Sixty attempts to repeal


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Hall of Fame

Failing to get the votes on one particular bill is one thing. But failing and then walking away on seven years of promises is a pathetic abdication of duty. The Republican Party is a party without a purpose.

That's something I don't really understand. So this bill didn't have the votes. Why give up so soon? I get Trump not having the patience to persevere but it's more surprising for Congress who has been talking about this for years.
Somewhere on the news it was pointed out it was easier to boo the bill than it is to change the bill. The other problem is, many who booed the bill did not want any bill. They do not want an alternative bill, but prefer to go back to before the bill became law.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Many of the Freedom Caucus Republicans do not want to give poor people anything.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Correct. Interesting how he ran against the "elites". How much does it cost to join Mar-a-Largo? And the blue collar workers who voted for him could not figure that out? Or were they more impressed with his 5th grade level name calling of his opponents?

This mimicking the working-class is something I just did nit get. Trump loves the most wealthy persons the best. He wants people to think he is richer than he actually is and wants people to admire him for not paying taxes, not being a sucker.

He is much like Sulla, wanting to return Rome into the hands of the rich aristocrats.


New member
I've said it before. Occam's razor applies very nicely here. If they WANTED to repeal it, they would have found a way to do so. Else all those fake attempts in the past when O was there to veto every one, liberal Republican defections aside, should be ready to go AND actually succeed. Unless they were actually fake attempts, lying gestures, showboating to get votes at re-election time. Which they evidently were.

This week just told me what I already knew: the Rs weren't remotely serious about repeal then, and they aren't now.


As for Trump...I know a lot of die-hard Trump fans (which, Danoh's delusions of insightful grandeur notwithstanding, I am not) keep saying he's playing some Spock-like game of Machiavellian 12 dimensional chess with a bunch of halfwits and simians. I'd like to believe something like that is possible but...

Funny how, the minute I began calling out you and your TOL Club MAD back alley street gang on your one-sidedness against anyone who does not hold your views - all of a sudden, your same club - the very ones ever high-fiving my every post and going on about how highly well-thought out many of my posts were - now found them my delusion of insightful grandeur.

You and yours ever are - in your ever one-sided grace-less gospel of grace - such hypocrites.

You especially.

Thrice you have slandered me with some fool charge that I got creepy with heir (fact is, I have never been attracted to blondes).

Have I run off to cry about it to the mods like you and yours do everytime someone says one thing or another to you that sets of the five year old Trumper in you?

No, I have not.

What do you do?

You vote for a life long fraud of a con man caught on audio, going on about how he gets more than "creepy" with women.

How your kind face yourselves each day, has to be one heck of a freak show to behold.

Get some disgrace.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.


Well-known member
Funny how, the minute I began calling out you and your TOL Club MAD back alley street gang on your one-sidedness against anyone who does not hold your views - all of a sudden, your same club - the very ones ever high-fiving my every post and going on about how highly well-thought out many of my posts were - now found them my delusion of insightful grandeur.

You and yours ever are - in your ever one-sided grace-less gospel of grace - such hypocrites.

You especially.

Thrice you have slandered me with some fool charge that I got creepy with heir (fact is, I have never been attracted to blondes).

Have I run off to cry about it to the mods like you and yours do everytime someone says one thing or another to you that sets of the five year old Trumper in you?

No, I have not.

What do you do?

You vote for a life long fraud of a con man caught on audio, going on about how he gets more than "creepy" with women.

How your kind face yourselves each day, has to be one heck of a freak show to behold.

Get some disgrace.

Titus 2:11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; 2:13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 2:14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. 2:15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.

You sound upset. But your alternate history isn't worth replying to.

PS it wasn't slander, it was true. And you know it.


New member
Many of the Freedom Caucus Republicans do not want to give poor people anything.

you might find this twitter exchange from Justin Amash(Freedom Caucus member) informative

Matt Fuller ✔ @MEPFuller
And yeah: The Freedom Caucus wasn't pushing for good policy either. They were trying to make bad policy worse.

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@MEPFuller I mostly agree with your other tweets here, but you're wrong on this one. We believed GOP bill was harsh to poor and vulnerable.

Matt Fuller ✔ @MEPFuller
@justinamash Removing Essential Health Benefits would have incentivized skimpy coverage and raised prices on sick people and pregnant women.

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@MEPFuller That's why we objected to (and never requested) that change in isolation. That change made us dislike the bill even more.

Matt Fuller ✔ @MEPFuller
@justinamash I never understood how other Title I changes made that better. And mandates like no annual or lifetime caps are important too.

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@MEPFuller If you change just EHB and not other insurance mandates, coverage collapses for sickest. Plus, we wanted a more robust backstop.

att Fuller ✔ @MEPFuller
@justinamash Does a more robust backstop just mean expanded high-risk pools? I'm guessing those wouldn't be great for the sick either.

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@MEPFuller We discussed a variety of options, but we wanted to work with Tuesday Group (and even Ds) on this. That's why I said start over.

att Fuller ✔ @MEPFuller
@justinamash I kinda think you have that option now, right?
Anyway, I look forward to reading the HFC-Tuesday Group bill.

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@MEPFuller We reached out to them during negotiations, but GOP leaders insisted on rushing and not moving away from their general framework.

Melissa S. @TrayLo21
@MEPFuller @justinamash Did the fact that the bill had 2 adhere to reconciliation legislation rules limit what could be done 2 improve it?

Justin Amash ✔ @justinamash
@TrayLo21 Of course. There was no way to make a perfect bill. But we at least wanted something that didn't make Obamacare worse. @MEPFuller