ECT Sources of the Kind of Dialectic Used Here By Many Dispensationalists


New member
Sources of the Kind of Dialectic Used Here By Many Dispensationalists

What is the dialectic? In Greek philosophy before the time of Christ, the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, is a way of making arguments, using what is called a thesis and an anti-thesis in opposition to the thesis. The dialectic only operates within dialogue between at least two people. The didactic method of teaching, by which what is claimed to be facts are taught, is not the dialectic because it is not a dialogue. The dialectic only occurs within the dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions - theses - and counter-propositions - which are αντιθεσεις, anti-theses.

αντιθεσεις, anti-thesis, is used in I Timothy 6: 20 by the Greek text.
The key part in Greek says "και αντιθεσεις της ψευδωνυμου γνωσεως,or "and
anti-thesis of falsely called knowledge." Paul says in I Timothy 6: 22-21 to avoid the anti-thesis of falsely called knowledge. In other words, he says to avoid the use of the dialectic within dialogue. There are other Greek words used in the New Testament which mean opposition, such as anthistémi, antidiatithémi, antipolítef̱si̱, or enantío̱si̱. αντιθεσεις, anti-thesis is a term used in Greek philosophy in relation to the dialectic.,_synthesis

"Hegel used the "thesis-antithesis-synthesis" idea only once, and he attributed the terminology to Immanuel Kant. The terminology was largely developed by Johann Gottlieb Fichte, also an advocate of the philosophy identified as German idealism. "

"Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) adopted and extended the triad, especially in Marx's The Poverty of Philosophy (1847). Here, in Chapter 2, Marx is obsessed by the word "thesis". It can be said to form an important part of the basis for the Marxist theory..."

So, Marxism is not just an ideology opposed to capitalism and the Christian and family based culture developed in Christian nations of the West. Marxism is also an ideology based upon the dialectic as a means of changing the way people think and communicate - or dialogue.

Dean Gotcher has studied the recent history of the dialectic used in the major institutions of Western society. He has focused on the Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxism, which has not advertised itself as Marxism.

Gotcher says "The key to dialectic thinking is the right to question, mock, and ridicule the traditional, didactic, patriarch authority paradigm. The facilitator’s agenda is to create and sustain such an environment. The very right to question the role of traditional authority has an effect on all participating in such surroundings."

In other words, those influenced by the Marxist Left believe they are right in questioning and mocking the older established culture by use of some form of the dialectic.

Dean Gotcher says: "God cannot speak into the pre-flood, Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah, dialectic mind, even though it might quote scripture." From:

"The dialectic is man thinking through his feelings. This is the reason God flooded the world and will judge the world again. "And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26) " Says Gotcher.

Then he says "The dialectic paradigm rejects the word of God as the final authority. It turns to fables and the opinions of men. You do not dialogue truth, you teach truth, you dialogue compromise. From:".......The prophecy of Luke 17: 26. Gotcher is saying, can be seen to began to be fulfilled now because of the widespread use of the dialectic. He is saying that the mindset behind the use of the dialectic is somehow like that of the mindset of pre-Flood times, as well as the mindset of people at the times of the Tower of Babel, Sodom and Gomorrah events.

Gotcher writes about the Group Dynamics movement within American Social Psychology, and the Encounter Group Movement which made use of concepts developed by the Group Dynamics social psychologists. This is where Gotcher got the term "facilitator" which is what the Encounter Group leader was called.

The Group Dynamics and Encounter Group movements went on way back in the fifties, sixties and seventies and overlapped with the Counterculture, also a rebellion against traditional Christian and family based Western culture.

Now, in the early 21st century we have a kind of dumbed down form of the dialectic within dialogue and a dumbed down form of the Marxist Left. Recently this dumbed down dialectic has been called "Fake News." The people critical of the Marxist Left have said that the mainstream, "liberal," mass media is "Fake News," and "Made Up News."

The dumbed down dialectic of "Fake News" makes use of byte speak, that is, in one sentence statements or just a few sentences. "Fake News" is repeated over and over in simplified form, such as, that the Alternative Media," now called the "Alt Media," and its political allies, are controlled by the Russians. With "Fake News" it does not matter whether there is any evidence for the "Fake News" or not. The belief behind "Fake News" is that if you repeat it enough, it will work to defeat the "Alt" Conservatives and bring down the Republic.

The point I want to make is that there are older dispensationalist preachers who do not spend much time in preaching the doctrines of this theology. They do preach some of the Gospel of Christ, even though their theology in key places does not agree with scripture. If you want to simplify this disagreement with scripture just look at Romans 10: 12 and Galatians 3: 28. These texts say there is no difference between those of the physical bloodline and those not of the bloodline - the Gentiles - when both are in faith. Dispensationalism then disagrees with Romans 10: 12 and Galatians 3: 28 when it postulates that Israel and the Church are two separated peoples of God. The doctrines behind this postulate are that the physical bloodline still exists and that what Paul calls the the middle wall of partition (Ephesians 2: 14) between Gentiles and Jews in faith is still fully in place. The younger contemporary dispensationalists may deny all this in their dialectic game.

For example, Rodney Howard-Browne, apparently a Pentecostal evangelical preacher, born in 1961, can be inspiring in his talk about the Body of Christ now being in the White House after not being there for so long. Rodney Howard-Browne is not as old as Steve Quayle, apparently still a dispenmsationalist, who was one of the short wave broadcasters of the nineties who were the forerunners of the "Alt Conservative Media" including Matt Drudge, and Alex Jones (the youngest of the short wave broadcasters of the nineties).

But here now so many dispensationalists appear to be under some influence from the mainstream, "liberal," Leftist mass media. To the extent they are under influence from CNN, MSNBC, Newsweek, the New York Times or the Washington Post, they are, in their use of repeated slogans in their simplified dialectic game, are Marxist Leftists. But they appear not to know what Marxism is.


Well-known member
The dialectic only operates within dialogue between at least two people.

First, dialogue by definition requires at least two people.

Second, this is all pure bulverism. You have not clearly demonstrated (a) what dialectic is in practical terms of use, (b) how or why it is inherently, necessarily wrong, nor (c) specific examples of dispies using it.

Failure. Complete, utter, verbose failure. You should be embarrassed.


New member
Sources of the Kind of Dialectic Used Here By Many Dispensationalists

What is the dialectic? In Greek philosophy before the time of Christ, the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, is a way of making arguments, using what is called a thesis and an anti-thesis in opposition to the thesis. The dialectic only operates within dialogue between at least two people. The didactic method of teaching, by which what is claimed to be facts are taught, is not the dialectic because it is not a dialogue. The dialectic only occurs within the dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions - theses - and counter-propositions - which are αντιθεσεις, anti-theses....

Matthew 10:35 I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

And yet, we read elsewhere...

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 5:20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

It's time, northwye, that you learn to properly discern between the things that differ.

Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Isaiah 8:20
2 Tim. 3:16,17


New member

Wikipedia is often biased and inadequate on many topics. But on the topic of Media bias in the United States this wikipedia article is not too bad.

"In 1798, the Congress of the United States passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, which prohibited the publication of "false, scandalous, or malicious writing" against the government and made it a crime to voice any public opposition to any law or presidential act. This act was only in effect only until 1801.

In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln accused newspapers in the border states of bias in favor of the Confederate cause and ordered many of them closed."

The Alien and Sedition Acts and Lincoln's closing of newspapers who opposed his ideology in 1861 were both contrary to the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects all forms of speech, except that which advocates violence or would result in violence or loss of life.

Advocating the killing of a President is clearly a federal crime and not protected under the First Amendment - United States Code Title 18, Section 871.

"A 1956 American National Election Study found that 66% of Americans thought newspapers were fair, including 78% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats."

But "In 2013.....78% of conservatives think the mass media is biased, as compared with 44% of liberals and 50% of moderates. Only about 36% view mass media reporting as "just about right"

"In 2008 George W. Bush's press secretary Scott McClellan published a book in which he confessed to regularly and routinely, but unknowingly, passing on lies to the media, following the instructions of his superiors, lies that the media reported as facts."

"Six corporate conglomerates (Disney, CBS Corporation, 21st Century Fox, Viacom, Time Warner, and Comcast) own the majority of mass media outlets in the United States.[34][35] Such a uniformity of ownership means that stories which are critical of these corporations may often be underplayed in the media.[36][37] The Telecommunications Act of 1996 enabled this handful of corporations to expand their power, and according to Howard Zinn, such mergers "enabled tighter control of information."[38] Chris Hedges argues that corporate media control "of nearly everything we read, watch or hear" is an aspect of what political philosopher Sheldon Wolin calls inverted totalitarianism."

The Mainstream "Liberal" - or the Marxist-Left Mass Media - is mostly under the control of monopoly capitalism, and the corporate ruling elite.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson in her book The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, 2000, according to wikipedia says reduces news into a " mentality, simplifies the world into easily understood opposites. And the mass media "provides an oversimplified skeleton of information."

"As multinational media conglomerates grow larger and more powerful many believe that it will become increasingly difficult for small, local media outlets to survive. A new type of imperialism will thus occur, making many nations subsidiary to the media products of some of the most powerful countries or companies." "Cultural and Linguistic Imperialism", Algirdas Makarevicius, Al's Lectures. Retrieved 28 July 2014."

"Some critics of the media say liberal bias exists within a wide variety of media channels, especially within the mainstream media, including network news shows of CBS, ABC, and NBC, cable channels CNN, MSNBC and the former Current TV, as well as major newspapers, news-wires, and radio outlets, especially CBS News, Newsweek, and The New York Times.[44] These arguments intensified when it was revealed that the Democratic Party received a total donation of $1,020,816, given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks (NBC, CBS, ABC), while the Republican Party received only $142,863 via 193 donations from employees of these same organizations."

"Liberal" means Leftist, and since the seventies the Left has become increasingly Marxist. Up to and through the sixties and seventies the Left was made up, in part, of a faction from the Beat Poets and the Art Bohemians, which while unconventional, were not systematically opposed to our Christian and Family-based culture as is Marxism. How many young people in the Marxist Left now know who Lawrence Ferlinghetti is and that he is still alive at about 98.

"Kuypers said he found liberal bias in the reporting of a variety of issues including race, welfare reform, environmental protection, and gun control." That is, the Corporate Mass Media tends to take a Leftist view of issues like race, welfare and especially gun control, abortion. and the Second Amendment. Although the Leftists try to keep the issue of the Pedophiles in high levels of government and in the Democratic Party out of the limelight, Pedophilia is another issue which divides the country. The Left knows they cannot win that argument with Fake News - the dialectic game - and so they try to keep that issue out of public perception.

But in the 2016 presidential election the Alternative Media began to reflect and also help to create a new Populist, Constitutionalist and Nationalist view on issues like immigration, world government, gun control, first and second amendment rights, a collectivist society and possibly monopoly capitalism.

Without Ruby Ridge, Waco and the activities of Bill and Hillary in the nineties, the Patriot and Populist short wave broadcasters would not have risen up to speak out - Jeff Baker, Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke, Linda Thompson, Larry Nichols, Steve Quayle, and a young Alex Jones - and they would not have been the beginning of what existed in 2016, called the Alternative Media, mostly on the Internet, with a few conservative broadcasters like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on AM and FM radio, for the lower middle class.

While I was listening to Jeff Baker's short wave network, Amerinet, in the nineties I first heard James Lloyd, who talked about the Remnant while he was then still partly following dispensationalist Chuck Smith of Cavalry Chapel.
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New member
When some dispensationalists, maybe mostly younger ones who are influenced by the Leftist Corporate Mass Media, react to criticism, they often go into their dialectic gaming mode when thinking they are defending their brand of dispensationalism. If this thread goes on a while, you will see examples of their use of the byte speak dialectic game or sometimes even paragraphs using the dialectic of opposing a thesis by an anti-thesis.


New member
Dispensationalism is a church theology, and so dispensationalists would want to compartmentalize the discussion of an influence upon some dispensationalists from the Leftist Mass Media, and keep that discussion out of a forum on the theologies of the Christian Church.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Your thread is off-topic for ECT. There is a reason for the rules, so, follow them.


TOL Subscriber
Dispensationalism is a church theology, and so dispensationalists would want to compartmentalize the discussion of an influence upon some dispensationalists from the Leftist Mass Media, and keep that discussion out of a forum on the theologies of the Christian Church.



Well-known member
Your thread is off-topic for ECT. There is a reason for the rules, so, follow them.

Illuminati Dialectic Zionism is the very root of the Dispensationalist hogwashing of the masses. All such teachers are Illuminati dialectic puppets, towing the line, while most of them do not even realize it themselves. You can thank one of their heroes, a mighty one, a giant in the land, Hal "the Perizzite-Divider" Lindsey. And if you consume such works, which are nothing more than spiritual food having been sacrificed to their idols of mammon, (what's the price now? twenty Illuminati Eye-of-Horus greenback bucks for the latest paperback prophecy manual? lol), then the same giants are no doubt inhabiting your land too, oh yeah, Nephilim, Rephaim, Philistim, giants of the heathen, fallen ones. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Illuminati Dialectic Zionism is the very root of the Dispensationalist hogwashing of the masses. All such teachers are Illuminati dialectic puppets, towing the line, while most of them do not even realize it themselves. You can thank one of their heroes, a mighty one, a giant in the land, Hal "the Perizzite-Divider" Lindsey. And if you consume such works, which are nothing more than spiritual food having been sacrificed to their idols of mammon, (what's the price now? twenty Illuminati Eye-of-Horus greenback bucks for the latest paperback prophecy manual? lol), then the same giants are no doubt inhabiting your land too, oh yeah, Nephilim, Rephaim, Philistim, giants of the heathen, fallen ones. :chuckle:

You are wacky. :kookoo:

Eagles Wings

New member
Illuminati Dialectic Zionism is the very root of the Dispensationalist hogwashing of the masses. All such teachers are Illuminati dialectic puppets, towing the line, while most of them do not even realize it themselves. You can thank one of their heroes, a mighty one, a giant in the land, Hal "the Perizzite-Divider" Lindsey. And if you consume such works, which are nothing more than spiritual food having been sacrificed to their idols of mammon, (what's the price now? twenty Illuminati Eye-of-Horus greenback bucks for the latest paperback prophecy manual? lol), then the same giants are no doubt inhabiting your land too, oh yeah, Nephilim, Rephaim, Philistim, giants of the heathen, fallen ones. :chuckle:
Years ago I worked at a Christian Book Store and, Lindsey, was relegated to the back of the store. Is he popular now or writing new info?


TOL Subscriber
Yep - the OP perhaps belongs on the Politics, if not on the And Everything

As I understand it, this forum was started to give the MAD Dispies their own place to discuss their Christianity, and unbelievers or non-christians were not invited in.

The discussion brought up by northwye describes the tactics of discussion daily practiced on ECT by MAD Dispies.

So what to do? Not allow the very purpose and practice of the forum to be investigated and discussed?

Are you afraid of learning of warnings and revelations and dangers inherent in Dispensational hermeneutics and praxis? Or are you aware of the dangers, but desire to hide your tactics from others?

If this theology, which is taught in thousands of churches, and many thousands of people have (mistakenly) adopted it and call it their "Christian" belief . . I find it odd that it would NOT pertain on this very forum.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As I understand it, this forum was started to give the MAD Dispies their own place to discuss their Christianity, and unbelievers or non-christians were not invited in.

The discussion brought up by northwye describes the tactics of discussion daily practiced on ECT by MAD Dispies.

So what to do?
Not post this:
"What is the dialectic? In Greek philosophy before the time of Christ, the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, is a way of making arguments, using what is called a thesis and an anti-thesis in opposition to the thesis. The dialectic only operates within dialogue between at least two people. The didactic method of teaching, by which what is claimed to be facts are taught, is not the dialectic because it is not a dialogue. The dialectic only occurs within the dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions - theses - and counter-propositions - which are αντιθεσεις, anti-theses."

It has nothing to do with theology, it is more defining terms at length, and should be posted with an explanation why it is being posted in the first place. Also, link the source!


New member
As I understand it, this forum was started to give the MAD Dispies their own place to discuss their Christianity, and unbelievers or non-christians were not invited in.

The discussion brought up by northwye describes the tactics of discussion daily practiced on ECT by MAD Dispies.

So what to do? Not allow the very purpose and practice of the forum to be investigated and discussed?

Are you afraid of learning of warnings and revelations and dangers inherent in Dispensational hermeneutics and praxis? Or are you aware of the dangers, but desire to hide your tactics from others?

If this theology, which is taught in thousands of churches, and many thousands of people have (mistakenly) adopted it and call it their "Christian" belief . . I find it odd that it would NOT pertain on this very forum.

That might have been the case when TOL first began, I don't know.

At the same time, it is obvious TOL has expanded into other Forums on here, and "MAD" ended up with it's own Forum.

And you ought to know me better than that by now.

Nevertheless, Rom. 5:8


TOL Subscriber

Not post this:
"What is the dialectic? In Greek philosophy before the time of Christ, the διαλεκτική, or dialectic, is a way of making arguments, using what is called a thesis and an anti-thesis in opposition to the thesis. The dialectic only operates within dialogue between at least two people. The didactic method of teaching, by which what is claimed to be facts are taught, is not the dialectic because it is not a dialogue. The dialectic only occurs within the dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions - theses - and counter-propositions - which are αντιθεσεις, anti-theses."

It has nothing to do with theology, it is more defining terms at length, and should be posted with an explanation why it is being posted in the first place. Also, link the source!

Since the advent of Dispensationalism, theology has been tainted with this method of argument. Dispensationalism has established itself as the anti-thesis to historical Christian orthodoxy.