Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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icilian fenner

New member
If we went with what God said, and we didn't just let men make up rules, we wouldn't have to worry about motor sports or burnt toast being illegal.

If we did, then we'd no longer have to worry about your erroneous 'it's justified as a deterrent, because less people would die' argument.

Do you think of the post I initially responded to as been shown to be a non argument?


The Dark Knight
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God is perfect. Why should He be able to relate to sin? That doesn't seem like a crazy concept to me. God had never been tempted until Jesus came to earth. Jesus was half-man, and only then did God experience the same temptations we deal with everyday. The only difference is that He never sinned.

If homosexuals are not excluded from receiving God's grace, then why do you think they should be executed? Why is their sin worse than yours?
Same reason we think murderers and rapists should be executed. And whether their sin is worse or not, their crime is worse than any crimes many of us ahve committed. However, I do not include myself, because I have actually done something that God commanded get the death penalty. I deserve to die, not just because of sin [especially since Christ already died for my sin, so I don't have to] but for a crime I committed.

Note: I do not mean a crime that is currently illegal in the United States.


New member
About the fourth commandment? Sure. But the commandment about adultery can be interpreted symbolically, too, as in the spiritual adultery God rebukes Israel and Judah for.
There is only one standard. Love.

Ro 13:9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Jas 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

Love fulfills every law in the Bible. The standard to judge any act is: Am I loving my neighbor as I would want to be loved when I do [fill in the act]. If the act has nothing to do with loving your neighbor, or if you can show love towards another in that act, it cannot be a sin.

So simple a child could understand it.

I agree in that love fulfils everything :thumb:, thats why wanting to implement a system that would kill people for a sexual orientation does not fulfill it.....


New member
Hall of Fame
For what it's worth, Brandon, I suspect the "crime" you mention obliquely is not something great and terrible. That's not a put down, I'm just saying, no need to beat yourself up about it or anything.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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If we did, then we'd no longer have to worry about your erroneous 'it's justified as a deterrent, because less people would die' argument.
You're an idiot if you think God doesn't have that same stance. He said homosexuals should be put to death. End of story.

Do you think of the post I initially responded to as been shown to be a non argument?
I think your drivel is the non-argument.


New member
Same reason we think murderers and rapists should be executed. And whether their sin is worse or not, their crime is worse than any crimes many of us ahve committed. However, I do not include myself, because I have actually done something that God commanded get the death penalty. I deserve to die, not just because of sin [especially since Christ already died for my sin, so I don't have to] but for a crime I committed.

Note: I do not mean a crime that is currently illegal in the United States.

The reason why murderers and rapists would deserve the DP is because of the direct violent violation and death of another person, they're crimes for good reason! Two people having consentual sex be it hetero 'outside of wedlock' or homo in an whatever situation is in no way comparable....


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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The reason why murderers and rapists would deserve the DP is because of the direct violent violation and death of another person, its a crime for good reason! Two people having consentual sex be it hetero 'outside of wedlock' or homo in an whatever situation is in no way comparable....
God doesn't agree with you. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time, pervert.

icilian fenner

New member
You're an idiot if you think God doesn't have that same stance. He said homosexuals should be put to death. End of story.

You seemed to be making a point: "if we execute for this, less people will die in the end - this makes it more acceptable". A brief comparison shows a double standard in this thinking, as you wouldn't want to apply it to everything. Hence its a non-argument.

You responded to my post by addressing an issue that wasn't under discussion as an attempt to deflect criticism, and a chance to ad hom. :yawn:
I think your drivel is the non-argument.

A yes or no would suffice.

Stop being evasive - do you think 'if I execute for this, it will save more lives in the end' is a justification?


New member
I believe that no sin is worse than any other sin. Jesus calls hatred the same as murder and lust the same as adultery. I just don't understand at all why we can just see a homosexual, and then want them executed and condemned to hell, but then look at pre-marital sex or something, and be like, "oh, that's not good, but Jesus will forgive you." I think that we need to quit judging and condemning people when we do things that are just as bad as them. As Christians, we should love people and share the better way with them instead of pointing fingers and wanting them dead.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Thats right LH, thats why we should put adulterers to death today too right? :doh:
It's not the only reason, and you know that. I've explained it many times, as have others.

What a typical lack of response to an argument :rolleyes:
I was asked a question, and my answer was "no." I decided to elaborate. There was not argument taking place in the question I was asked, anyway. Try learning some comprehension.


Well-known member
"If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."
-Leviticus 20:13
You might try looking at that verse more closely, and studying the Hebrew, as it only condemns a man having sex with a married man. That is what the conditional clause "as he lies with a woman" means. It was another form of adultery. Had it been a prohibition on all homosexuality it would have been worded differently, and also applied to women, which it was not.

Now the commandment and death penalty for adultery is crystal clear, and Jesus even said, "That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Mt 5:28). :think:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You seemed to be making a point: "if we execute for this, less people will die in the end - this makes it more acceptable". A brief comparison shows a double standard in this thinking, as you wouldn't want to apply it to everything. Hence its a non-argument.
You're an idiot. There is absolutely no reason for motor sports or burnt toast to be crimes, period.

You responded to my post by addressing an issue that wasn't under discussion as an attempt to deflect criticism, and a chance to ad hom. :yawn:
How so?

A yes or no would suffice.
Stop whining.

Stop being evasive - do you think 'if I execute for this, it will save more lives in the end' is a justification?
When it comes to something that endangers more than a single person who is involving themselves, and is always dangerous, no matter the "precautions" taken, yes, I do.


Well-known member
Same reason we think murderers and rapists should be executed. And whether their sin is worse or not, their crime is worse than any crimes many of us ahve committed.
1John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

It doesn't take much to be considered a murderer in God's eyes. You should consider that.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I don't need you to go through the whole list, I just want you to tell me what guideline you use to determine which of the laws are symbolic and which are not.

If God commanded a law for a behavior that is inherently evil it should apply to all people.

If God gave a law for something that is not inherently evil we will see exceptions to that law in scripture. It was evil for a Jew not to be circumcised because circumcision was commanded of the Jews, but gentiles were never commanded to be circumcised.
The Sabbath is a neat example because even the Jews were told to break the Sabbath in order to perform circumcision on the 8th day of a child life.

On the subject of homosexuality I am about to make a confession that is probably going to surprise you. I am not 100% sure that the death penalty for homosexuality was not ordered to set Israel apart from the other nations. I have, however, come to the conclusion that since homosexuality is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments that it would be best to give homosexuals the benifit of the doubt and prevent millions of people from going down that path.
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The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I believe that no sin is worse than any other sin. Jesus calls hatred the same as murder and lust the same as adultery. I just don't understand at all why we can just see a homosexual, and then want them executed and condemned to hell, but then look at pre-marital sex or something, and be like, "oh, that's not good, but Jesus will forgive you." I think that we need to quit judging and condemning people when we do things that are just as bad as them. As Christians, we should love people and share the better way with them instead of pointing fingers and wanting them dead.
God commanded it. Who are we to argue? Yes, God will forgive the homosexuals who truly seek His forgiveness. And the same for the murderer. But He still demands justice. And a Godly person will demand it as well, even if it is for themselves.

"So Paul said, 'I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you very well know. For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.'"
-Acts 25:10-11