Why has the dialectic used by many dispensationalists on TOL become a game. Dean Gotcher in his writings, audios and videos on the dialectic does not see it as a method of arriving at the truth. He says just the opposite.
"The dialectic is man thinking through his feelings. This is the reason God flooded the world and will judge the world again. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26) "
Gotcher in his discussion on the role of the facilitator in the encounter group movement says his or her object is to lead the group to a consensus by use of the dialectic. The group dialogues to consensus, which is the basis for the collectivist mentality of Communism. Find out what the Russian word Soviet means. "Soviet" means "Council". It refers to "councils of workers and peasants (or soldiers)", which started organizing in cities and villages in the early twentieth century in close cooperation with Russian Communist organizations." The Marxist facilitators of the Councils in the Old Soviet Union had the job of leading the small groups to whatever group consensus the Party wanted to create.
In Genesis 3 the "serpent" "was more subtle than any beast in the field," and he used the dialectic on Eve, saying in effect lets talk about you eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. "Lets have a dialog." "And come to a consensus."
"Known truths, standards, methods of conduct, and behavior are being altered for global
government control. The process of teaching known truths and replacing known truths with
disputes and argumentations is known as moving from being in a didactic state and going into a
dialectic state. It is worth restating: Didactic equals known truth. Dialectic equals disputes and argumentation. We are being converted from known truths (didactic) into the dialectic state, which is disputable, not stable, and the reverse of reality. It is being done for total management. What happens is that a "new model" or a "new direction" is substituted for what was formerly thought to be the correct direction in a particular field. This is not only happening in the field of education, it is being done in the operation of the general government. It is also used on citizen 'advisory committees' as they are being brought to a "consensus"."
"The dialectic process can be described as the merging of opposites. It ends up in a compromise
by using what is called a 'consensus'. In a given discussion, the 'consensus' stops objectors and
weakens wiser decisions and directions."
"The goals and Objectives of this dialectic technique is to:
Get rid of national sovereignty,
" " " feelings of nationalism,
" " " property rights,
" " " rights of parents who wish to raise their children according to their own standards, and to
" " " tried and true principles of human conduct."
The dialectic used by the dispensationalists on TOL has in many instances become a game because much of the dialogue offered by the dispensationalists is not substantive argument but is personal attacks, irrelevant comments, too brief comments to make sense, or inconsistent positions. Its a form of gaming.