Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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New member
Wrong.. the crime of homosexuality is not about being attracted to the same gender. The crime is about having sex with the same gender. I know from personal experience, you cannot always help who you are attracted to. However, and here is the key, you can help what you do with that attraction. That is a choice.. and a choice to have sex with someone of the same gender is a sinful one. Of course, for homosexuals to have sex, they break more that just what God has to say on homosexuality.. they also have sex outside of marriage (where God clearly ordains marriage to be for one man and one woman for life).. and they also satisfy lust, which is another sin. So, that is three crimes for one act of sex.

I believe you, I know there are people on here though who believe that people "choose" to be gay, from personal experience myself I know that I could not choose it, in which case it hardly seems fair that people through no choice of their own find their same gender attractive.....


Well-known member
The question being asked is which things should a person be put to death for. Try to keep track of what is being asked and answered.
I was. Were you?

Who gets to decide what people get put to death for, you or God? It was God that said idolatry, blasphemy and sabbath breaking are death penalty offenses, and included them in the ten commandments. Those commandments are as valid to day for any Christian as they were for Israel, and have not proven otherwise.
The question was asked in an attempt to trump the point that homosexuals should be put to death by mocking the Bible and saying "Look at all these other things, why don't you put people to death for them as well."
No. It is not mocking the Bible to ask why do you ignore other death penalty offenses and focus on homosexuality. If you get to abrogate the death penalty for blasphemy, idolatry, and sabbath breaking because "those laws were for Israel," then it is reasonable to argue that the death penalty for homosexuality should be abrogated because that law is for Israel. Therefore, it is relevant to the discussion.


New member
I've never been one to promote the homosexual lifestyle, or deathstyle as it's widely know.
My own approach to it on TOL is from some decades of experience as a homo, right in the middle of the homo 'culture' and environment. It's from those years of experience that i argue against the 'right's and the marriage, adoption, and all the rest that goes to push it as something normal. There are many aspects of the lifestyle which are disgusting and quite evil at their exteme, and some of those extremes are thought to be 'normal' amongst many homosexuals out there.
There's no proof that it isn't a disorder, even if it's widely thought o be a natural occurance.

Anyway, that isn't what my post is about. I want to ask if this question of the death sentence for homosexuals (assuming it was brought into force under a theocratic rule) includes those who repent of it after being condemned in the law?

Would it only condemn to death those who refuse to renounce their actions and repent?

What about those who are proved to have indulged in homo sex, but who no longer do, even if they don't renounce it and repent?

Surely, repentance under these conditions would be seen as what it is... forced repentence out of fear of death.

So, would you put those to death who repent, since it's likely their repentence is a lie?

It's fine to say that 'Taliban' style law should be put into place, but there are many details that should be concidered beforehand.

One last thought.... in Kabul, the football arena was used to stone adulterers and homosexuals and various other sinners. My thought is that if this law about putting homosexuals to death had been in place a couple of years ago, in our countries, the way it is being suggested on this thread, neither me nor LMOHM would be alive today to make these arguements.

Those who are promoting this law, are saying that me and LMOHM shouldn't be alive now. Maybe that would be a good thing? :think:


Well-known member
Is there scriptural backing for this supposed difference between moral and symbolic law? In other words, which Biblical passages let us know that you're not simply picking and choosing which laws to enforce?

That's a good good question. Seems interpretation of the laws is/has been debated by Biblical scholars widely, and is/has been taught differently in any number of different Churches. There isn't anywhere near a consensus. Some say all laws are applicable, some say some of them are, some say none of them are. Wha??

What's odd (in my opinion), is that most of them are saying they're the one's that are "right." They all "know" what's true... but they're saying different things? I know, that seems impossible. But then again, apparently Jonah lived in the belly of a whale for a few days and nights, so who's to say what's impossible??

What the hey. If someone "knows," more power to them. That must be comforting. If they're wrong, I hope they don't manage to sway too many. Or have too many millions of folks executed.

But given that there's just a little bit of dispute, I personally would err on the side of caution of not condemning folks to death. I guess some err on the side of caution by advocating a condemnation to death. And of course, some just straight-up know what God said, so there's no erring to be made. Like I'd said, that must be comforting.

But what do I know? I'm sure others here can give you a much more precise answer. Maybe settle it once and for all.

Actually, this has made me think ... I'm going to go have a look to see what Jesus Christ had to say about homosexuals. It's obviously very important, and he had a lot to say, so I'm sure he had a lot to say about it. That ought to shed some light on this.


Interesting that these homo threads go on for pages and pages. And ones about Paris Hilton and O.J. just fade out after a few posts. ;)

Ellen Degeneris is America's sweetheart. Every reality show has a homo cast member. Banning fags from the Army must seem totally weird to most average kids.

Let it go.

You're on the wrong side of history.

It is ironic to the extreme (and sometimes funny watching them!) when fundies and evangelicals try to balance out Jesus' openheartedness and compassion for society's dregs with our own fear, disgust and hatred of all things fag.

You can't be the incarnation of God on earth and at the same time act like every human Joe Sixpack and kick a queer or two around.

--Why is it when fundies hate, then their Jesus must hate, too?

--And when fundies want the government dismantled, their Jesus advocates the same thing?

--When capital punishment comes up, why do evangelicals look for biblical excuses to favor it? Even going so far as to re-interpret the Ten Commandments?

--When neocon, GOP or conservative politics come up, why is a sizable segment of Christianity so keen to emesh with these sorts of people?

--Why do most Christians favor war and revenge and, worse, find ways to justify them with re-interpretations of what the Kingdom of God on earth really entails?

--And poverty and economic justice--how have the fundies managed to take Jesus' major themes of his ministry and pervert them on these issues?


Well-known member
My own approach to it on TOL is from some decades of experience as a homo, right in the middle of the homo 'culture' and environment. It's from those years of experience that i argue against the 'right's and the marriage, adoption, and all the rest that goes to push it as something normal. There are many aspects of the lifestyle which are disgusting and quite evil at their exteme, and some of those extremes are thought to be 'normal' amongst many homosexuals out there.
Do you deny that their are homosexuals that are in monogamous relationships, and that do not engage in 'culture' you experienced?

Do you admit that a significant number of heterosexuals also have a 'culture' that could be called a "death-style" precluding them from "'right's and the marriage, adoption, and all the rest that goes to push it as something normal?" If not, why?
There's no proof that it isn't a disorder, even if it's widely thought o be a natural occurance.
What specifically about homosexuality makes it a disorder, as opposed to the 'normal' wickedness in heterosexual cultures?


New member
Is there scriptural backing for this supposed difference between moral and symbolic law? In other words, which Biblical passages let us know that you're not simply picking and choosing which laws to enforce?


That's what I want to know.

Do they have chapter and verse on that, or are they using their own moral judgment?


Well-known member
Do they have chapter and verse on that, or are they using their own moral judgment?
It appears to me to be selective indignation based on a purely subjective reading of biblical laws they pick and choose according to their denominational viewpoint.


New member
Do you deny that their are homosexuals that are in monogamous relationships, and that do not engage in 'culture' you experienced?

Do you admit that a significant number of heterosexuals also have a 'culture' that could be called a "death-style" precluding them from "'right's and the marriage, adoption, and all the rest that goes to push it as something normal?" If not, why?
What specifically about homosexuality makes it a disorder, as opposed to the 'normal' wickedness in heterosexual cultures?

My introductiory paragraph was to explain where I was coming from. The point of my post was what I wrote after the part you picked out.

My opinions on homosexuality aren't relevent to the point of this thread, since it appears to be a purely religious point, even though it's in the politics section.


Well-known member
My opinions on homosexuality aren't relevent to the point of this thread, since it appears to be a purely religious point, even though it's in the politics section.
Well, when someone claims to be speaking from decades experience in the "death-style" making statements that could be equally applied to heterosexuals, I have to question those opinions.


Formerly Shimei!
C'mon Shimei, earlier in this thread you moaned how difficult it was to get a 'yes' or 'no' answer, so how come you arent giving one? i asked you if you think adultery should be 'encouraged' to be brought back as a capital crime, do you think it should - yes or no?

Yes. :duh:


Formerly Shimei!
The Laws are good to learn from. But the punishments no longer apply, not under grace.

What should the penalty be for murder? Life in prison?
Does grace = life in prison?

You are mixing matters of salvation with the justice system.


Formerly Shimei!
What about having hatred for someone versus telling someone you paid more than you really did in tithes?

Futhermore, Jesus told Pilate that the one who delivered Him had greater sin, because the Pharisees that delivered Him were the ones accusing Jesus, and wanting Him crucified. Pilate was not accusing Jesus. He believes Jesus is innocent, and would have let Him go if not for the crowd forcing him.

Which is a worse sin, stealing a pen or murder?

I will positive rep you if I can get a direct and short answer.


Formerly Shimei!
I don't keep the Sabbath and I don't understand if you keep the food laws or not.

If I said that you don't, would that be correct?


No. You would not be correct. Your question doesn't take into consideration my point of view, that I fulfill the entire law. It doesn't matter if happen to only eat clean meats, because I don't do it in obedience to any law. I am not under the old covenant.

You are not under the old covenant so you don’t keep the food laws. I asked you if it would be correct to say that you do not keep the food laws and you said “no.”

So which is it????
It is really a simple question and you are making it much more complicated than it needs to be. Can we please drop all theological discussion at this point and could you please just answer this simple question? It would actually explain much and help me understand where you are coming from if you just said “yes” or “no”. At that point then we could maybe discuss the theological implications of you answer.

If not, then I see no point in having any further discussion with you on this matter.


New member
Gal 2:7
But you don't seem to want to follow.

Galatians 2:7 (New King James Version)
7 But on the contrary, when they saw that the gospel for the uncircumcised had been committed to me, as the gospel for the circumcised was to Peter (I know it's off topic, but do you believe Peter preached a different gospel than Paul?)

No, I don't follow. And I'm really trying, but the only thing that Scripture suggest to me is that you are probably a dispensationalist. It doesn't show me how you decide which capital crimes should be enforced and which are only symbolic and apply only to Israel.


Well-known member
You are not under the old covenant so you don’t keep the food laws. I asked you if it would be correct to say that you do not keep the food laws and you said “no.”

So which is it????
I don't keep the food laws. They were abrogated on the cross.

The ten commandments were not abrogated on the cross. The fourth commandment is still valid. God said breaking the sabbath was a death penalty offense. You claim to break the sabbath.

Which of God's laws are you claiming that homosexuals should be put to death based on? Be specific.