Big Mouth Nana
New member
Hi Evee. How are you feeling tonight..."lighter" LOL?Evee said:Hi Nana.![]()
Hi Evee. How are you feeling tonight..."lighter" LOL?Evee said:Hi Nana.![]()
Well sorry then, it didn't come off that way to me at the time. I just saw you need to keep your big mouth shut....which still could have been put in a better way, even though you think that I am bible illiterate. I'm not, even though I expect people to not agree with me at times, nor do I agree with a lot of people.Lighthouse said:First of all, it was a joke, because of your name.:duh:
And I don't have any problem having people reciprocate my actions.
And elohiym accused me of such because I said it was a sin.
Unreal isn't it? I went over to the other site lastnight, and you talk about boring!!!!!!! They are talking about the same old thing in Eschatology that they have been talking about for 3 months with the same 4 people. I can't hack that place anymore :bang: These people are more "vocal" then I am used to, but it keeps you interested.Evee said:Goodness never saw so many homosexual threads.
lovemeorhateme said:Now you have written all this out - prove it!
Just Tom said:NW..
I haven't answered your question because it is irrelevant to the evidence and logic for the explanations I have give for the known homosexual anomolies which homos and others can't seem to figure out, but by blaming society.
You know why homos have Gay Pride parades don't you? Cause they have been beaten and broken by society, left out and that caused their tendency. So now they all unite around the symptom of their disorder and shove it in the face of the culture and soceity that left them alone and that they couldn't seem to fit into. They even say that the parades are theraputic for them. Not really though, it just furthers their delusion since they have just found comfort in numbers and all have the same disorder. Thus their minds tricks them into believeing that since there are others like me, then I am normal. And their delusion if further solidified.
No Worries said:Ok I just said I'd posted my last gay related post but for you I make an exception. You haven't answered the question because you would have to admit that you don't end up on one extreme of the spectrum, you have gay thoughts, and so are compromised.
As for being beaten and broken by society, far from it. It is now more acceptable to be gay than it has ever been since the Romans. It is now illegal to fire a man because he is gay. Society has in fact embraced the right of people to be gay without prejudice and rightly so. Society is improving in this respect and it is you that has been left out in the cold. Maybe that closet your in isn't a war cabinet after all, maybe its a walk-in refridgerator.
Just Tom said:This is classic..
I am comprimised because I have gay thoughts.. But society is now more accepting of those who have gay thoughts I thought you just said. Or are you the thought police..
You see you can't do anything but call me a homo. Even in your supposed rational you prove that homosexuality is a naturally unwanted pathological disorder since in your world I am resisting it. You think society is moving in the right direction since you have gay values. I don't because I have Christian ones. It is a morality and values conflict in society and homos like they do everything have you convinced that it is just a sexual struggle.
First, I do believe that homosexuality is a sin!!! Anyone who has stated that they have NEVER had a homosexual thought in their life is lying. If when you were a child you never what we called "play nasty" with the kids in your neighborhood (girls and boys)...I'll touch yours if you touch mine, then you have led a sheltered life as a child. It's called "exploring and curiosity", but the thought is there nonetheless, and it is a homosexual thought, even though you didn't know at the time what a homosexual was.No Worries said:To balance this I address this next question to only heterosexual people who are comfortable with their sexuality and who do not condemn homosexuality. Do you ever think homosexual thoughts?
Big Mouth Nana said:First, I do believe that homosexuality is a sin!!! Anyone who has stated that they have NEVER had a homosexual thought in their life is lying. If when you were a child you never what we called "play nasty" with the kids in your neighborhood (girls and boys)...I'll touch yours if you touch mine, then you have led a sheltered life as a child. It's called "exploring and curiosity", but the thought is there nonetheless, and it is a homosexual thought, even though you didn't know at the time what a homosexual was.
Before I became a practicing Christian about 35 years ago, I had a thought concerning a woman that I knew. We were single and lived together. Thank God that nothing ever became of it, as I met my first husband right after that, and I haven't had a homosexual thought since then. It's not a sin if you have had the thought, just if you follow through on it. I am sure that there are many people who have had the thought, I wonder what it would be like? Well, that is a homosexual thought. Now if you are constantly thinking on it, it could lead to that.
No Worries said:Mate I don't have problems with gays, society doesn't have a problem with gay people your the only one with a problem. Its your argument thats compromised.
Its not a disorder. Its like having blue eyes. Some have them, some don't....there's no 'disorder'. Thats your term.
How do I have gay values....there's no such thing. Like there's no such thing as 'blue eye' values.
Its not a sexual struggle if you're straight - there is no struggle. You don't think about it, there is nothing to think don't have gay thoughts, you don't reflect on being gay.
Oh yes I am, as I haven't had a thought since then, and it actually repulses me now to see these homo's kissing each other or holding hands on tv. If it hasn't got a penis, it doesn't do a thing for me. Dr. Joyce Brothers you aren't :doh: You love to analyze others, and yet you can't even come to grips with the fact the bible is real, or even think that it might be real. Why should we listen to you? You are a real hoot :rotfl:No Worries said:Fact is if you're having attraction to the same aint 100% hetero.
Big Mouth Nana said:Oh yes I am [100% hetero]
I haven't had a thought since then
Is anything 100% in this life, even your so called expert opinion? Ya know No Worries, you might want to think about changing your username to Getting Worried. No worries in this life isn't 100% either, you could be dead in the next 5 minutes, and then you will experiance Worries like you have never known before....then it will be to late for ya. Why not use your brain, that God gave you by the way, and find out if what the bible states has truth to it? After-all, common sense alone should tell you that millons of us aren't all experiancing the same delusion...but there are a lot like yourself who are being deluded by the enemy.No Worries said:And
99.9% maybe but not quite the 100% then...... :chuckle:
B.M.N. said:Is anything 100% in this life, even your so called expert opinion? Ya know No Worries, you might want to think about changing your username to Getting Worried. No worries in this life isn't 100% either, you could be dead in the next 5 minutes, and then you will experiance Worries like you have never known before....then it will be to late for ya. Why not use your brain, that God gave you by the way, and find out if what the bible states has truth to it? After-all, common sense alone should tell you that millons of us aren't all experiancing the same delusion...but there are a lot like yourself who are being deluded by the enemy.
Matt 7:7-8 ~ Ask, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and YE SHALL FIND; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Oh you believe that when you die, you just go back to the ground and take the "dirt nap?" The thing with all of these different religions like Buddists, Sikh's and Muslims......they are wrong. The bible is 100% accurate, and even Scientists will tell you that the things that have happened in the bible, that there is Scientific proof of it. The flood of Noah has been proven by fossils found on top of mountains, and the layers of sedimentation. Ancient Babylon being destroyed, and God stating that it would not rise again, which it didn't, the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD happened just like the bible stated etc. There are many other proofs, but I am painting my kitchen while posting. If you had enough curiosity to do a study on what has happened just like the bible said that it would, there wouldn't be any doubt.No Worries said:First of all yes there is such a thing as 100%.
Secondly I don't believe in hell and death holds no real fear for me, I can't avoid it so I'm not going to worry about it.
Thirdly you can't use the fact that there is a lot of chirstians to justify your faith as correct. Muslims disagree withyou. Jews do to. And buddhists. Sikhs, etc. , etc. Common sense says that you could be no more right than what they are. Fact is nobody knows.
No such thing as 100% :chuckle:
No Worries said:"Is anything 100% in this life, even your so called expert opinion?"
"The bible is 100% accurate"
Get used to it. I strike a lot.No Worries said:BMN strikes again,
Oh, did an earthquake cause the ocean to go up over mountians some 6,000 to 13,000 ft high, and more then one mountain? WOW, must have been something for Noah to behold while he was in the ark. I bet the waves would make any surfer break out in a sweat!!Quoting fossils up a mountain isn't quite evidence of a global flood, more evidence for seismic plate theory.
No, you told me previously what you believe.No Worries said:And then you go one better by telling me what I believe,
BMN said:Oh you believe that when you die, you just go back to the ground and take the "dirt nap"?
Oh? What do you think happens to them? What's the matter No Worries, can't handle the truth? I know that the devil can't!!!And you say people on TOL are too vocal. Jeez, take a time out and look in the mirror.
Big Mouth Nana said:Get used to it. I strike a lot.
Oh, did an earthquake cause the ocean to go up over mountians some 6,000 to 13,000 ft high, and more then one mountain? WOW, must have been something for Noah to behold while he was in the ark. I bet the waves would make any surfer break out in a sweat!!
No, you told me previously what you believe.
No I don't actually.
Oh? What do you think happens to them? What's the matter No Worries, can't handle the truth? I know that the devil can't!!!
What are you talking about??? You didn't respond correctly using the "quotes", so I fixed it to where you said what you said, and I said what I said.No Worries said::rotfl:
That was bizarre! You started of quoting me, and then quoting yourself and responding with the exact same things I said previously???
I know all about the tectonic plates. I live in California. You guys come up with the same garbage every time. That shows that Satan can't come up with anything new.Ask a geologist but the mountain thing goes something along the lines of the plate which was under the sea pushes against another plate and is pushed upwards. Add a little time and that forms a mountain range. This happens in lots of places because thats how mountains are formed. Result is sedimentary rock from under the sea making mountains. Plate tectonics.
Oh, I've read many books, plus have read articles on the USGS site several times. There is only one book that will tell you how to be saved, how to live, and where you are going if you don't comply....the BIBLE. If you are up in years, you better be making the right decision....even if you aren't old. None of us are promised tomorrow according to God.I love arguing with the clueless especially when its obvious they've only ever read one book.