hair. His 1970s hippie nasty hair.

Musterion has been OWNED because he's a liar; having insisted the conversation was over and then reengaging.

Grossy has always been OWNED by everyone in every way.

SaultoPaul has been OWNED because he can't even cogently provide a post worth considering.

All other Dispensationalists are perpetually owned by true Believers who are authentic Christians.

All the Dispensational Tritheists have no clue what any words mean. So they all expose themselves as the Polytheist Gnostics they are.


Well-known member
This is the greatest inverse statement ever made my a man.

You are wrong.

Teaching people that God has a super-select, super-secret few whom He has chosen to save while having reprobated the rest, even while the Gospel of grace is to be preached to all without distinction AND INVITES ALL WITHOUT DISTINCTION TO ACCEPT HIS GRACIOUS GIFT, is the greatest, most satanically inverse statement ever made by man.

And you agree with it.

Begone, demon.


Well-known member
Tambony has been utterly OWNED in demonstrating she is a Tritheist.

Right Divider has likewise been OWNED by exposing his meager attempts at word criticism being fallacious.

John W has been OWNED, if for no other reason than... his hair. His 1970s hippie nasty hair.

Musterion has been OWNED because he's a liar; having insisted the conversation was over and then reengaging.

Grossy has always been OWNED by everyone in every way.

SaultoPaul has been OWNED because he can't even cogently provide a post worth considering.

All other Dispensationalists are perpetually owned by true Believers who are authentic Christians.

All the Dispensational Tritheists have no clue what any words mean. So they all expose themselves as the Polytheist Gnostics they are.

So that means your job on TOL is done. You're already spam. You've crossed the mods. You're a known sock user. Almost no one but Nang gives you the time of day, and that's only because you back her up. Perhaps it's time you found greener cyber-pastures. When will you be leaving?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Actually, it's something that has never happened to your soul and spirit, joints and marrow.

Typical Roman Catholic/Calvinist response-I'm saved, because my lifestyle tells me so.

As asked, Jeff-let's see your resume. And pic, sweetie.

Not a peep.

Fraud.Poser, "some great one"(Acts 8:9 KJV).

Thanks for checkin' in, Simon. Take your seat, in the back row, while we teach.


TOL Subscriber
You are wrong.

Teaching people that God has a super-select, super-secret few whom He has chosen to save while having reprobated the rest, even while the Gospel of grace is to be preached to all without distinction AND INVITES ALL WITHOUT DISTINCTION TO ACCEPT HIS GRACIOUS GIFT, is the greatest, most satanically inverse statement ever made by man.

And you agree with it.

Begone, demon.

You continue to be a liar, since the conversation is not over as you said.

And since I'm not a Calvinist and affirm that Christ was made (poieo) sin (singular anarthrous) for all mankind, then you might want to take it up with them (if you could ever learn what Calvinism actually teaches instead of how you caricature it).

Your demonization is demonstrated by you following your paternal unit, who is the father of lies like your lie that our conversation was over.

It's also your demonization that falsely accuses me of aligning as a Calvinist with Calvinist doctrine.

And notice either I'm not a demon or you have no authority, because I'm not gone. It's actually both.


Well-known member
It's also your demonization that falsely accuses me of aligning as a Calvinist with Calvinist doctrine.

You have aligned yourself with Nang, and that's exactly what she believes God did in eternity past and is doing now. Yet you have said she's your sister in Christ.

We say we've believed the Gospel of the grace of God, which you said is the saving Gospel, but you tell us we're unsaved because we do not adhere to your theological definitions (or maybe we do, you're deliberately obscure).

Odd, that. But water always finds its own level and the Devil's own always know the Devil's own.


TOL Subscriber
Typical Roman Catholic/Calvinist response-I'm saved, because my lifestyle tells me so.

Nope. I live and walk by faith. My works are before God alone, not you or anyone else.

[quote\As asked, Jeff-let's see your resume.[/quote]

You're not qualified to see or ask for my resume'.

And pic, sweetie.

I already posted one some time ago. Go find it if you're so inclined.

Not a peep.



Of course you are.

"some great one"(Acts 8:9 KJV).

The only great one is Jesus Christ. If you knew Him, you'd know that.

Thanks for checkin' in, Simon. Take your seat, in the back row, while we teach.

You can't. And I'm right here. Feel free to leave TOL any time you want.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
This is the greatest inverse statement ever made my a man.

Let's many "greatest (fill in the blank) ever made by man" assertions, "in the history of mankind" assertions, that you couldn't prove, even if you had 'the history of man/the world" memorized, is that Simom, on this thread? 666 of them? Weighty.

You're the biggest buffoon of all your reprobate gangbangers.

Say "buffoon" again, Simon. Please? How many "the biggest buffoon of all your reprobate gangbangers" have you named on this thread, Simon? Pick me...Please?


Well-known member
Nope. I live and walk by faith. My works are before God alone, not you or anyone else.

Yet you repeatedly demanded Tambora repent before you and to your satisfaction.

1. If she's not saved (which you've made clear is the case) what would even be the point?

2. What authority did you have to insist she repent, whether she's saved or not?

3. If none of us are saved, why have you never, ever once told any of us what we must do to be saved?

4. Why do you argue theology with unsaved people?


TOL Subscriber
You have aligned yourself with Nang, and that's exactly what she believes God did in eternity past

There's no such thing as "eternity past", you denier of God's attributes.

and is doing now. Yet you have said she's your sister in Christ.

What's it to ya? You need my approval and are hurt that I don't judge you as saved. I understand

Odd, that. But water always finds its own level and the Devil's own always know the Devil's own.

Nice try, Beelzebub. The living water isn't tangible.

Oops. You wanted it to be "literal". Sorry. Literal doesn't just mean tangible and material.

Your figurative view of all of scripture is noted. That's one of the reasons you're so deluded.

Continue in your demonization, minion.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

John W has been OWNED, if for no other reason than... his hair. His 1970s hippie nasty hair.

I'm honored, Simon, that you are so infatuated with me. But sorry, Simon, I'm not interested, not being a sodomite like you.

Put up your pic, sweetie.

I thought so-typical effeminate sodomite, embarrassed by his San Fran look, with the cropped beard, bald top, and James 2:3 KJV attire.


TOL Subscriber
Yet you repeatedly demanded Tambora repent before you and to your satisfaction.

No. I asked her if she recanted. Recanting is not necessarily repenting. She has continued to take her tact of synergy for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

If she has made a PUBLIC profession/confession of her faith including synergy, it is appropriate that she disannul it in the same manner. Do you have a problem with that?

1. If she's not saved (which you've made clear is the case) what would even be the point?

The word sown in some manner. Grace is administered by the Word.

2. What authority did you have to insist she repent, whether she's saved or not?

We are to call all men everywhere to repent. All the more for those professing Tritheism and/or Polytheism in whatever form rather than Christian doctrine.

I guess you have double standards about Mormons and JWs, etc.

3. If none of us are saved, why have you never, ever once told any of us what we must do to be saved?

I have. You haven't listened.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Put up your pic, sodomite Simon.

I thought so. Real tough "guy," are you, Simon?

Put up that girlie "man" pic.

You won't.
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