Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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On Fire

New member
No Worries said:
Commonsense is what I believe in. I've been told here that it is unchristian to use one's own morallity, to not think but just do as it is written. If you want to ignore the fact that most homosexuals are decent law abiding citizens who contribute to society just like anyone else then wallow away.
Time out. I don't think homos should be killed. I'm sure many are law abiding citizens who contribute to society. They are also buying into a pack of lies.

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
By second adolescent do you mean somebody coming out of the closet? They finally come out and become their true selves. Like being born again.

Hetero and homo self image? As in the conflict they experience? Somebody is telling them it is bad (you) yet they know it is ok. Society has actually moved on and is responsible for them coming out. I'm not blaming society I'm congratulating it for liberating a generation.

How do I explain former homos? People in denial. They are still homosexual, they just suppress their urges because they believe it to be shameful or wrong. The links I provided earlier argued that former homosexuals tend to be overexaggerated. When they undergo treatment it often consolidates the fact that they are gay and then they come to terms with it.

You see you can't do it all you can do is balme society.. Sounds like a big bad case of depression.

Now they have a second adolescense because homos are in a regressive psychological state. The homo sexual self is that adolesent inner child that they you liberals always like to find and obey. Now they find a bonding and social acceptance with other who also have the same mental disorder. Now the fact that they will go and be rectally pocessed by as many as 15 guys in a night at a homo bar that doesn't mean that it is unhealthy now does it. You could liken it to being born again if you want to mock God. Since the spirit that homos now follow is one of evil. So now they can stay in their paranoid adolesent state and socialize and have an identity based on the symptom of their regressive mental disorder.

Now for hetero homo image.. How about this.. Maybe people like you keep telling them that they are a homo so they develop a self image and doubt as to who they are.. Then they do what is natural and resisit it but then people like you say if they show the signs of resisiting it they are what you say they are. Thus they are trapped.. Now that is evil..

Now for former homos now these are the people born again set free from guilt and shame. But it is your second adolesent homos who are in denial.. They are born that way..LOL Now my scenario is just as plauseable and even more logical and fits with known psychology.

Thus homos trapped in this regressive psychologial state would live in fear of being exposed and all evidence of this would be rationalized away by blaming society. Fitting perfectly in to their regressive socially deviant mind set. They live in the world of circular reasoning and denial. Once given over to this delusion only the threat of iminant death could be a strong enough force to get them to admit what they are and repent.

Which is the whole start of this thread ... Should homos be given the death penalty..The loving Christain answer is a resounding YES...

Have a nice delusion..

No Worries

New member
I didn't blame society once. If the loving Christian approach is to kill homosexuals then keep me away from loving Christians. Not because I'm homosexual but once you've killed all them who will be next.

Like Hitler, a short stumpy dark haired Austrian man, who declared 6ft blond Aryans to be the ultimate race Christianity has found in you, a closet homosexual, someone that will call for homosexuals to be killed.

Fact is I have never had homosexual thoughts and you're jealous because you can't say the same. Irony is if you were like me and hetero then you wouldn't have need to call for their execution.


New member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
How about you continue to wallow in your bed of lies? Blindfold on! Earplugs - check! Commonsense - off! You're good to go!

That's actually practiced by religionists the world over...

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
I didn't blame society once. If the loving Christian approach is to kill homosexuals then keep me away from loving Christians. Not because I'm homosexual but once you've killed all them who will be next.

Like Hitler, a short stumpy dark haired Austrian man, who declared 6ft blond Aryans to be the ultimate race Christianity has found in you, a closet homosexual, someone that will call for homosexuals to be killed.

Fact is I have never had homosexual thoughts and you're jealous because you can't say the same. Irony is if you were like me and hetero then you wouldn't have need to call for their execution.

Somebody is telling them it is bad (you) yet they know it is ok.

You call this not blaming society.. This whole thread that is all you have done. It is because of society this and society that.

That is the funny part I am way more hetero that you simply because I reject homos. You have been homosexualized. The acceptance of evil makes you evil thus the acceptance of homos makes you one by default,, The bible talks about people like you in Romans and that you will get the same punishment as them. Thus if the God of the universe says you are a homo or will be judged as one I am in good standing to do the same...

I bet you have you have had homosexual thoughts you sure seem to know an awful lot about why they do what they do for someone who admitts that they never read any books by them or about them and just came up with your ideas about them on your own.. But so that you aren't labeled as a homo you support them. Sounds like you are the one who is hiding in the closet. Using your love of homos to prove that you aren't a homo. You are so convuluted and manipulated by homos in your thinking it is sad. They have done a masterful job of manipulating society and using a persons natural tendancy to not to be labeled or known as a homo to get those like you to go over board in your love of homos to prove that you aren't or have never had a homo desires...

I think that the Bush Doctrine applies here. If you support homos or harbor homos you are a homo. You can't have it both ways and that is your problem you want to say that because you are okay with homos you aren't a homo or aren't really like homos. Let your love be with out hypocrisy...Hate that which is evil...

You NW better start worrying you have been exposed I hope that one day you will come to your senses and start to think clearly.. You better repent and ask for forgiveness...

No Worries

New member
The only part of society I'm condemning is you.

I'll make you a deal; I'll repent of what I think I've done wrong if you come out of the closet.


New member
Hall of Fame
Between the self loathing, repression, and obsessing that goes on here an occasional closet case shouldn't surprise anybody.


Just Tom said:
That is the funny part I am way more hetero that you simply because I reject homos.

I am more hetero than you because I don't even think about homos. I WIN!


No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
That is the funny part I am way more hetero that you simply because I reject homos.


Thats what this is about isn't it. You trying to empower your masculine self. You can't make yourself more hetero. You are in conflict because you have a naturally attraction to men. I am not because I don't. Running around and declaring homosexuals evil doesn't make yourself any less gay.

Its a diversionary tactic but you're still in the closet, you're just trying to convince people its not a closet but a war cabinet.

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Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Do you attend church anywhere? The church can be a big help in lifting you up in your down moments....if they are doing what Christ expects!!!!

I attend a church in London - Hillsong Church London, an offshoot of Hillsong Church Australia.


Well-known member
Just Tom, I would like you to tell me how a loving Christian answer to the question 'Should homosexuals be given the death penalty' can possibly be a yes. How is that loving?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Clete said:
I actually laughed at this! Funny! :chuckle:
Glad to see that you have a sense of humour.

The imagery is antiquated but the principles are moral and righteous and therefore timeless. I don't really see how anyone could say they don't apply today. All they say is basically that you are responsible for the consequences of you own action or inaction including apathy, laziness, or negligence. Even the new testament teaches that if you know the good you aught to do and do not do it, you sin. These laws only take that same principle and apply it to when the consequences turn out to be more than mere sins but rise to the level of crimes. What's there to disagree with?

Resting in Him,
Maybe it was the "antiquatedness" that a word :think: ? I have never owned an ox in all of my years, so I substituted my dog....which I wouldn't half him with the other person :nono: :crackup: The principle I agree with. I stated once before that all of these OT laws were fullfilled in Christ under the New Covenant. If you have the Spirit of Christ living within you, you would want to do the right thing anyway. I know that I would, or my conscience would eat me up.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
I didn't blame society once. If the loving Christian approach is to kill homosexuals then keep me away from loving Christians.
Not all of us "loving Christians" want homo's killed.
Not because I'm homosexual but once you've killed all them who will be next.
Old people :rolleyes:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Too many new pages since I was last here.:dizzy:

Anyway, the only thing I can think to say at this moment is, "Nana, until you know what you're talking about [what the Bible, and therefore God, has to say on this subject], you'd be better off keeping your big mouth shut.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Lighthouse said:
Too many new pages since I was last here.:dizzy:

Anyway, the only thing I can think to say at this moment is, "Nana, until you know what you're talking about [what the Bible, and therefore God, has to say on this subject], you'd be better off keeping your big mouth shut.
Thank God that you aren't my "Lighthouse," or I would be blinder then a frog in a hail storm!
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You ignore God on the subject, then act like you know what He desires. You are foolish, and there is no sense in arguing with you about it, because you refuse to see the light. You already are blind. And the sadness is that you choose to remain that way.