lovemeorhateme said:
Just Tom, I would like you to tell me how a loving Christian answer to the question 'Should homosexuals be given the death penalty' can possibly be a yes. How is that loving?
Obviously you haven't been reading this thread.
Homosexual tendancy is created in adolesents by social and pscyhological Isolation.
The person naturally resisits it and is declared a homo by the likes of NW.
Thus if homosexuality is a captital crime it helps those who are doing what is natural.
Why do you think homos have made such and effort to convince the america that AIDS isn't a gay disease. I have heard homo activist that the fear of getting AIDS may keep some in the closet.
It is natually unwanted because it is unnatrual behavior.
Homos are in a regressive adolesent state in which coming out of the closet places the burden to change off of themselves and onto society. Now if they can get you and NW to accept their symptom as normal then they can blame all of their problems on a society that is HOMOPHOBIC..
Now one former homo put it something like this. Since he didn't have any male friends and they picked on him cause he was different he so desparatley wanted male friendship. You know (male bonding) when he got to puberty he noticed that when he would make a new friend and they started to bond he got a funny feeling which he both didn't like or understand. All he wanted was a friend. He resisted this feeling every time it happened he even avoided contact and social situations in which it would happen. He got a job and all these other things. Had girl friends but this thing was still there. It wasn't until he got saved that he was freed from this. He described it like he now had that bond that he was missing and so when he started doing things with guys like normal guy and the feeling didn't come up any more. Now this shows it is unwanted and being homophobic is a natural reaction to an abnormal feeling. It was simple and he couldn't believe how it ran his life. It was so unwanted not because of society but at the core of his being.
So the homos have said that it is because of society when that is not true. The more power they get the less some one like this will beable to do what is natural..
Now when you read the stories of former homos or listen to their testomonies they all talk about this same sort of thing and how they finally were able to truly grow and mature now that this weight was off of them. You see if you take into consideration that homos have this second adolessents and these former homosexuals testomonies you see what homosexuaity really is.
To allow those who are doing what is unnatural to set policy and law regarding this means only one thing.. You can see that from NW's post.. the person unfortunate enough to have the pathology that cause this will be denied the right to do what is natural.. You can't have both. You can't have it legal to be openly homophobic and openly gay.. You see that in todays society. While they haven't made it illeagal to be homophobic yet, they have tried. They had a case in the supreme court where they tried to make it illeagal to be homophobic. You can't speak out against homos or you will loose your job in most if not all of todays major corporations. So the more power they get the less freedom those who are most vulneralble to them will have.
It is one or the other.. Why do you think sodom was destroyed? It sure wasn't hospitality..
The bible says that their was an out cry to the LORD. Who was giving this outcry it sure wasn't the sodomites..
If you love the innocent you execute the GUILTY. That is a Christian position...