Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Memento Mori

New member

What a loon.
Just trying to help...please. BTW, people like you come and go all the time.

You're right!

What was I sayin'? I don't say that mooshy goo goo stuff. We'll leave that to the Evangelists. I must be tired from lack of sleep (and I think that statement proved it).

But I still hold to my case. Delmar has simply backed down because I posed an outlandish question with evidence.


Formerly Shimei!
I don't need you to go through the whole list, I just want you to tell me what guideline you use to determine which of the laws are symbolic and which are not.

I think we gave you that, didn't we? :confused:

Easy example:
Is not keeping the Sabbath a crime?

Is murder a crime?


New member
Is it just me, or have you not actually answered the question? :think: Care to say what the guideline is, not what a result of the guideline is?

Thanks :)

I'm just trying to figure out if their guideline is biblical or if they are using their own moral judgement to decide what capital crimes should be enforced.


New member
Why did He say that? Tell the whole story.

Here's your whole story.

"But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?” This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

Jesus was making the Pharisees aware of their own sin. If we still lived under the law of Moses, we'd all deserve to be stoned to death. The reason homosexuals should not be executed is because we now live under a new covenant, where you have a chance to receive grace for your sins through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Why is it ok for you to be allowed to receive grace and pardon for your sins, if homosexuals cannot?? God's mercy is not exclusive.

icilian fenner

New member
Thanks :)

I'm just trying to figure out if their guideline is biblical or if they are using their own moral judgement to decide what capital crimes should be enforced.

No problem..
I'm really intrigued as to the answer to that too.
:D Heres to a speedy response, ehy, TOL christian conservatives who-actually-support-the-death-penalty-for-homosexuality/homosexuals. I'm sure there's a less clumsy why I could have said that...

icilian fenner

New member
Do you need someone to hold your hand and provide links? Go back and read.

Care to link me? I really ought to be getting on with other things right now :noid:. I'm just procrastinating..

My point was based on you not answering the question with what you said in that one post.. You gave a response that didn't address the question; I assumed that if you had answered it earlier you'd have re-iterated the point.


Formerly Shimei!
Care to link me? I really ought to be getting on with other things right now :noid:. I'm just procrastinating..

My point was based on you not answering the question with what you said in that one post.. You gave a response that didn't address the question; I assumed that if you had answered it earlier you'd have re-iterated the point.

As you wish:


Formerly Shimei!
Thanks :)

I'm just trying to figure out if their guideline is biblical or if they are using their own moral judgement to decide what capital crimes should be enforced.

First off, to start, you do agree that putting someone to death for not keeping the Sabbath does not apply to believers today, correct?

You also agree that those who commit murder today, should be put to death, correct?


New member
The legal age of consent in the UK is 16.. I was sleeping around with other guys long before I was 16, and as far as I was concerned, I was consenting.

It makes me :vomit: to think of now.. but I can't change the past. God has forgiven me for my past behaviour however.

What I'm saying is that the law may have an age of consent, but in the real world, there are many underage kids who are sleeping around, and you are the one making the issue out of consent.

Once again- out of legally recognized consent. Stop trying to change my statement into something it's not.


New member
First off, to start, you do agree that putting someone to death for not keeping the Sabbath does not apply to believers today, correct?

You also agree that those who commit murder today, should be put to death, correct?

Er, :duh: lets see :think: One is the taking of another persons life, the other is going jogging or something on a sunday or saturday depending on when you think the sabbath actually falls......

Now that the blindingly obvious is out of the way why do you think that homosexuals should be put to death TODAY for having a same sex attraction and not for violating the sabbath law? Please provide specific and irrefutable evidence as to why the sabbath law is just 'symbolic' and why the mosaic law for homosexuality applies to the present day

Thanks in advance :wave:


New member
I didn't ask if God is a sinner. I asked does God contradict Himself when He tell US SINNERS to put someone to death?

No, He doesn't. Under the Old Covenant, God could not relate to the sinful nature of humankind. Stoning was the ancient version of capital punishment. Notice, not all sins required stoning, however, all sin was punished unless it was atoned. The Mosiac Law worked in a way similar to our own judicial system.

Since Jesus came to earth, and God can now relate to humans, we are not entitled to execute people just because we think their sin is more horrible than our sin. In the Old Testament, it was an eye for an eye, but under the New Covenant, we have no authority to condemn someone for any sin, because our own is just as bad. Hatred is now the same as murder, and lust is the same as adultery.

Now, Shimei, would you please be so kind as to tell me why you are entitled to receive God's mercy, and a homosexual is not??

icilian fenner

New member
Shemei, are you saying that all capital crime laws you do not push to be re-instated are between God and someone other than the entire populace?


New member

What I can make out from this is that if the law is named in the NT as being not for gentiles, then it's not a crime for us. If it isn't mentioned by Paul or someone else in the NT as being not for gentiles, then it remains a crime for us... right?