Since Christ's blood is not for Gentiles, will 2P2Pers please explain what atones

God's Truth

New member
ROFL! What a moron! You think all Jews and Gentiles alive when the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns are going to reject Him?
You are the worst when it comes to understanding scripture.

No, you made that up. Show where you get that I think all Jews and Gentiles alive when he comes will reject him.

You are the one with the understanding problem.


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Likewise, the Jews, in the future, who come to believe will be saved.
Not to GT. She says it will be too late for anyone to be saved when the Lord Jesus Christ returns.
The things she say sometimes are so preposterous, and she can't see it!
And then she contradicts her own self in her next post, and she can't see it!
Oh, my sides are splitting! Anytime I need a good laugh, I just read her posts!
I just love this place!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
We are talking about what will happen to people when and after Jesus comes again.
We are talking about you saying that it is too late to be saved when Jesus returns.

Why can't you explain what you believe?
I already have you idiot!
When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, people can still be saved you blithering moron!
Did ya read it this time?????
Do you understand it this time????

Oh, who am I kidding, we all know you won't and it will be shown by your reply!

God's Truth

New member
Did Steko say He wasn't?
ROFL! You can't even comprehend what people say on discussion board, much less comprehend scripture!
Girl, you need to leave this one alone. I do get a laugh out of your posts, but even I am embarrassed for you over this one!

Jesus' words are LIFE then, and NOW.

Jesus' words are for the Jews and for the Gentiles.

There are no separate people with different times that Jesus will be their Lord.

God's Truth

New member
We are talking about you saying that it is too late to be saved when Jesus returns.

I already have you idiot!
When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, people can still be saved you blithering moron!
Did ya read it this time?????
Do you understand it this time????

Oh, who am I kidding, we all know you won't and it will be shown by your reply!

What don't you get about the thief in the night?

Why don't you answer?