
New member

There was a group of about 15 of us that used to meet on a daily or for some weekly basis to get drunk. When I was converted each and everyone took a turn in mocking the power at work in me. Each and every one of them is now dead. I was speaking to the widow of one of them last week and there is no doubt in my mind that he was in awe of what had happened in me and to me, but in public, he just had to mock. His death was one of extreme prejudice and even on life support, he was fighting against the inevitable.

When I visited church meetings there were some that mocked the piety I felt and did my utmost to exercise. They are also dead or suffering. The reason I mention this is as a warning as many of you touch that which is holy and you have no business doing so. Some of you treat that which is holy as being vile and in this, you will be rewarded.

When you touch the apple of His eye you touch Him and recompense awaits.

To me, belongeth vengeance, and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.​



New member

I had a hard time explaining this to my fellow students in the Bible College I attended a year after I was saved. They found it impossible to understand, but I was insistent on the spiritual ability to do so.

Prior to my conversion two out of three words coming out of my mouth were expletives. From the moment I was converted the expletives stopped. What didn’t stop was the expletives in my mind. It was in my mind that the battle was fought and having fought for over a year I’d captured some ground and was making headway. It was during the arguments with the students that I was given this verse.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah.​

The verse gave impetus to the battle, but the actual experience was alien to my fellow students.

God's Truth

New member

I had a hard time explaining this to my fellow students in the Bible College I attended a year after I was saved. They found it impossible to understand, but I was insistent on the spiritual ability to do so.

Prior to my conversion two out of three words coming out of my mouth were expletives. From the moment I was converted the expletives stopped. What didn’t stop was the expletives in my mind. It was in my mind that the battle was fought and having fought for over a year I’d captured some ground and was making headway. It was during the arguments with the students that I was given this verse.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah.​

The verse gave impetus to the battle, but the actual experience was alien to my fellow students.

Many things you say here are red flags that a person is in falseness.

One of the things that you said that are questionable is when you said you went to bible college.

Another telltale sign that something is amiss with you is that you learned a new way to transform your expletives in your mind to make it feel right for you.

You use misuse the words of God to abuse others.


New member

I had a hard time explaining this to my fellow students in the Bible College I attended a year after I was saved. They found it impossible to understand, but I was insistent on the spiritual ability to do so.

Prior to my conversion two out of three words coming out of my mouth were expletives. From the moment I was converted the expletives stopped. What didn’t stop was the expletives in my mind. It was in my mind that the battle was fought and having fought for over a year I’d captured some ground and was making headway. It was during the arguments with the students that I was given this verse.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of Elohim, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Messiah.​

The verse gave impetus to the battle, but the actual experience was alien to my fellow students.

This spiritual control is also used when confronted with the necessity of reaction. When the opportunity is provided, it's as if time stands still, until one reacts and then move on.


New member

I noticed that whenever I confronted someone in a “church meeting” with the truth they would start to twitch. They would become extremely uncomfortable and manifest convulsions. I recognised immediately that these people knew no peace. They had a form of peace, based on superstition, but once their superstitions were questioned they would manifest extreme discomfort.

That there is no peace unto the wicked revealed the unquestionable fact that these people knew no peace and so they were therefore wicked.

They also complained they led stressful lives and were obviously strangers to contentment. They were steadfast in their twice a week religion, but strangers to fellowship.

Where there is wickedness there is no peace. There can be no contentment. Fear reins and manifests itself in many ways. Stress is both the motivator and prevention at work.

Wickedness cannot be covered or taken away by the outward marks and works of religion and religious duties.

There are two types of people on this earth and they can be summed up by a single verse of scripture and by applying the law of antithesis both become manifest.

Type 1 “Blessed is the man to whom Yah Veh will not impute sin”. Romans 4:8​

Type 2 Cursed is the man to whom Yah Veh will always impute sin.​

In the former there is true and lasting peace.

In the latter there is tribulation and anguish despite their religion.

God's Truth

New member

I noticed that whenever I confronted someone in a “church meeting” with the truth they would start to twitch. They would become extremely uncomfortable and manifest convulsions. I recognised immediately that these people knew no peace. They had a form of peace, based on superstition, but once their superstitions were questioned they would manifest extreme discomfort.

That there is no peace unto the wicked revealed the unquestionable fact that these people knew no peace and so they were therefore wicked.

They also complained they led stressful lives and were obviously strangers to contentment. They were steadfast in their twice a week religion, but strangers to fellowship.

Where there is wickedness there is no peace. There can be no contentment. Fear reins and manifests itself in many ways. Stress is both the motivator and prevention at work.

Wickedness cannot be covered or taken away by the outward marks and works of religion and religious duties.

There are two types of people on this earth and they can be summed up by a single verse of scripture and by applying the law of antithesis both become manifest.

Type 1 “Blessed is the man to whom Yah Veh will not impute sin”. Romans 4:8​

Type 2 Cursed is the man to whom Yah Veh will always impute sin.​

In the former there is true and lasting peace.

In the latter there is tribulation and anguish despite their religion.

I can imagine how and why you made people twitch and feel uncomfortable.


New member

There are a few people who ask questions in sincerity and there are those that ask with an ulterior motive. We* soon learn to judge the spirit behind the question and deal with the questioner in the scripturally appropriate manner.

we* The regenerate


Well-known member

There are a few people who ask questions in sincerity and there are those that ask with an ulterior motive. We* soon learn to judge the spirit behind the question and deal with the questioner in the scripturally appropriate manner.

we* The regenerate

How do you determite who is regenerate and who is not?

I use Paul's gospel. If someone can define it and says they have believed it, I assume they're telling the truth and are saved. If someone rejects it, or has added work to it, I assume they are not saved because they have turned it into a false gospel.

How do you decide?


New member
How do you determite who is regenerate and who is not?

I use Paul's gospel. If someone can define it and says they have believed it, I assume they're telling the truth and are saved. If someone rejects it, or has added work to it, I assume they are not saved because they have turned it into a false gospel.

How do you decide?

"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Elohim: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."​

This is a spiritual ability that only the saints have. It grows and is strengthened in exercise.


Well-known member
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of Elohim: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."​

This is a spiritual ability that only the saints have. It grows and is strengthened in exercise.

So is it your opinion that it doesn't matter which gospel a person has believed?


Well-known member
I don't hold any opinions. I hold the truth in justness.

Is it true that it doesn't matter what gospel a person believes? Many if not most professing Christians today believe something along those lines. Do you believe it does not matter, or do you believe that it does?


New member
Is it true that it doesn't matter what gospel a person believes? Many if not most professing Christians today believe something along those lines. Do you believe it does not matter, or do you believe that it does?

Truth is absolute and the evangelism is singular. There are no variations of truth and there is One Elohim, One Messiah and one evangelism.


Well-known member
Truth is absolute and the evangelism is singular. There are no variations of truth and there is One Elohim, One Messiah and one evangelism.

Okay, so what IS the good news people must hear and believe in order to be forgiven and justified?


New member
Okay, so what IS the good news people must hear and believe in order to be forgiven and justified?

Gospel and good news are both mistranslations. They only confuse the truth. I know that there is a perfectly valid reason for a lying spirit to be present and at work in the translators when they set about the work.

To hold the truth in love is a spiritual endowment given to the saints. Those that do not hold the truth in love believe a lie, because a powerful delusion is sent from Elohim.

"And with all deceivableness of unjustness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause Elohim shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."

If ever the evangelism comes to you in power then you will know and understand. Until that time you have sufficient knowledge to condemn yourself. Know this for sure. Your attempts at religion enrage the Eternal Father.