Yes, you were attempting a different argument than the one I offered.
I called you out on that straw man argument you attempted.
Your continual protests that you did not substantially twist my original argument into a different argument is not working for you, so you should just give up on trying to claim your straw man argument was not a straw man argument.
You misunderstood what I said, deliberately or accidentally, it does not matter why.
This seems to be a pattern of behavior with you.
In other threads you have complained that Jesus did not do things the way you thought He should have done them.
Now you are complaining that I did not do something the way you think I should have done it.
That people with a leftist mindset will misunderstand it?
People with a leftist mindset misunderstand a lot of things.
I don't speak leftist.
I can't be held responsible for any misunderstandings that are caused by having a leftist mindset.
What was consistent was my argument that we put down dangerous animals because they are dangerous DESPITE their lack of capacity and that we should put dangerous humans to death because they are dangerous DESPITE their lack of capacity.
By the way, have you ever heard of a metaphor?
Why it’s so offensive when we call people animals
Comparing humans to animals is vexed but irresistible. We are animals, but animals who like to believe we are not merely animals.
Although only some animal metaphors are highly offensive, most appear to be somewhat negative in their connotations.
Our research suggests the most common of these negative attributes are depravity, disagreeableness and stupidity. In essence, when we call someone an “animal” in the general sense, we are ascribing these flaws to them. Humans are moral, civil and smart; animals are not. |