Sixty attempts to repeal


New member
That at least seems accurate for the Freedom Caucus. Can they get along with anyone? You can't govern without some level of compromise which they seem incapable of doing.
They did offer a compromise they were willing to allow medicade expansion to stick around for a few years as well allow a new entitlement in the form of refundable tax credits, in exchange for some type of repeal of essential health benefits in phase 1 instead of phase 2 or 3 in order to bring down the cost of premiums immediately instead of later. trump and ryan were more concerned about getting a quick victory while ignoring short term consequences


New member
That at least seems accurate for the Freedom Caucus. Can they get along with anyone? You can't govern without some level of compromise which they seem incapable of doing.

Paul Ryan isn't part of the Freedom Caucus, and most of the blame is his. He isn't following a legislative process that can succeed, and the reason is that up until this year, it hasn't needed to. Last year, they had the excuse that Obama wouldn't sign anything they want to do. Now, he has to wrangle his base or risk exposing their insincerity and cluelessness.

Paul Ryan didn't want to be House speaker because he knew it was basically impossible to get them on the same side. A party like that is barely a party at all. And it wouldn't have been any better if they passed this horrible bill instead of allowing Ryan and Trump to face-plant, because then they'd be on the record supporting a law that took away insurance for many of their own voters. They were in a no-win scenario of their own making, with Democrats actually trying to stop them the whole way.

Trump can blame Democrats all he likes for the bill failing, but this is 60% on Paul Ryan, and 40% on Trump.


New member
pure craziness, if this encounter actually took place
Everyone on Donald Trump’s team was called in to whip up the votes for the American Health Care Act, which was ultimately pulled from the floor. This includes Steve Bannon, who dealt with the members of the reluctant Freedom Caucus with all the finesse and tact you’d expect.

According to Axios, he walked into the room and said, “Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.”

This type of discussion opener went over as well as you might imagine. One unnamed member of the Freedom Caucus replied with a statement so amazing that I am genuinely shocked this much honesty and frankness still exists in the otherwise largely showy and fake Washington D.C.

“You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”


New member
According to Axios, he walked into the room and said, “Guys, look. This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.”

The alpha-males are back, to mansplain to Congress and remind everyone why we stopped voting for them before.


New member
Garbage. It's the losers who are filled with anger. Now that you guys lost, it's you left-wingers that are angry and hate filled. I've never seen anyone pitch bigger fits than the libs.

The dems didn't govern when they had control...they just passed out goodies and made a bunch of ridiculous growth killing regulations.

The kinds of messages I have been receiving yesterday, from supposed "Conservative" acquaintences of mine who are apparantly confused by their diehard Trump blindness.

In the following example; the poor guy is not only obviously confused about Trump's actual campaign promises, but so furious, his message to me reads as if he's about to blow a gasket :chuckle:

Stupid. Republicans got house running on repealing Obamacare, Republicans got Senate running on repealing Obamacare, Republicans got White House running on repealing Obamacare. What the **** are they doing now that they have it all? Obamacare must be completely repealed. Not adjusted a bit.

Typical Trumper Twightlight Zone - ever reading into a thing, what THEY want to see in it.

Over to "the left" - a commentary by...Rod Serling :D


Garbage. It's the losers who are filled with anger. Now that you guys lost, it's you left-wingers that are angry and hate filled. I've never seen anyone pitch bigger fits than the libs.

The dems didn't govern when they had control...they just passed out goodies and made a bunch of ridiculous growth killing regulations.
Ask the good citizens of Flint , Michigan as to what happens when governments want to "cut corners" to save money and don't enforce regulations!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Many old Freedom Caucus Republicans really want to be rid, all the way of the AHCA. They would not support such a deal where the program kept so much of the poison.

I know many of them and they have told me they would not back the idea of kids over age 21 living on their parents health insurance. THEY FEEL YOUNG PEOPLE NEED TO GROW UP


New member
Many old Freedom Caucus Republicans really want to be rid, all the way of the AHCA. They would not support such a deal where the program kept so much of the poison.

I know many of them and they have told me they would not back the idea of kids over age 21 living on their parents health insurance. THEY FEEL YOUNG PEOPLE NEED TO GROW UP

And such were opposed to Trump.

They are the very ones in DC who just yesterday handed him his defeat.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
And such were opposed to Trump.

They are the very ones in DC who just yesterday handed him his defeat.

Some of them really do hate Trump and this irrational perspective will hurt the Republican party. They refuse to be team players


Some of them really do hate Trump and this irrational perspective will hurt the Republican party. They refuse to be team players
It was the Freedom Caucus who forced John Boehner out, so why didn't President Trump and Speaker Ryan know that this group wasn't going to support their healthcare bill?

Without the Freedom Caucus, the only other alternative was to seek Democratic votes to reach 216, but instead of acting conciliatory, Trump proceeds to "double-down" on them from the Oval Office for not supporting "Trumpcare!"

Trump and the Republicans have created a dilemma of their own making, the ultra-conservative Freedom Causcus will continue to demand concessions that the moderate wing of the GOP won't support - thus depriving Trump and Ryan of the majority they need.

Meanwhile, Trump, in his infinite wisdom, continues with his rants to further alienate the Democrats - the very votes he needs to make the deal!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Freedom Caucus forced Speaker Boehner to retire, so why didn't President Trump and Speaker Ryan know that this group wasn't going to support their healthcare bill?

The Republicans should have also known that, without the Freedom Caucus, they need Democratic votes in the House to reach 216, but instead of being conciliatory Trump proceeds to "double-down" on them from the Oval Office for not supporting "Trumpcare!"

Trump and the Republicans have created a dilemma of their own making, the ultra-conservative Freedom Causcus demands concessions that the moderate wing of the Party won't support - while Trump continues to "burn bridges" between himself and the Democrats - whose votes he needs to pass his legislation!

It may have been, Trump promised changing the ACHA, did not really care and rather move onto the tax revision.

There ate some who do not care so much about the ACHA and they care mainly about Tax reduction. These are mainly wealthy people who are strictly economic conservative.
Then, there are the Freedom Caucus and tea party menber who dislike government intervention,overnemt intervention. These are the folk who hate the welfare state the most. Freedom Caucus and Tee party Republicans who wish to turn back to the days of less, or no government intervention.
There are also moderate Republicans who dislike all the PC liberal nonsense, but support some government program for the true poor.

The fight in the House was between the Freedom Caucus Republicans and the moderate Republicans.

NOTE: I am not going to correct when type pointer backs up into text anymore


Trump and Ryan are in denial if they don't think that the Freedom Caucus will be emboldened, demanding even more concessions with tax reform and every other piece of legislation.

Moderate Republicans and Democrats are closer ideologically and could reach the 216 majority - if "TheDonald" was "the deal maker" he claimed to be, he would have hedged his bets with the Freedom Caucus by reaching out to the Democrats after the election!

Instead, he has adopted a "scorched earth" approach with anybody outside his base constituency - all the Democrats need do is sit back and watch the same legislative impasse repeat itself out over the next 4 years!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump and Ryan are in denial if they don't think that the Freedom Caucus will be emboldened, demanding even more concessions with tax reform and every other piece of legislation.

Moderate Republicans and Democrats are closer ideologically and could reach the 216 majority - if "TheDonald" was "the deal maker" he claimed to be, he would have hedged his bets with the Freedom Caucus by reaching out to the Democrats after the election!

It seems Donald Trump is full of problems, some which are personal problems.

It seems he would rather fight with all the Democrats, especially those in the media.

He does not really appeal to the most wealthy, although they voted for him on hope for lower corporate taxes,a and lower personal income tax on high earners.

This was not how he won the election, as the very wealthy voter make up about 10 percent of the vote, at most.

His greatest single vote base was working-class white males who lost trade skill jobs.

Another considerable vote block are all those who are sick of the PC policies, and this includes refusing entry into the USA BY POOR REFUGES, TERRORISTS OR NOT!




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Had Donald Trump ever been true representative of any common people, he would have dealt with the Freedom Caucus and had taken more time to pass the new health care bill.