Since Christ's blood is not for Gentiles, will 2P2Pers please explain what atones


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That's the hillarious thing about GT. She can contradict her own self in a separate post of hers, or in the same post of hers, or in the same sentence of hers!!!!
Never a dull moment!

God's Truth

New member
I reported you for calling Tambora retarded.

Who does that?

You do , and she does. This is what you are she is:

ROFL! What an idiot!

Because it's a one-way street with dummies like her.

Did Steko say He wasn't?
ROFL! You can't even comprehend what people say on discussion board, much less comprehend scripture!
Girl, you need to leave this one alone. I do get a laugh out of your posts, but even I am embarrassed for you over this one!

Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still not a clue.

I already have you idiot!

Did Steko say He wasn't?
ROFL! You can't even comprehend what people say on discussion board, much less comprehend scripture!
Girl, you need to leave this one alone. I do get a laugh out of your posts, but even I am embarrassed for you over this one!

I think she's lacking in the 'seeing' department too.

You are so dense!

You are so dense!

Not to GT. She says it will be too late for anyone to be saved when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
The things she say sometimes are so preposterous, and she can't see it!
And then she contradicts her own self in her next post, and she can't see it!
Oh, my sides are splitting! Anytime I need a good laugh, I just read her posts!
I just love this place!

ROFL! You still don't see what's going on!!!!!!!!!!!
You should stop now and take a long nap. You need it.

Oh my gosh, can your comprehension be any more pathetic!!!!!!

She's a mess!
Just when you think she couldn't be more ignorant, she post another massive biblical blunder!

ROFL! What a moron! You think all Jews and Gentiles alive when the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns are going to reject Him?
You are the worst when it comes to understanding scripture.

What moved goalpost are you blathering about now?????
You are so ignorant of scripture that you just don't even have a clue that all of prophesy has not been fulfilled!!!!!!

Jesus is not done, you moron.
Jesus has not yet fulfilled everything He has to do.

Foolish woman.
He's not coming again to be lifted up on a cross to bear sin. He's already done that 2000 years ago, and folks have been saved since then and more will continue to be saved.
When Christ returns, folks can still be saved and folks can still be deceived.
You have no understanding of that scripture.


Well-known member
What moved goalpost are you blathering about now?????
You are so ignorant of scripture that you just don't even have a clue that all of prophesy has not been fulfilled!!!!!!

GT is either the most expert long-game troll on TOL, or literally insane. Or possibly a bot.


Well-known member
GT is either the most expert long-game troll on TOL, or literally insane. Or possibly a bot.

biblical prophecy is not like other ancient texts or Nostradamus or prognostication. It's purpose is to reveal Christ, the truth as it is in Christ. It is not a complete map of all world events. It is not really concerned with world events now that Christ has come.


Well-known member
biblical prophecy is not like other ancient texts or Nostradamus or prognostication. It's purpose is to reveal Christ, the truth as it is in Christ. It is not a complete map of all world events. It is not really concerned with world events now that Christ has come.

Israel's restored years already happened ...when?

Your claim. Prove it.


Well-known member
Israel's restored years already happened ...when?

Your claim. Prove it.

The times of refreshing are the spirit of God coming in Acts. The fulfillment is not exact like the past. The Israel that was envisioned was going to be a blessing to the world through the same message of Christ. this is why Ps 68 mentions the Messianic gifts to be given after Messiah's ascension (as interp'd by Eph 4). This is why the mission, not the land of Israel, is the attention of the apostles all through Acts, and they keep trying to get those with the background of Judaism to take up the mission, right to the last paragraph. It is never about a fulfillment in the previous sense, never a replication of the monarchy of the past etc.

By now it seems like you would see this from 2-3, 13, 15 and 26 of Acts, but the roots of the land of Israel fulfillment run deeper in you and those in 2P2P than does the truth as found in Christ.