ECT Sources of the Kind of Dialectic Used Here By Many Dispensationalists


New member
"Nothing is fixed as fact..." That's why 1900 years later, a group like D'ism can come along and create a new RT to 'replace' Gal 3:17's categories.

Or why the Seed, which is Christ, has been replaced by the descendants of Israel.

Fact of the matter - as with Rom. 4, so in Gal. 3 - both the issue of Israel's Old and New Covenants are in focus, along with the issue of faith outside said two covenants.

Rom. 5:8


New member
Marxism is systematically anti-Christian. Hegel brought the Greek philosophy of the dialectic before the time of Christ into modern Western philosophy. Hegel was not anti-Christian. But Marx, who took up Hegel's dialectic and made it into a procedure for change, created an ideology which is highly opposed to Christianity.

One of the founders of the Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxism, Georg Lukacs, said that any form of Marxism able to take over the culture of the West would have to "...possess the religious power which is capable of filling the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity."

"What differentiated the West from Russia,
Lukacs said, was a
Judeo-Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the
uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At
its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the
individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern
the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from
Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied
that the individual could and should change the physical universe in
pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as
stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as
long as the individual had the belief—or even the hope of the
belief—that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems
facing society, then that society would never reach the state of
hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary
prerequisite for socialist revolution."

These quotes from the teachings of Georg Lukacs, 1885-1971, are from:

Then after main the Frankfurt School Marxists were run out of Germany by the Nazis to the U.S. in the thirties, Theodore W, Adorno and his crew at Berkeley wrote the book, The Authoritarian Personality, 1950. In the 1950 book Adorno claimed that Christianity and the family cause fascism and the authoritarian personality, and that both must be gotten rid of.


"Max Horkheimer, one of the notables of the Frankfurt School, determined that America's profound allegiance to the traditional family was a mark of our national inclination towards the same fascist system from which he had fled. Explaining this connection between fascism and the American family, he declared: "When the child respects in his father's strength a moral relationship and thus learns to love what his reason recognizes to be a fact, he is experiencing his first training for the bourgeois authority relationship."

"Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm, and were responsible for the "New Left" and feminism."

"Basically, the [task of the] Frankfurt School was to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life to de-stabilize society and destroy what they saw as the 'oppressive' order."

"To further the advance of their 'quiet' cultural revolution ... the School recommended (among other things):

1. The creation of racism offences.

2. Continual change to create confusion

3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children

4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority

5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

6. The promotion of excessive drinking

7. Emptying of churches

8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime

9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits

10. Control and dumbing down of media

11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:

• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.

• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls

• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces

• declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men as 'oppressors'"


Well-known member
It's great stuff NOrth, but pinching D'ism with it is a bit of stretch. Where is the link between the demise of the West, which modern Israel needs to survive, and the creation of modern Israel as a 'prophecy fulfillment' to be enjoyed by planes full of tourists from the West?


New member
This is a continuation from the post above. Below is a quote from an article about Marx in the Young Hegelian Movement at the University of Berlin and Marx's making the Hegelian dialectic atheist and anti-Christian.

Marx and the Young Hegelians: Making the Dialectic Atheist and Anti-Christian

"But the winning strand in the European socialist movement, as we have indicated, was eventually to be Karl Marx's atheism. If Hegel had pantheized and elaborated the dialectic of Christian messianics, Marx now "stood Hegel on his head" by atheizing the dialectic, and resting it, not on mysticism or religion or "spirit" or the absolute idea or the world-mind, but on the supposedly solid and "scientific" foundation of philosophical materialism. Marx adopted his materialism from the Left Hegelian Ludwig Feuerbach, particularly his work on The Essence of Christianity (1843). In contrast to the Hegelian emphasis on "spirit," Marx would study the allegedly scientific laws of matter in some way operating through history. Marx, in short, took the dialectic and made it what we can call a "materialist dialectic of history."

A lot of unnecessary pother has been made about terminology here. Many Marxist apologists have fiercely maintained that Marx himself never used the term "dialectical materialism" — as if mere non-use of the terms lets Marx off the hook — and also that the concept only appeared in such later works of Engels as the Anti-Dühring. But the Anti-Dühring, published before Marx's death, was, like all other such writings of Engels, cleared with Marx first, and so we have to assume that Marx approved.5

The fuss stems from the fact that the term "dialectical materialism" was widely stressed by the Marxist-Leninist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, these days generally discredited. The concept was applied by Engels, who of the two founders was particularly interested in the natural sciences, to biology. Applied to biology, as Engels did in the Anti-Dühring, dialectical materialism has an unmistakably crazy air. In an ultra-Hegelian manner, logic and logical contradictions, or "negations," are hopelessly confused with the processes of reality. Thus: butterflies "come into existence from the egg through negation [or transcendence] of the egg … they are negated again as they die." And "the barley corn.… is negated and is supplanted by the barley plant, the negation of the corn … The plant grows … is fructified and produces again barleycorns and as soon as these are ripe, the ear withers away, is negated. As a result of this negation of the negation we have gained the original barley corn … in a quantity ten, twenty, or thirty times larger."6

Furthermore, Marx himself, and not only Engels, was also very interested in Darwin and in biological science. Marx wrote to Engels that Darwin's work "serves me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history" and that "this is the book which contains the basis in natural history for our view."7

By recasting the dialectic in materialist and atheist terms, however, Marx gave up the powerful motor of the dialectic as it operated throughout history: either Christian messianism or providence or the growing self-consciousness of the world spirit. How could Marx find a "scientific" materialist replacement, newly grounded in the ineluctable "laws of history" that would explain the inevitability of the imminent apocalyptic transformation of the world into communism? It is one thing to base the prediction of a forthcoming Armageddon upon the Bible; it is quite another to deduce this event from allegedly scientific laws. Setting forth the specifics of this engine of history was to occupy Karl Marx for the rest of his life.

Although Marx found Feuerbach indispensable for adopting a thoroughgoing atheist and materialist positions, Marx soon found that Feuerbach had not gone nearly far enough. Even though Feuerbach was a philosophical communist, he basically believed that if man forswore religion, then his alienation from his self would be over. To Marx, religion was only one of the problems. The entire world of man (the Menschenwelt) was alienating, and had to be radically overthrown, root and branch. Only apocalyptic destruction of this world of man would permit true human nature to be realized. Only then would the existing "un-man" (Unmensch) truly become man (Mensch). As Marx thundered in the fourth of his "theses on Feuerbach," "one must proceed to destroy [the] "earthly family" [as it is] "both in theory and in practice."8

In particular, declared Marx, true man, as Feuerbach had argued, is a "communal being" (Gemeinwesen) or "species being" (Gattungswesen). Although the state as it exists must be negated or transcended, man's participation in the state operates as such a communal being. The main problem comes in the private sphere, the market, or "civil society," in which un-man acts as an egoist, as a private person, treating others as means, and not collectively as masters of their fate. And in existing society, unfortunately, civil society is primary, while the state, or "political community," is secondary. What must be done to realize the full nature of mankind is to transcend the state and civil society by politicizing all of life, by making all of man's actions collective. Then real individual man will become a true and full "species being."9

But only a revolution, an orgy of destruction, can accomplish this task. And here, Marx harkened back to the call for total destruction that had animated his vision of the world in poems of his youth. Indeed, in a speech in London in 1856, Marx was to give graphic and loving expression to this goal of his "praxis." He mentioned that in Germany in the Middle Ages there existed a secret tribunal called the Vehmgericht. He then explained: "If a red cross was seen marked on a house, people knew that its owner was doomed by the Vehm. All the houses of Europe are now marked with the mysterious red cross. History is the judge — its executioner the proletarian."10


TOL Subscriber
It's great stuff NOrth, but pinching D'ism with it is a bit of stretch. Where is the link between the demise of the West, which modern Israel needs to survive, and the creation of modern Israel as a 'prophecy fulfillment' to be enjoyed by planes full of tourists from the West?

Dispensationalists/Open Theists deny the absolute sovereignty of God and instead advocate relativism. It has made tombs out of the visible churches.


New member
"It's great stuff NOrth, but pinching D'ism with it is a bit of stretch. Where is the link between the demise of the West, which modern Israel needs to survive, and the creation of modern Israel as a 'prophecy fulfillment' to be enjoyed by planes full of tourists from the West?"

Rodney Howard-Browne is a Pentecostal evangelist, I think in his mid fifties, who is a dispensationalist but who is in agreement with the contemporary Populist-Patriot movement in the U.S. He is like older dispensationalists such as Steve Quayle or Doug Hagmann who are not under an influence from the Marxist Left.

The two hypothesis I am following are that among younger dispensationalists there are many who are influenced by the Marxist Left through both U.S. Public School Education and the mainstream Mass Media, and that among the younger dispensationalists are those who not only make use of the dialectic, but use a gaming form of it, that is, they are like the Fake News Mass Media and they tend to avoid or are unable to create more substantive arguments for their positions.

Apparently you are a Canadian and also do not accept some prophecy which is seen to be fulfilled in the end times, like Luke 17: 26-27, etc - II Timothy 3: 1-8, II Timothy 4: 3-4, John 16: 2,


Well-known member
lol why would Canadian make any difference?

I think originally the flood and S&G image had to do with what would happen to Judea in the 6th decade; it clearly is that in Mt 24A. The reason Dan 9 uses the flood expression is to say that the type of evil of that generation would recall the type of evil before Noah; and it did.

I don't spend much time on narrowing down the last days when so many periods have been so awfully evil since 70AD, when it was expected that the world would end in Mt24, but did not.


New member
lol why would Canadian make any difference?

I think originally the flood and S&G image had to do with what would happen to Judea in the 6th decade; it clearly is that in Mt 24A. The reason Dan 9 uses the flood expression is to say that the type of evil of that generation would recall the type of evil before Noah; and it did.

I don't spend much time on narrowing down the last days when so many periods have been so awfully evil since 70AD, when it was expected that the world would end in Mt24, but did not.

In reply to your comment about the West, northwye, related his hypothesis that "many who are influenced by the Marxist Left through both U.S. Public School Education and the mainstream Mass Media,..."

It was in connection with that, that he then went on to further hypothesize, in light of your comment about the West, that "Apparently you are a Canadian..."

Had you bothered to spend but a split second moments "time on narrowing down" the one thing as to it's possible connection to the other, you would have easily discerned his intended meaning.

Proving once more, out of the countless times you have proven it - that you don't spend much time attempting to narrow down much of anything - because obviously not...know how - which is why you are so clueless when it comes to properly narrowing down those things that differ from one another, in Scripture.

Oy and vey!


Rom. 5:8


New member
lol why would Canadian make any difference?

Because we have a history and some memory of an older culture which Canada does not have. We created a Constitutional Republic which lasted a while. We had an older culture which grew out of and supported that Republic. We had an economic system which encouraged and allowed for a huge number of small family businesses that had jobs for millions. The rest of the world looked to us as an example.

Our historians Frederick Jackson Turner and Walter Prescott Webb described that older U.S. culture which grew out of and supported the Republic,

Our public school educational system was changed beginning in the late fifties and sixties by educational psychologists and social engineers to make it possible for the Marxist Left to gain some control over our institutions even by the year 1996, the start of the Second Bill Clinton Administration.

Our Mass Media had been so taken over by the Marxist Left that even wikipedia had an article on the Leftist bias of that Mass Media. The public approval rating of the Mass Media dropped drastically by 2016.


"September 14, 2016.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low..... Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year."

We are still in the era of "Fake News."

But there is an Alternative Mass Media which is supporting the rise of a movement to restore the Republic, bring back our rights, oppose abortion, re-create a robust economy which can create a huge number of new jobs and new small businesses and the Alternative Media is beginning to look like a media which is telling us about a new "Counterculture," which is not based in part on Marxism as was the Counterculture of the sixties and seventies. This new Counterculture includes the Alternative Health Care movement. The Alternative Media and New Counterculture is friendly to Christianity, though it does have dispensationalists within it, but the kind who are not Marxist Leftists also.

This is all a U.S. movement, but can spread to other countries.

And do not forget that Marxism is fundamentally anti-Christian. It is of the spirit of Anti-Christ of I John 4: 3. And its method for promoting and defending itself is the Marxist version of he Hegelian dialectic which is a modern version of the dialectic before Christ in ancient Greek Philosophy. Paul briefly mentions the anti-thesis in I Timothy 6: 20-21 and warns us to avoid that. What he means is that the Truth of the Gospel of Christ is the thesis, while the opposition to that thesis is the anti-thesis. The false doctrines taught by the false prophets is the anti-thesis within the dialectic procedure of attitude and belief change.


Well-known member
The whole reason 'in advance' is used in 3:8 is because Paul is attempting to break the stronghold that Judaism has over so many people in the area. As soon as they realize that the one Gospel was being preached back there to Abraham, as Christ said, they will realize that Judaism (after the exile) had replaced the Promise with the Law.


New member
The whole reason 'in advance' is used in 3:8 is because Paul is attempting to break the stronghold that Judaism has over so many people in the area. As soon as they realize that the one Gospel was being preached back there to Abraham, as Christ said, they will realize that Judaism (after the exile) had replaced the Promise with the Law.

Yep; that's what I thought you'd meant - your same old misunderstanding of Gal. 3:17.


Well-known member
lol why would Canadian make any difference?

Because we have a history and some memory of an older culture which Canada does not have. We created a Constitutional Republic which lasted a while. We had an older culture which grew out of and supported that Republic. We had an economic system which encouraged and allowed for a huge number of small family businesses that had jobs for millions. The rest of the world looked to us as an example.

Our historians Frederick Jackson Turner and Walter Prescott Webb described that older U.S. culture which grew out of and supported the Republic,

Our public school educational system was changed beginning in the late fifties and sixties by educational psychologists and social engineers to make it possible for the Marxist Left to gain some control over our institutions even by the year 1996, the start of the Second Bill Clinton Administration.

Our Mass Media had been so taken over by the Marxist Left that even wikipedia had an article on the Leftist bias of that Mass Media. The public approval rating of the Mass Media dropped drastically by 2016.


"September 14, 2016.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low..... Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year."

We are still in the era of "Fake News."

But there is an Alternative Mass Media which is supporting the rise of a movement to restore the Republic, bring back our rights, oppose abortion, re-create a robust economy which can create a huge number of new jobs and new small businesses and the Alternative Media is beginning to look like a media which is telling us about a new "Counterculture," which is not based in part on Marxism as was the Counterculture of the sixties and seventies. This new Counterculture includes the Alternative Health Care movement. The Alternative Media and New Counterculture is friendly to Christianity, though it does have dispensationalists within it, but the kind who are not Marxist Leftists also.

This is all a U.S. movement, but can spread to other countries.

And do not forget that Marxism is fundamentally anti-Christian. It is of the spirit of Anti-Christ of I John 4: 3. And its method for promoting and defending itself is the Marxist version of he Hegelian dialectic which is a modern version of the dialectic before Christ in ancient Greek Philosophy. Paul briefly mentions the anti-thesis in I Timothy 6: 20-21 and warns us to avoid that. What he means is that the Truth of the Gospel of Christ is the thesis, while the opposition to that thesis is the anti-thesis. The false doctrines taught by the false prophets is the anti-thesis within the dialectic procedure of attitude and belief change.

titus 2:15


New member
titus 2:15

Stop the presses,
hold the phone,
IP has done it all alone.
Keep your distance -
Look - a Scripture reference!

We're movin on up!
Movin on up!
To the East Side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky!
Movin on up!
We finally got a piece of the pie!
