Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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The moral code still applies. The moral code is the ten commandments.. and the sexual laws. Don't tell me that they don't, because they do. Unless you want to support incest among 'consenting' family members?

The Laws are good to learn from. But the punishments no longer apply, not under grace.


Well-known member
Well then the Sacrificial Laws must still apply too but I don't see you sacrificing lambs on altars by High Priests. And don't try that "Jesus fulfilled that," because it's all or nothing.

Matt 5:18for, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass.

You cannot pick and choose which Laws will and will not apply to you. Either they all will or none of them will.

So should I take it then that you do support incest amongst 'consenting' family members?



Well-known member
Wrong.. the crime of homosexuality is not about being attracted to the same gender. The crime is about having sex with the same gender. I know from personal experience, you cannot always help who you are attracted to. However, and here is the key, you can help what you do with that attraction. That is a choice.. and a choice to have sex with someone of the same gender is a sinful one. Of course, for homosexuals to have sex, they break more that just what God has to say on homosexuality.. they also have sex outside of marriage (where God clearly ordains marriage to be for one man and one woman for life).. and they also satisfy lust, which is another sin. So, that is three crimes for one act of sex.

Tell me, are you for grace or the Law?

Memento Mori

New member
So should I take it then that you do support incest amongst 'consenting' family members?


No because I know it is wrong. I don't need God to tell me that.

But you're placing the carnal over the spiritual. Well my flesh died on the cross with Christ. God sees me as my sacrifice and high priest, that is Jesus.


Well-known member
Tell me, are you for grace or the Law?

God's grace is there for all of us. 'For by grace are you saved through faith.. '

There are parts of God's law which still apply to us.. which are part of the moral code.. (murder, stealing, homosexuality, adultery, incest, beastiality).. yes we have grace.. but if we are to live a homosexual lifestyle for example, we are going against God's law.

Homosexuals will be without excuse when they stand before God on judgement day. I used to live in a homosexual lifestyle, and watching homosexuals and how they behave makes for some extremely grim viewing.


Well-known member
No because I know it is wrong. I don't need God to tell me that.

But you're placing the carnal over the spiritual. Well my flesh died on the cross with Christ. God sees me as my sacrifice and high priest, that is Jesus.

I see.. incest, as far as I am aware, is only forbidden in the law of Moses. Therefore, how do you know that it isn't ok to now go off and be with a close family member? After all, you said that the law no longer applies.

Memento Mori

New member
God's grace is there for all of us. 'For by grace are you saved through faith.. '

There are parts of God's law which still apply to us.. which are part of the moral code.. (murder, stealing, homosexuality, adultery, incest, beastiality).. yes we have grace.. but if we are to live a homosexual lifestyle for example, we are going against God's law.

Homosexuals will be without excuse when they stand before God on judgement day. I used to live in a homosexual lifestyle, and watching homosexuals and how they behave makes for some extremely grim viewing.

You still clearly defy the teaching of Jesus.

Matt 5:18for, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass.

Please note, I will continue to quote this passage until it is addressed.

Memento Mori

New member
I see.. incest, as far as I am aware, is only forbidden in the law of Moses. Therefore, how do you know that it isn't ok to now go off and be with a close family member? After all, you said that the law no longer applies.

I'm pretty sure incest is illegal in the US. I do know it's illegal to marry a direct family member and I think that extends to the third cousin. I'm not all that sure. But regardless, Adam ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It would only make sense that the curse of the fruit (that is knowledge of Good and Evil) would extend to me.

You're still hung up on that curse though. I don't understand how you can accept being hung from a tree like that. Just read the Book of Galatains. Paul goes over the Law entirely and shows that it's either faith in Christ or faith in Law.


Well-known member
You still clearly defy the teaching of Jesus.

Matt 5:18for, verily I say to you, till that the heaven and the earth may pass away, one iota or one tittle may not pass away from the law, till that all may come to pass.

Please note, I will continue to quote this passage until it is addressed.

It has been said time and time again.. the moral law still applies, the ceremonial law does not. I will keep saying this until it gets into that thick skull of yours and the cogs finally start turning!



Well-known member
I'm pretty sure incest is illegal in the US. I do know it's illegal to marry a direct family member and I think that extends to the third cousin. I'm not all that sure. But regardless, Adam ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It would only make sense that the curse of the fruit (that is knowledge of Good and Evil) would extend to me.

You're still hung up on that curse though. I don't understand how you can accept being hung from a tree like that. Just read the Book of Galatains. Paul goes over the Law entirely and shows that it's either faith in Christ or faith in Law.

Using your logic why did God ever need to give a law? After all, many so-called 'christians' don't have the knowledge of good and evil when it comes to homosexuality.

Faith in Christ or faith in the ceremonial law.. things such as eating pork, circumcision etc.. The moral law still applies!

Memento Mori

New member
It has been said time and time again.. the moral law still applies, the ceremonial law does not. I will keep saying this until it gets into that thick skull of yours and the cogs finally start turning!


Well then, I guess I win because I have provided a verse rather than custom to prove my point.

You know it was said time and time again that the Earth was flat and the sun revolved around it way back when. But things changed. My point being that just because it is commonly accepted doesn't make it right.

Memento Mori

New member
That sounds just like homosexuality.


Regardless, I win right?

I would much rather have you address the verse than just turn a blind eye. I want to know how you reconcile the two.

Also, how do you mean "that sounds just like homosexuality"? Are you saying people support it so much that it's accepted or that homosexuals so that to heterosexuality.


Well-known member
Regardless, I win right?

I would much rather have you address the verse than just turn a blind eye. I want to know how you reconcile the two.

Also, how do you mean "that sounds just like homosexuality"? Are you saying people support it so much that it's accepted or that homosexuals so that to heterosexuality.

Just because homosexuality is commonly accepted in society doesn't make it right.

As for the verse, I am not turning a blind eye, you are. Unless you want to enforce the ceremonial law yourself of course? I doubt that. You'd sooner remove the moral law so you can do pretty much what you please.

EDIT: This isn't a case of who wins who loses.. this is a case of who supports God's law and who doesn't.

Memento Mori

New member
Just because homosexuality is commonly accepted in society doesn't make it right.

As for the verse, I am not turning a blind eye, you are. Unless you want to enforce the ceremonial law yourself of course? I doubt that. You'd sooner remove the moral law so you can do pretty much what you please.

Well you've assumed my reasoning incorrectly but I'll deal with it in a second.

The verse Matt 5:18 say in a nutshell that until the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets are fulfilled and the Earth and heavens pass away none of the Law can pass away.

You say that we can toss out the ceremonial, and sacrificial but we must keep the moral part of the Law. This directly conflicts the verse.

As for why I disregard the Law is because I cannot make it to Heaven and accept the Law (Gal 2:19-21). If I accept any part of Law then I make myself a sinner and no sinner can make it to heaven no matter how much they repent. Plus there is no righteousness through Law and only the righteous can enter heaven. Also, the Law is a curse to man (Galatians 3:10-12).


Well-known member
God's grace is there for all of us. 'For by grace are you saved through faith.. '

There are parts of God's law which still apply to us.. which are part of the moral code.. (murder, stealing, homosexuality, adultery, incest, beastiality).. yes we have grace.. but if we are to live a homosexual lifestyle for example, we are going against God's law.

Homosexuals will be without excuse when they stand before God on judgement day. I used to live in a homosexual lifestyle, and watching homosexuals and how they behave makes for some extremely grim viewing.

Again, the law is great to learn from. God's righteousness hasn't changed, you are right. But do you believe that means we should kill them? That would be going back under the Law, and are you willing to stick yourself under the Law, the ENTIRE Law?


Well-known member
Using your logic why did God ever need to give a law? After all, many so-called 'christians' don't have the knowledge of good and evil when it comes to homosexuality.

Faith in Christ or faith in the ceremonial law.. things such as eating pork, circumcision etc.. The moral law still applies!

The moral laws are fine, and you should try to obey them. But you forget that the sins we commit by trespassing those moral laws have already been paid for in full. Recall this analogy from Christ, and consider it well: Matthew 18:21-35

Would you rather forgive the homosexuals their transgression or put them to death?


New member
Hall of Fame
It's obvious to anyone this country wasn't founded with the intention of being a banner for Christianity, so why then don't evangelicals use their gigantic purse and buy an island somewhere in the Pacific? You can get a good sized one for a few XXX,XXX. Implement the 'Shadow Gov' there and come back to tell us how it's going.

Unless people are desperate for order, hope, and/or protection, they're not going to hand this secular government over to religious radicals. Any arguement for the implementation of a law is not going to be won on scripture, at least in the West.

Whether he realizes it or not that Enyart calls his agenda a "Shadow Government" is more than a little ironic.


New member
Who was Jesus addressing when he said those things? :think:


Ah, it was the religious hypocrites of his day.

Exactly :up: Why do people go to such lengths to try and justify childish insults when Jesus never did the same - nor encouraged anyone to do it either? pretty sad really if you cant debate without ad homs.....